Holy fucking shit i really don't fucking want to live any more

holy fucking shit i really don't fucking want to live any more

i tried fucking talking to everyone. even fucking camwhores ignore me, when i've given them thousands of dollars

holy fucking shit this is how it feels to be completely and totally fucking worthless.

so the question is, how do i kill myself? trips decides.

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Self trips? Wallow in your suffering forever.

shit, i have to fucking decide myself?

what are the fucking odds

If you have thousands of dollars for camwhores then you have thousands of dollars to do something wonderful with. Make a prototype of something and see if you can't get funding to manufacture it.

If you are ready to die then you've nothing to lose by giving something an honest shot.

FFS Just kill yourself if you want to do it.


My guess is that you're getting this all wrong.

In order to really get someone's attention, you have to seriously piss them off first. There's literally no other way.

I'm sorry but that's just the way it is. Most people have heads far too deep in their asses to notice you in any other situation.

You have thousands to waste on camwhores, why don't you use that money for something good? Take a trip, broaden your horizons, open your mind. You only have 1 life.

im a cam/snap whore with no friends, im in the same situation lmao. if u wanna talk or anything u can add me : lemon.power (on snapchat)

If you can give camwhores hundreds of dollars you can go to Chinkland and get a face surgery and while you're there buy (or kidnap) a vietnamese girl (male)

i added you, i probably won't give you money though.

mindless drivel

its ok :p

I still like it though. It's not his best piece of audio.
Only posted it because it was about suicide.

yeah i should get all the surgeries i need to get to "average" i guess.

i have an asymmetrical jaw, super fucked up teeth, a wrist and elbow which click incessantly, my knees pop and i'm bowlegged, i have a shrek nose, a balky shoulder, a hip that pops every once in a while, an ankle which i fucked up really bad in high school and never fixed and i'm pretty sure some of those ligaments are gone forever, and i'd need to get my loose skin cut off and gynecomastia surgery.

a rough, conservative estimate puts that at $250,000. by the time i could afford that, i'll be bald and too old to save anyways.

i really have no fucking reason to live, i'll never be able to afford all that shit. and that's not even to be attractive, that's just to be fucking normal.

>have thousands of dollars of disposable income
>give it to camwhores

No wonder you're so unhappy. You could have spent that on drugs and hookers, and you were too stupid to do even that. If you have any cash left, get yourself a teener of coke and a blow job, and see if that doesn't brighten your day. If you're all out of money, yeah probably just kill yourself.

yeah i still have money i just don't have any clue where to get all that

cool thread, thanks guys

still trips decides how i an hero.

Just fucking kill yourself nigger. Live stream it.

If you're serious? Then either carbon monoxide poisoning, or get a flight to the middle east and suicide bomb ISIS. Even number you get carbon monoxide, odd number you suicide bomb

>File: Question.jpg (92 KB, 914x1000)
Suicide is no joke, you shouldn't do it. That being said, butt chugging alcohol. Let's see those trips.

Trips get. Start smoking 4 packs of cigarette a day to develop cancer AMD refuse treatment