Best way to get 50-70 pills past drugs dogs/security check point?

Best way to get 50-70 pills past drugs dogs/security check point?

In the stinky

Also are you Aussie?

Too many, and yeah m8


Be White

Put them in a ziploc bag. Put that ziploc into another ziploc with hotsauce. Dont zip it all the way and hide it under your seat

I am but drug dogs aren't prejudice
I'm walking through a festival entrance

Be in the NSW state police.

vasoline and hotsauce
up pooper

>Put in kangaroo pouch
>lead Kangaroo past checkpoint with bait

Find area to throw over fence, go in, collect.

Put them in a soda can or something so it goes unnoticed

Airport security?

Music festival

1-put them in a plastic bag, be sure it's water tight
2- attach a string to it
3-put the plastic bag in your fuel tank and attach the string to the cap

Why yes officer, I will put them in a bag with ILLEGAL PILLS on the front. One day you cunts are gonna wind up on the wrong end of a gun. I live for that day

Remove security.

I'm walking past dogs and security/police
You're cooked mate calm down

only this

you dont want to have any drug when they check you. Maybe you cant stand the pressure and act nervous. they will get you.

get mcdonalds bag or similar trash, put in, throw over fence, go pick up


I'm thinking in groin area or in pooper is best bet

Package them in air tight containers, one inside another. Thoroughly sanitize each layer before adding another layer. Make sure the pills do not touch ANYTHING. Almost every time a dog smells drugs in a vehicle it's not because they were poorly packaged, but because some dipshit still had it on their hands or person and touched the car or the outside of the package.

or last time i was at a festival i got a big lantern, unscrewed the inside panel and just put evrything in there in a bag, behind the batterys. dogs cant smell shit at a festival everyone has drugs on them they get confused. just be confident when walking

Doesn't work fagget. You can't beat a sniffer dogs nose. Throw it over a fence somewhere

1-put them in a plastic bag, be sure it's water tight
2- attach a string to it
3-put the plastic bag in your ass and attach the string to your panties

a "mate" of mine got about the same number of pills and caps into listen out last year.

he made bundles of pills/ caps into water bombs.
and put those water bombs into water bombs a couple more times.
made 2 batches and taped them all up.

had 2 girls put them in condoms and put the condoms up their snatch.

walked in all fine and I personally watched one of the girls walk past a number of dogs.

dude its not rocket science. im assuming youre gearing up for groovin or splendour. if youre trucking in 50-70 pills im gonna assume you have the money to buy these simple things.

special heat seal bags, a vac sealer, vac seal bags.

wear gloves throughout the entire process and be sure not to use a hand that has touched the drugs to touch the outside of the heat or vac seal bags. Put the drugs in whatever regular baggie you have, then put them in the heat sealed bag and use a hair straightener to close that, rub the bag down with methanol. then put the heat sealed bag into a vac seal one, and use the vac seal to close that up, again rub it down with methanol.

Done this all 3 times going into splendour with about the same amount of drugs, whilst walking past the dogs and got through everytime.


Bring a dog with you, seal the shit and put it inside a bag with doggies treats

Oh forgot to mention the 2 girls were told it was a couple each.
they had no idea it was 40 each.

This helped a lot as they didn't walk around looking like the suss cunt drug mules they were.

Pills don't smell like anything bruh you're fine

Cheek it and steer queer of any dog

Cheek or anus?

Steer clear. My bad. Honest mistake.


>Steers and queers


The way he say it depends on the situation. If leo harassing cheek means cheek. But if you going to get 3 hots and a cot cheeek it a now mean stuff it and in this case smuggling it a mean dig deep.

and they couldn't tell the difference in size of package....seems legit

>Honest mistake.
Yeah, sure...

All bullshit aside, you know how these phones auto correct and shit. It's hella annoying at times.

this is the real answer OP just pocket that shit and don't worry about it

Nah, you aint fooling me mate!

mate just told them it was layered heaps for their safety.

>buy drone
>attach drug stash to said drone
>fly drone high over checkpoint
>collect drugs on the other side


in a ziplock bag, in a shampoo bottle

Move from your country, here in Spain you can go to a festival and even the dogs are drugs dealer, nobody cares about that except if you are making troubles.

This was referred to OP, I still don't know how to do triforce

Get a mate to cause a huge scene and get all attention on him while you slip past

Buy some ipecac.

wrap up all the pills in plastic bags with 2-3 per bag.
Eat them all, get into thing, ipecac them all up.
Or just take them all anyway

Why the fuck would you risk x years of freedom for what, € 350?
Pills go for € 5 each, you make shit.
The risk isnt worth it faggot

Shoot the dogs, they won't be looking for drugs if they're dead.

except they are worth 17.74 euro where OP is from. Could sell them for double that in a music festival.

Sure you can. They don't sniff shit, they just bark at people their handler thinks are suspicious, letting him claim probable cause and violated your fourth amendment rights.

Package your drugs carefully, and hide them in a friend's bags. You'll get stopped because you look shifty, and your friend with the drugs will walk straight through.