What's a sociopath? They say 1 in 25 people are one. What's it like to be one? Do you guys get with lots of women?

What's a sociopath? They say 1 in 25 people are one. What's it like to be one? Do you guys get with lots of women?

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I'm a bonafide sociopath and it's easy to charm people when you can see right through them. People don't understand that sociopaths aren't incapable of emotions. It's just that we see most people's emotions as petty and superficial. Emotions are a waste of time most of the time, and when I realized that, it became easy to manipulate people and exploit their stupidity.

So yeah it's really easy to charm idiots if you're sociopathic. It's seen as wise and intelligent and first, but then they catch on to the fact that you're a freak.


How do you react to people who see through your attempts?

If you rather would first kill and than fuck her instead of kissing/fucking/touching her.

theres no such thing as a sociopath. there are only edgy faggots who think they're special snowflakes

I move on

The beauty is that I'm not in a position to really be affected by it, so it all works itself out.

Dude you need to lay off the YouTube or whatever the fuck you're watching too much of instead of being productive.


Self diagnosed I assume?

Interesting. Do you get with lots of women?

Fucking this. I was diagnosed with sociopathic tendencies, and someone let it slip. Suddenly this carefully constructed web came crashing down. People began to slowly realise just how much i had fucked them.

Despite this, I very much feel emotion. I hurt and cry. I have bipolar disorder. I just view other people as lists and numbers. I have no consideration for them.

what are some legit emotions that you've had and what are some situations that you think deserves emotions?

Not poster but I can answer and I'm sure he'll agree. Emotional attachment is still very much a thing, just rare because you often aren't able to intimately connect with anyone. When you do, your connection becomes calculated and innate. You'll do anything to keep it. In 99% of other situations, you just don't give a fuck. It's easy for me to lie about it and put on a face, there's just no genuine caring behind it.


No I think I get the normal amount. People who constantly chase pussy are not complete people.

Art and music are really the only things that can move me to tears.

Oh and if you're family member or a pet dies, I'm not gonna think you're an idiot for crying. I'm not a monster.


And your psychiatrist specifically used the term 'sociopath'?

ill think about it

the definition of a sociopath is still so vaguely defined it shouldn't even be a thing. if your shrink told you youre a sociopath theyre only feeding your delusion. be honest with yourself

Do people think you're "cold," how would someone you don't know too well describe you.

Sauce me

Spock isn't portrayed as a sociopath, he is profoundly moral and decent.

they dont exist. All psychologists are equivalent to cultists, completely cut off from the real world and anything they believe should be taken as fiction

a sociopath is someone who can't feel compassion the normal way, they can hurt people financially, physically and it won't bother them. They can't relate to other people's feelings, but they can manipulate other people's feelings.

Basically its a person that doesn't care about what other people think or feel about them.

>ITT: teenagers who think that they are dark masters of manipulation because they tend to get their own way with their parents and teachers

The thing with sociopaths is that people would characterize you as sort of a loner and blunt. Unfortunately people are too stupid and give you the benefit of the doubt saying that you are blunt instead of realizing that the person actually is cold and not addressing what is in front of them.
One thing that is different about sociopaths is that they can get angry and they are actually very emotional in a way. They tend to do things because they feel like it not thinking of the consequences.
Now psychopaths are the ones who don't feel, the ones that are cold and calculating. The thing about psychopathy is that you're most likely not going to find out that they have psychopathy unlike someone who is a sociopath

>What's it like to be one?
Not too different from being "average", you're just unsatisfied more often because you get bored with things a lot easier.

why is there an anti-psychologists sentiment in this board?

is it bait for the ama psychologists thread?

He's a role model of mine in a way in that he doesn't let emotion cloud his judgement. People think he's cold and unfeeling sometimes, but he means well. I try to do the right thing most of the time.

dissocial personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder

I'm an asshole, but morally I'm pretty solid. I think that sums it up pretty well.

>"I will tell you my opinion on something I don't have the slightest idea about since I don't understand the fundaments of the science that encompasses it, yet I will portray it in a negative light that describes my own opinion way more precise than it does the subject I directed it upon."
Fixed that for you

this one retard I knew identifies as a psychopath. Ive actually found that most retards in my life believed that they werent, in fact, retarded and that they were actually psychopaths because its the one personality disorder that sounds cool.

Guess you have a degree then. Excuse me. I didnt mean to offend your beliefs

>Basically its a person that doesn't care about what other people think or feel about them

Err, no. I don't give a flying fuck what people think about me precisely because I am not a narcissistic, manipulative douchebag.

A true sociopath on the other hand has the insatiable urge to be loved and admired despite their husk of a personality, which is partly responsible for their relentless urge to charm and persuade others.

is your fedora checkered or a solid color?

Did you know about the disorder before seeing a psychfag?

What are your relationships with women like? I'm talking about your lady friends, and potentially your girlfriends, and gf/significant other.

>psychology is a science

kekd hard mate

Threads like this draw in users who have had some involvement with counsellors, psychiatrists and psychologists, quite possibly against their will. As such a lot of the posters tend to be bitter and conspiratorial.

>A true sociopath on the other hand has the insatiable urge to be loved and admired despite their husk of a personality, which is partly responsible for their relentless urge to charm and persuade others.

You've just described a narcissistic type of a sociopath. I'm pretty sure there are more versions of that disorder.

MODS !!! Underaged b& v&

be patient with this user

I knew I was fucked up and it took about 3 sessions to figure out the deal.


Rainbow Dash color scheme with wings, a Bernie Sander button and a Cthulhu pin.

Calm down neckbeard.

IDK, that pussy looks like it's seen a couple of decades of use

Can't trick me bro. I hate everyone and only pretend to care

Fair enough, I will give you that - I just take issue with implication that those who aren't interested in what others feel about them are in some way sociopathic. I might not be particularly bothered about being liked but that does not mean I am lacking in empathy or emotion.

I hate everyone and only pretend to care when it benefits me.

Of course they're other marks you have to hit to be a true sociopath. Not just not giving a fuck about what people think about you.

i think there is to be fair although most whom assume they are as you say tards who want attention

i know a cunt and hes a classic sociopath , he will lie decieve and cheat anyone and anything , he knows he is doing wrong but this doesnt stop him . He beats his girlfriend , abuses his children mentally , starts fights for no reason , is constantly agressive regardless of the need or not , continues to have the cops on him for his fuckin stupid actions etc etc . A vile piece of shit and thats the laugh as online snowflakes try to aline themselves with cunts like these .... they thought that through well

oh and a phyicopath is near the same but not to be confused , the phyc doesnt know or care about their actions , is just uncontrollable .

oh i see. thanks.

Um yeah, that's what I said faggot

god, why dont you know every european language? you must be some kind of fucking retard.



A sociopath would not be on Sup Forums.

some would argue theyre on the same spectrum

That's wrong.



ITT: people who think disregarding emotions is tantamount to psychopathology.

Read some books. Not internet articles. Read recent research, don't look up your own hypothesis on google search.

Hopefully this will be read by a couple people browsing and you won't turn into a first year psych student esposing their seperior opinions everywhere.


Okay to conclude this for you, you stupid fucks. What's more useful with women and people in general, a psychopath or a sociopath and why you little fucks?
Thank you snowflakes in advance.

In terms of contributing to the scientific field it has been one of the most influential given its existed for roughly just over 200 years you uneducated shitstain

I get my info from google scholar cunt

I am not so convinced there is such a distinct line between those who are normal and those who are evil, which is more or less an unscientific word for actions and characteristics now thought of as sociopathic or psychopathic.

I am what most people would describe as a calm, collected, level-headed person. I am not outwardly emotional however I do feel empathy and I believe that I am very considerate of others feelings. For six months though I struggled to get to sleep every night whilst fantasising about torturing and killing several former friends of mine who had deeply wronged me. At one point I was strongly considering smashing one of their skulls in with a golf club and this fantasy was one of the only things that could bring me any pleasure.

Knowing I posed a danger to others I entered a psychiatric hospital as a voluntary patient during the worst period. I was careful in what I disclosed to the psychiatric staff and as such was seen as suffering a temporary psychosis induced by cannabis rather than any kind of permanent personality disorder.

This occurred seven years ago now and I am glad to say I no longer harbour such thoughts. I hold down a very good job in which I am given the opportunity to assist vulnerable members of society, I am in a relationship and I am performing well in a degree course. However, if I had not been so fortunate in my upbringing there is every chance I would be in prison right now for murder or attempted murder and viewed as a cruel and calculating sociopath. I know I am not one, but for a time I was definitely capable of those actions.

Wow great assessment

> youtube.com/watch?v=-OEqwErtGhQ

lol, whenever I search for anything it redirects me to google scholar. lol

so everything thats 200+ years old is scientific?

checked m̶a̶t̶e̶ faggot

Google the difference between sociopath and psychopath - learn stuff.

I fantasie shooting my coworkers with an ak47. Doesn't actually mean I'm going to fucking do it. You crazy fuck.

>I'm a self-involved edgelord
>I lack social skills and am unable to make meaningful relationships because I stare at a rectangle all day and don't exercise
>I am apathetic to others to make up for my own crippling lack of self worth
>Sometimes I get angry at people who get laid all the time and who take care of themselves physically
>I am a sociopath

This thread needs to be saved for future generations to sample the rationalization processes of contemporary losers.

I spent a while in jail and I gotta say that this isnt really considered a real disorder outside of a forensic setting anymore. I was diagnosed based on past convictions, lifestyle factors, etc. by psych students and shit. That went in my file. psych students. Dont take this shit seriously.

That's not sociopathy. That is, as you said, sociopathic tendencies. Big differences. You're just fucking autistic and narcissistic.


I think you got those mixed up there, Dr. Jung.

Homeland secruity trap, Don't get logged bros

It had got to the stage where I was at a very real risk of murdering someone. That said, this was not over a petty coworker grievance such as chewing too loudly at your desk or telling the same fucking story about your child forty times. In such circumstances I usually just want to scream FUCKING SHUT IT YOU SELF ABSORBED ARSEHOLE but then office shootings aren't a thing in the UK.

Call me crazy if you like, but bear in mind there are things that people can do to you that can potentially fuck you up for the rest of your life. It was such a thing that angered me to that extent and fuelled my desire for revenge.

I'm a bonafide cuck and it's easy to cuck people when you can see right through them. People don't understand that cucks aren't incapable of cucking. It's just that we see mostcucks emotions as petty and superficial. Emotions are a waste of time most of the time, and when I realized that, it became easy to cuck cucks and cuck their cuck.

So yeah it's really easy to cuck cucks if you're cuckold. It's seen as beardish and fedora and first, but then they catch on to the fact that you're a cuck.

This thread is as cringey as the Myers-Briggs test threads where people tightly cling to their labels and regurgitate confirmation biases like a little girl going through her day trying to see how her horoscope is going to come true.

I'm diagnosed as having Scizoid Personality Disorder. The big difference between me and a sociopath is that I don't get any kind of high or buzz from tricking/manipulating/hurting/dominating other people. It gives me no pleasure.

The traits I share with a sociopathy are:

- Lack of ability to feel any real emotions (outside of rage)
- Lack of empathy
- Secretiveness/paranoia

So, I guess if you added machiavellianism and sadism to my personality I'd be a perfect sociopath.

nice diatribe you faggot. Now, everyone else, back on topic.

Its cute how good autists are with wikipedia

it's like I did this post .. I feel like you.

I come across to others as very cold, emotionless.

My ex girlfriend's mother was always in shock as to why I lack such emotion, or at least that's what she thought from observing me from a far (never really got to hold a proper conversation with me) .

However, deeply I am very emotional, but in a way that is scary. I will either consume every pint of emotion in your body or I will completely disregard you, it's one of the two, never a healthy balance in the middle.

At age 9 I hung my house cat by the ceiling fan.

I never really got the urge to kill someone but I am easily irritated. I'm very good at controlling my emotions therefore people never really understand what's up with me, but they constantly question why i'm distant, why i'm cold, etc.

I always fantasize about getting into fights, but not the classic fights. I always want a reason to be able to completely destroy someone out of their mind. A way to justify why I would hurt someone so bad.

I've recently gotten into a conflict within myself debating whether I do feel emotions or i've solely learned to pick them up off of people and learn how to behave in certain situations that require an emotional reaction.

I'm very manipulative, very good with people when I want to be.

I don't know if i'm a psychopath or a sociopath or neither of the two to be honest, but to answer OP's question about girls.

Girls are usually very intimidated by me, it's only the courageous ones who I actually manage to get with, the ones that build up the nerve to come and talk to me or even if I talk to them, to feel comfortable to keep a conversation held with me or to take things further with me.

I'm not a creep, at least I don't think i'm perceived as one, girls usually tell me that i'm quite good-looking or they use the term 'hot'.

This is about all I could think of for now, I've never properly been to a psychiatrist/psychologist.


Please don't use words you don't know the definition of, it makes you look like a cretin.

I don't think your crazy. I'm not either. Thanks for sharing.


Wiw ur dumb

Eh, I really didn't want to comment. However I thought it would be beneficial for the thread to see a response from a psychopath.

>Psychopath here
Personally sociopaths are a nuisance. They're needlessly distructive and more often than not, we take the blame for their destructive tendencies. If I notice a sociopath I'll go out of my way to highlight their traits to others. This is to eliminate as many of them as possible. Why? Merely because everything runs smoothly without them. Sociopaths are just butthurt crybabies unable to confront their own actions or outcomes of said actions. That being said, calling yourself a sociopath is like calling yourself a weak minded individual. As a psychopath, my emotions are turned down to the point of them being nonexistent. Therefore I scrutinize emotions with more ferocity because of their scarcity. My conclusion is emotions are not a waste of time. Why? I'll give a few obvious reasons: music, philosophy, art, and literature. I too can manipulate people quite easy, but the question becomes "why should I manipulate?" There's other options. Someone is always watching, mindlessly manipulating others puts a target on your back. Which is why we aid others in "catching on to the fact you're a freak". I'll give you a tip. Only manipulate someone in a public setting when the public wants said person manipulated. You'll be the hero and heros get anything they desire.

You're welcome


This is getting lazy

Dubs mean you really are a monster.

You say you are deeply emotional. Are you sure you dont just act cold because you are afraid of showing your emotions ? Afraid of that they will reveal the real you, and your act of being special, "good looking" and better than other people will unravel ? And that you will have to be honest with yourself about yourself?

Op is a faggot.


Alpha for 500 alex.

Jesus fucking christ you're a huge special snowflake, look at how much you're feeding off the attention of your post. You reply to every comment, and you sound like douche bag, I think you're just a tard who thinks they're special

I'm from central europe, started few months ago to work as a specialist unit in my state railway, we are going to all railway accidents in my region. Level crossing crashes involving cars, suicides on track etc.
In job, I saw for the first time a fresh human corpse, mangled in a car on a level crossing. That shit is Awesome! Now I now that im a psychopath cus I like to watch human corpse it's giving me joy and fun. The best are suiciders, ripped in few parts lol

"Bonafide sociopath " lmafo.

>spock is my hero
>Sherlok Holmes is my hero
>dexter is my hero
>House is my hero
>[insert any aspie TV/movie character...not real people]
