Why aren't you communist?

Why aren't you communist?

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Because I have a job and pay taxes.

Because I grew up.

Because I make my own memes and don't steal.

Because I have the thing called brain

Because it's not the same since a certain Uncle Joe died.

Fuck you. No such thing as "your" memes. Memes are shared property of the collective.

Cause i stay with hegel

Firstly, because it's inconsistent. It arbitrarily divides private property into "personal property" and "private property" which is nonsense - it's all private.

Secondly, it's contradictory. If communism is supposed to be stateless - it has to have no organized initiation of force, because that's a government. However, if you ask a communist how you deal with an individual who keeps what they earn, they'll prescribe using force or coercion to redistribute his resources. That's organized violence - which is a state solution.

Thirdly, it relies on the objective theory of value, which is absolute nonsense. All forms of trade (and economic thought) are built on the observation that value is subjective. I buy a pen for a dollar because I value the pen more than my dollar. A store sells a pen because they value my dollar more than they value their pen. The mutual benefit causes trade - which commies reject.

Finally, commies treat voluntary exchange of labor for wage as theft. They call work "slavery" because you'll starve if ytou don't work. Simply put, they think the exchange of value for value is somehow theft. Nourishment is a necessity to sustain life, nourishment has value, value must be exchanged for value. Employers are not responsible for nature, thus can't be held accountable / stolen from to nourish people without their consent.

Anyone with any understanding of economics, philosophy, or basic empathy knows communism is nonsense.

because I don't buy a working horse with no legs and arthritis

Because I actually work.

thats bullshit

your reason why you are no communist is that you dont get it


Because I have a basic understanding of economics and human nature. In a communist system,

>What is the incentive to try and excel?
>Where does innovation come from?
>How do you prevent the government from harming its people?

You just proved your lack of intelligence.

I think you're being sarcastic but I'll say it anyway

n o t a n a r g u m e n t

Theorie perfect.. but pratice.. (Urss.. north korea.. china.. cuba.. etc..)
Marx was an historian (as job)
Not a politician..
But give stock of 99% to 1% same thing.. (100% owner to 100% customer)

People are too greedy for communism to work.

Capitalism is easy as hell to fix. Just base wages on profits and put a cap on how much one can earn.

>But I want to be a millionaire.
You don't need to be a millionaire to get anything and everything you want.

Do tards deserve to live? If yes, then why, as they cannot produce anything of value? If no, then what does your position have to do with "empathy"?

Because I'm not a naive idiot.

Yea, Memes are FREE you make material from a MEME and its belogn to us

Empathy as in being able to understand human motivation or the cause for feelings. Feeling sad for someone based purely on their position isn't empathy - it's pity.
I don't know what that means.

My cousin is mentally retarded but my uncle and aunt take care of her because they love her and want her to be happy. Well, as happy as she can be with her limited faculties. I don't know what that has to do with communism, though.

Because I'm an anarchist.

1 its just a differentiation
2 stateless doesn't mean unorganized
3 economic value in form of kapital has a central problem: its only values progress measuring in liquidity.
but there are such things that we want to value although they arent progressing. the objective theory of value tries to take them in count.
4 there never were a communist state

So you chose the one political ideology even more childish and asinine. Good work user.

I dont have double digit IQ

There's never been a true industrialized functional communist society. In order for there to be one you'd essentially need someone to claim all the power, instate a communist system, then relinquish power. Step 1 and 2 happen but the the system is then called finished without 3 happening. I don't think anyone will ever go through with step 3, it contradicts human nature. And that's why, I just don't think true communism is possible. Someone will get a leg up at some point and they aren't gonna want to give it up.

Alright, by "deserve to live" i meant "deserve state support in form of tax money" tbh. That does have to do with the topic. And otherwise you're not wrong.

Just saying the word "meme" shows how new you are.

Depends on how you interpret anarchism, but sure user, that is how it is.
I use it to inform how I act, I don't prescribe what other people should do.

There can't be a communist state.

discussing communism with english speakers... you have to understand basic continental philosophy to come to marxism

you need the whole working class of the planet

>it's just a differentiation
I know, but the differentiation isn't based on anything. It's just an excuse to treat money and resources different from other kinds of property, like body and mind. People own their minds, bodies, and the results of their actions. But somehow if your actions result in profit, you're a thief (according to brain-dead commies)
>stateless doesn't mean unorganized
Didn't say it did. I said the organized use of force. Organized force is a government. A gang taking over a neighborhood and levying taxes / using violence is a form of governance.
I don't know what this statement means. Value is subjective, and valuable assets are voluntarily exchanged. If you have to force someone to buy something against their will, that means they didn't value it at the price it was being offered. Objective value is a contradiction in terms.
not an argument



>deserve state support
The state cannot support. The state has no resources. The resources it distributes are stolen from innocent people. A thief doesn't provide.

So no, the retarded don't "deserve" state support - that necessitates theft. The virgin doesn't "deserve" sex with any woman he wants - that necessitates rape.

Because I like my agency and I like other to have their agency too

but i am user!

Name one example of it ever working.

inb4 sweden, their largest economic growth was almost completely attributed to a long period of an even more free and open market than America's at the time. Now that they are leaning more socalist, sweden has been predicted to become a "third world" country by 2026 - albeit, admittedly, mostly because of their immigration policies combined with their welfare state.

inb4 china. China 100% owes all of their success to open markets and no regulations.

>What is the incentive to try and excel?
curiosity, pride, altruism, solidarity, social status,...

>Where does innovation come from?
curiosity, pride, altruism, solidarity, social status,...

>How do you prevent the government from harming its people?
what government? communism is bound to be anarchistic.

"basic understanding" you say? educate yourself before you claim that.


that's a practical way of actually changing things on a short term. but since technology will make up to 50% (us studies claim that, can provide source, or you just google it) of all jobs obsolete, there needs to be a long term plan too.
just redistributing wealth won't be enough. but it's a start for sure.

"Stolen" or not, your country's government has more material possessions than you. They have fucking tanks. Do you have fucking tanks? I doubt it tbh.


I don't know what this means. It has nothing to do with what I said
>Force is wrong
>Oh yeah? they have tanks!!

>Implying humans are inherently good

Go boil your head you arrogant, pseudo-intellectual fuck.

swedens post war boom was due to its keynesian economic policy, it had nothing to do with neither socialism nor communism

im no so new, i know the op image is not a meme or a dankmeme
this faggot thinks that its a meme and says that memes can be stolen, one thing its a meme and other the products derivated from a meme

>implying humans are inherently evil and selfish if provided with everything they need to live a healthy, happy life of dignity

do i have to apologize to you for being idealistic? your trust issues don't apply to everyone, you know?

Altruism doesn't exist. Every sip of water you drink and every meal you eat are inherently selfish. They nourish the self, independent of all others. You drink water while knowing that people are thirsty. You eat when you know others are starving.

To be altruistic, you have to reject all selfishness. You have to reject existence.

btw beaner Here

Tanks are just a silly example of something valuable. Violent or not in nature, they still take resourses and expertise to build.

because Soviet Russia. China and Cuba are prime examples.

Because communism is based on the concept that people won't be greedy in the seats of power. Every human has a desire to gain more.

Communism has also failed each time it was implemented.

Wrong. Let's say I'm part of some crazy, selfless, hivemind-like fanatic collectivist society. I still need to keep myself alive and capable of work in order to work for the hivemind's good.

Because I'm from a former communist ruled country, that's enough

Not for me, except for when I´m on MDMA.

yeah, we can argue about the perception of reality as well.
point is, if you're doing something for another person without wanting anything back, just because it makes you happy, that's altruism.
of course, you're doing it to feel good, but are you so bitter that you can't accept a gift freely given?

What is a king anytime before 1900? What is Czar Nicholas II? What is King Louis XV?

I enjoy eating daily, know economics, and have morals.

The point he's making though, is that altruism is not the default human condition. Selfishness IS. It's simple really, because an altruistic person dies when a selfish one survives. Natural selection of not just ideas, but culture and people. Sweden's welfare system is going to collapse soon, because giving away all of your belongings just to pat yourself on the back is unsustainable. As it turns out, if you want to ACTUALLY help people (instead of just feeling good about yourself temporarily, which is what communism really comes down to - virtue signaling), creating an actually sustainable economy is a better way to do it. Society and economics reflect the basic tenements of the hierarchy of needs. It's not such a surprise that the most successful systems don't actively try to fight against the nature of humanity, but instead reflect it.

basically, teach a man to fish is better for everyone rather than giving a man a fish.

what economics do you know?

because a centralized government can not achieve a fair social system. It is destined to fail if there is one cetral position of power, there only needs to be one wrong person at this position once. A real social system is only possible within a constitutional democracy, you need failsafes to prevent individuals from amassing too much power, which is essentially the same as kapital.

Okay 9gag.

you want to make an example of monarchs born into royal families, raised and socialized to be rulers?
the whole power structure is different today. in modern countries, most people don't believe in status granted by birth. you're not a sinner nor a saint, depending on the womb that you fell out of.
your actions determine your human value.

Just in case you haven't noticed, that was a bad communism joke.

Place capitalism and communism in a room and capitalism walks out with communism's possessions.

>Sweden's welfare system is going to collapse soon, because giving away all of your belongings just to pat yourself on the back is unsustainable

that's simply not true. its due to the state straying away from keynesian social democratic policy to neoliberal "third way". social democracy is not "giving away your belongings" its investing capital into the labour force...

A meme is a neologism coined by Richard Dawkins
>"an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture"
memes are much more than Internet pictures but are defined by their sharing

Socialism is much more generally appealing to me than communism

i agree with parts of what you've said. the system i dream of isn't something that can actually happen, at least not in the next 100 years.
technological advancement has to give us the opportunity to forge a post-scarcity society, and only then we can think about implementing some of the changes i have in mind.
anyway, selfishness isn't something to simply be accepted. you can keep it in mind, but education and a social environment built on empathy can embed completely different and more important values into humans, than capitalism and the current fight for performance ever could.

Because I don't think a system that defies the natural order of society can function properly.

Well, if your claim was that no person is inherently evil, then how can you make the claim that they are inherently good? If you can't prove one, which yes I am admitting, you can't prove the other. So, you go with what you can. Most people in modern society are evil by monotheistic standards.

Except that all those robots will need to be made and maintained. Also people are cheaper and easier to replace.

>Couple hundred dollars to hire someone new vs thousands to just repair a broken machine.

I already am a communist lol

Because I'm not a penniless hippie

>natural order
yea, what kind of order do you mean? corporate capitalism? the "natural order" that only came into existence in the last 100 years?
or the "natural orders" that came before? monarchy? colonialism? slavery? darwinism? feudalism?

be a bit more precise if you want to be taken seriously.

I am in spirit.

I grew up dirt poor and watched my peers have normal, happy lives while I worked to help pay for food, water, etc. It's left me full of bitterness, regret, and longing, and a big part of me wants every single person alive to feel as miserable as I did and mostly continue to do every day.

But, another big part of me knows that's wrong. I know I simply lost the birth lottery, and that it's no one's fault by my scumbag father and whore mother. It's no one's fault I'm a broken person barely making ends meet, burying himself in work because he knows he's not well-adjusted enough to find a woman to love and lead any sort of meaningful or normal life.

Capitalism with just enough regulation to prevent abuse and exploitation is the only truly fair system. Those who work smart (not just hard, necessarily) deserve to reap and keep the fruits of that labor without being expected to just hand it over. Society ought to encourage empathy and a charitable spirit, but not at gunpoint with the threat of asset forfeiture and/or prison.

Not the communist user but what is the natural order of society?
current post fordism society has only existed for about half a century

kek good meme

feudalism. i wanna be a landless peasant under feudalism

rip post. got ignored

>monotheistic standards
i don't get my morals from religions. but i agree, they would be seen as evil, by my own moral standards as well.
and i don't even want to be apologetic, i'm just saying that humankind would benefit from a society that doesn't encourage selfish behavior.

one day we will laugh at the antiquated representation of value. but you do have a point with the maintenance argument.
rotate the maintenance to avoid corruption.

relax, nobody holds a gun to your head, especially not under a thought-through version of fully automated post-scarcity communism.
you can still work, it will still be encouraged and you can still gain something for yourself if you work for it, smart or hard.

i understand your skepticism, and it IS highly idealistic, but don't you think the world would be a better place if the genetic lottery wasn't a thing? everybody would have the freedom of choice.

Except genetic lottery is a thing. No matter how hard you work, the better looking, the faster, the stronger, the smarter guy will always be ahead. And sometimes, you just have to accept that fact.

>two false claims with nothing to back them up besides pepe at war
humans aren't inherently greedy; just about every major religion rejects greed and seeks well being; there are incredible numbers of bhuddists, hindus, christians, muslims, etc. that reject greed as part of their everyday lifestyle.
also communism has worked (and still works), for example in kibbutz
Wouldn't recommend running an entire country with it however

I would love to live in a Star Trek scenario of post-scarcity in which everyone is handed the tools to pursue their passions, productive or not.

But do you really see that ever happening? I know it won't in my lifetime. All I can do as one miserable man is try to live as comfortably as I can, alone and un-cared about, until I just die and am forgotten.

it's hard to describe a communist utopia to people who haven't really looked into it.
i'm not trying to be condescending here, i just don't know where to begin to answer this statement.
looks, strength, intelligence, etc. are only important in a society that values these aspects over the readiness to make sacrifices for your community.
all of the characteristics you mentioned will be necessary to build and achieve personal greatness, but should always be separated from your right to live with dignity and the ability to choose your way.

yea, someone told be about that star trek stuff once. impressive that they understood it so early on.
and yea, i've mentioned it above, we can only do so much in our lifetimes. but people in this thread denying the possibility that it might happen one day is just ignorant.


what communist tendencies do you subscribe to user?


Because I moved out from my moms home.

that looks like a fake antifa account user, seems to be a lot of them popping up around now

But why would someone pretend to be someone else on the internet?

My sauce archive.fo/zM3WY

That happened in Houston. Dude lost a bet on an NBA game.

>stop sign

communism sucks

My cunt

Still, I want to lulz at political expense.