Simple question, what is the opposite of a circle?

Simple question, what is the opposite of a circle?


OPs asshole

You cuz you're faced towards the circle.


A line

I agree

A not-a-circle

need proof... all line segments are curved

The obvious answer is God.


The shortest line between two points by definition is not curved.


circle = so many sides that you can't even count them (pi is infinite)
triangle = the minimum number of vertexes needed to make a polygon

The endless void of nothingness in my soul.

straight lines don't exist in our universe. even light is curved.

A line.

you could just as easily say that circles don't exist

what is the opposite of a duck?

this question is even more stupid then your mom.


perfect circles don't exist because space time don't allow it. the same with straight lines.

Yes, and circles don't exist either, they are all elipses or irregular in another way. Where're talking geometric shapes you dumb fuck.

It is obviously an infinity without a circle.

I am one with the force. The force is with me.

That doesn't change the fact that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

perfect geometrical shapes only exist in a theoretical scenario. the moment you draw a straight line on a paper to visualize it, it becomes curved.

see here

Also why the ungodly fuck is that circle of yours 2000x2000?

It's theoretically correct. We don't have to witness a straight line for it to be true.

what's the opposite of potato?

It's like you only just now found the definition of trolling and wanted to try it for yourself.
Good job kiddo, you're spewing pedantic bullshit.


wow. That's the kind of ignorant thing I used to tell in late elementary school to appear smarter. Genuinely cringed

That what isn't part of the circle.



if you think i'm trolling then proof me wrong...

i only said perfect shapes don't exist in our universe because of space time. theoretically they exist, but the moment you bring your theory into reality it becomes curved.

Only came here to say this

Your mother must be really practical then.


Ah well played user

Not a circle?

by that logic, the opposite of color white is every color that isn't white.

I didn't write 'not a potato', but 'not-a-potato'

an anti-circle

A circle another place.

are you the one that keeps talking about impossibility of circles and lines in real world?
Could I have your age, please?

Meaby a dead duck

It isn't me, lol.

Going with triangle. 2d object with the least sides, circle has infinite. Only problem, you now have infinity being the opposite of 3, so there's an issue there.

well infinity is infinite and 3 is finite, so they're kind of opposites that way

we should ask /sci/

btw perfect circles are really impossible, theoretically and practically. how do you calculate something with infinite sides? you will never be able to caculate a perfect circle because pi is infinite.

just sayin...

and the opposite of a cicle must be a one dimensional object. infinite sides vs. one side