I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would but what was up with the sudden ending?

I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would but what was up with the sudden ending?

I saw it as a star wars-like ending.

It was certainly very enjoying, but from an objective viewpoint it had some major flaws

>Pacing was way off
>Character development close to 0 for many characters

I would definitely go see a sequel though

Because the plan was for sequels to continue the story.

why did people think the cgi i was bad? this looks fucking incredible

The entire point of this movie was its inevitable sequel

Because about 40 minutes are cut out of it.

Jones didnt have final edit

Regardless I still liked it

>Jones didnt have final edit

Which makes 100% sense since the entire movie was a CGI fest and the deleted scenes likely weren't polished even halfway to the admittedly still shitty state the movie's released scenes were in

But there didn't seem to be all that much left for a sequel. They managed to close the gate, the guardian turned evil was defeated, the orc magician lost his followers. The "super orc" was killed. Well at least I think he was, I had a hard time telling them apart at the end. It feels like just 20 minutes more would've been enough to finish the whole story. Yes I'm aware there's probably enough story from the games to fill 10 more movies but as someone who's never played any Warcraft games I would've been satisfied with this had it had a proper ending.

FYI, the orc baby is the main character.

Then I'll just pretend the Shrek movies are the sequels

probably because it's was purely a CGI fest. no emotional attachment to any characters, fucked up pacing, skipping all the interesting parts of the lore (burning legion).

>Ghostbusters gets a director's cut
>Warcraft doesn't
It's not fucking fair.

That actually makes sense, good idea

There's a good chance the cut 40 minutes probably would've fixed both of these.
Apparently the studio cut these scenes because they felt it slowed the movie down too much. Which means they were probably character-developing/dialogue scenes.
You can even see small glimpses of them in certain trailers. Ex: There was a scene of Durotan and Orgrim sitting at a campfire talking with Grommash.

Yes the portal is closed and the warchief is dead but theres still quite a few orcs in azeroth. By warcraft 2, humans were on the brink of defeat until the alliance was formed and they turn the tide.

It was kinda hard to tell which side had the upper hand here at the end of the movie but I assumed it was the humans.

fuck off the cgi looked amazing

Gul'dan and Durotan were GOAT
Ragnar and Garona were shit
I wouldn't mind if the movie was an hour longer with Orc scenes

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt

it looked good, bit that's all there was to the movie. no substance

I feel like the normies would eat up the Arthas subplot

So there's that

To put it simply, despite the movie straying a little from the lore, there's a billion and one directions they could go. In all honestly, the movie basically started at Chapter 2 for the orcs.

The movie covers the First War, the Second War follows and ends with the Alliance storming through the Dark Portal. Then Thrall's "coming-of-age" story (which would make a very easy movie). Then you have Arthas' story and Warcraft 3, then basically World of Warcraft begins, where you can look in any direction and find more stories to tell. Hell, you could even go backward to the beginning of the nightelves or do a prequel to the movie showing how the orcs got to where they are. You could cover the Troll wars... etc.

But simply put, there is no 2 hours that could conveniently fit any one of these stories and none of these stories don't set up sequels or demand prequels. They'd do better with a series of episodes.