How smart are you Sup Forums?

How smart are you Sup Forums?


I'm not doing your homework, OP.

but 2+5 is 7


40 most likely, it's always the answer + the old answer
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 7 +5 (12)
3 + 6 = 9 + 12 (21)
8 + 11 = 19 + 21 (40)

Smart enough to know that 2 + 5/=12 and 3+6/=21, but 96.


it's not saying that 2+5=12 it's a pattern where x+y=z is x*y+x=z

1 + 4 = 5
5 + 2 + 5 = 12
12 + 3 + 6 = 21
21 + 8 + 11 = 40

You faggots are retarded, 8 + 11 = 19

Too easy

winner winner chicken dinner

19, the second and third are invalid.

1+4= 5 (1*4 =4 plus 1 =5)
2+5=12(2*5=10 plus 2=12)
3+6=21(3*6=18 plus3=21)

I see it.

It's obviously 811.


I mean 8+11=__(8*11=88plus8=96)

It's 19. If they were going for a different problem then they should've used variables instead being fucking mongs and just putting 8+11

I mean 8+11=__(8*11=88plus8=96)

its not 40, but need more numbers.-


this is the correct answer

19 faggot, also the second and third ones are wrong.


2x+increment ctr.

It's 52.

it's LValue * RValue + LValue = Result

That's what I meant ... 42

8+11 = 19.

Use proper fucking notation if you want to ask a question like this.

its 96

1. Follow the pattern

1 * 4 + 1 = 5

2 * 5 + 2 = 12

3 * 6 + 3 = 21

8 * 11 + 8 = 96

We can do better /b!

>Smart enough to know that 5 + 2 isn't 12

>Smart enough to know that 3 + 6 isn't 21

Smart enough to know that 11 + 8 equals 20

This is addition, one of the more common and simple example of mathematics. The question is, how smart are you, user?


The entire algebraic/ integration is part of Heimerdinger's number 6.022x10^22

It's a pattern based riddle designed to gauge your ability to think outside the box. Epic fail

27 fuckers

Then OP should use function notation. You clearly are fucking 12 based on saying 'epic fail', so you probably haven't learnt it yet anyways.


11 + 8 = 19 by the way

The question is, how smart are you, user?

8 x 11 + 8 = 96

I can see the argument for 96, but the one for 40 looks better to me.

If it's strictly 8+11 then the answer is 19, however if we follow the pattern we see that the answer to each equation is the correct answer of the equation, plus the answer to the equation prior. Taking the pattern into account the answer is 40. Since OP didn't say it was a pattern to look for, nobody is going to look for the pattern right away. To me both 18 and 40 are correct while these dumbasses giving answers in the 90s are just wrong.


You know, I'm not seeing any multiplication here. Don't go pulling mathematical symbols out of your ass to fit your answer, it's 40 given we follow the preconceived pattern. I can already predict your most likely arguement to be akin to "but it doesn't say follow the pattern" well the pattern given is already given information. Finding a pattern from it is our job, not the question writer's


What I'm wondering is why you faggots are taking a question from Facebook seriously.


Haven't seen anyone else post this proof yet. Original: x + y = z
Proof: x * (y+1) = z
This will give you the answer for whatever number you choose. 8 + 11 = 96

Because nothing starts on Facebook. Nothing. Ever.