Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,
Im asking this here because i didn't really know where else to go.

So, for the past year, every night, I've been dreaming about the same fictional city or place. it seems like a trippy sci-fi future version of my home town. All of my dreams have felt very visually intense, with extremely wacky visuals, almost like some sort of drug induced trip and often times i visit places multiple times.

What could be causing this? Not that I don't enjoy these dreams, but its just bizarre.

Do you know how dreams work, idiot?

write a book


That's awesome, I wish I could have dreams like that. Or any dreams.

I should also say that before this, i rarely had dreams at all.

Same thing happens to me fam. We probably being mind fucked by CIA

Oh dang, that gives me hope.
Maybe I'll start having dreams every night.

I should also note around the time this started i was going through some pretty traumatic stuff, not entirely sure if related, but it could be

if any of you have ever tried Salvia, the visuals in my dreams are almost reminiscent of it. One weird thing i remember seeing in these weird dreams of my hometown is an amusement park i went to. I remember seeing all sorts of rides that looked bizarre or dangerous, i remember one water ride particularly well, it had crazy loopty-loops and seemed to go pretty fast, but as i approached it i noticed the seat cars looked like living manta-rays that moved and breathed and they had huge eyes that looked at you and smiles on their faces. there was also a really strange looking bright green hedge maze that seemed to be carved into bizarre shapes with holes all over and it was like a puzzle to enter it.

Recent change in diet? Some vitamins, like B6, can change how vivid your dreams are.

my diet has changed quite a few times in the past year, at one point i was eating really healthy, I even ate completely vegan at one point bc i was living with a vegan and I eat pretty unhealthy at the moment so i doubt its vitamins.

It's just dreams. The usually don't mean anything and when they do its pretty fucking obvious.

go to /x/

i actually had a lucid dream the other day. i laid down for just a nap and i could still hear my speakers playing music but i was dreaming at the same time and once i realized i was in a dream my first thought was to conjure up my ex girlfriend and fuck her and it actually fucking worked, sorta, the face was really distorted and shit.

Science hasn't proved the presence of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in our heads yet but its the only logical explaination for dreams. DMT is naturally occuring in natural and its been found in dogs brains, if I recall correctly. If this is true, any animal that dreams has natural DMT receptors in the brain. I have no idea how else we could vividly hallucinate things like dreams. Especially Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. The government has done experiments with astral projection, if I recall correctly again, it was called the Stargate Project. You should look into it and write that fucking book, OP. I'll be the first person to buy it. If its a solid 200 pages, ill pay 25 dollars off the bat.

i think this might be a legit suggestion and something they could answer better than b

To add onto this, when we go to sleep, a very minimal amount of our brain is active. The very back of the head is where the occiputal lobe resides. This lobe is in control of visual senses and things of thst matter. Additionally, our minds are more active again during REM, this is when dreams occur and your brain could be slightly more active than it is in the other stages. You only spend 25% of your time in REM tho. When the prefrontal cortex is active, I believe this is what lucid dreaming is because its the "command center" of our brains.

yeah, happens. I know what you mean. If you want to try to get to the bottom of it, you'll need to start making a dated journal about what happens in the dreams, and a dated journal about what's going on in your life. Not said that there will be coincidences, but likely. Figuring out the connections will depend on how well you know yourself.

do energy work, qigong, and that will help if you stick with it, seriously

Im horrible at writing, but i can start keeping a dream journal i suppose. probably would be interesting.

if you're saying it will help get rid of these dreams, that's not exactly my goal, I'm more just trying to figure out their significance.

I would also suggest a dream dictionary. Record all items and events as soon as you wake up. Then find them in a dream dictionary and it might help you find some subconcious symbolism within it. Dream dictionaries arent super credible but its worth a shot. Your dreams really are just made up of your subconcious mind and what lies within it.

No, energy work will amplify your dream clarity/strength (and I was saying it to someone that said they didn't dream/couldn't remember). But it's valid for everyone.

dammit, meant for