Daily reminder he played most of his career in a division with two expansion teams

Daily reminder he played most of his career in a division with two expansion teams

biggest choker of all time


> nfl heating up with playoff races
> tons of different story lines
> still obsessed with player who has been retired for almost a year


and with a coke addicted owner

this season is boring as hell

4 good teams, others like the panthers were huge letdowns

Have you seen the clots since he left? They're literally unwatchable. Peyton was the glue that held that franchise together. God bless the GOAT

Le 1 and done man

To be fair, those expansion teams probably had better front offices

> panthers
> letdowns
> not knowing they were schedule babbys last year and this is where they are supposed to be with that meme offense

Yeah, and Miami and Buffalo have literally never been good for Brady's entire career. And the Jets were only good for like 2 seasons.

Thanks for letting the south rise again Denver!

>two rings
>one and done


no one gives a shit about your fucking franchise

you guys are lower than dirt to the Colts, the Broncos, to the fucking browns

I care about the fucking browns over you division Canada tier team

you're more forgettable than the fucking chiefs and Saint Louis rams

Two and done

>record for most playoff losses
>no where near record for most rings


the fish were decent in 08

>implying either of those things have to do with one and done
>dat backpedal

peyton has the most 1 and dones of all time lol

>Saint Louis rams
So forgetible that you forgot they moved to LA kek

Go to bed Tom. We all know you aren't relevant when you aren't cheating.

>holding it against a guy for singlehandedly taking a garbage team to a place they have no business being
what is this, apehoop

>cheaters never win
>200 career wins

Opposed to all those opposing quarterbacks through his career that don't have rings and missed the playoffs? How will he ever sleep

He said when not cheating
He's at 0 in that department

>win 3 in a row
>get caught cheating
>unsurprisingly Pats are irrelevant for almost a decade except to be victim of the biggest failure in sports history (18-1 sons)
>when they FINALLY win again, caught cheating again

Really makes u think

peyton only has 1 QB that is better than him dude, he's literally the best regular season qb of all time and a top 10 postseason qb with the 2 rings. I feel like the better peyton's legacy, the better that reflects on brady

dude im not delusional, peyton might have been the best QB ever, seriously I understand how talented he was.. probably the most talented QB of all time

But they clearly do. If you have a lot of one and dones of course you're going to have a lot of losses while having few rings to show for the times you weren't a one and done.

2 qbs are better, Montana and Brady. Peyton is 3rd best, right next to Elway

PEDton did nothing in the post-season to earn either of his rings.

Biggest fraud of all time.

>a top 10 postseason qb
>literally throws a pick to lose his team the super bowl vs the saints

Not even a Clots fan but I really want Luck to get a ring. He was supposed to be the next Peypey-montana-marino-elway combined

Or better yet give him to us

He was literally carried to the second one. Brock Osweiler could've won that ring.

Right but 2 rings is 2 rings

he ran into the patriots in 3 postseasons, just bad luck... no pun

Peyton manning only has one ring.

Stop giving him credit for the second ring.

He was carried to the first one, too.

>Le HGH man
>Le 5 head man
>Le choke in the playoffs man
>Le quickly losing records to the superior QB man
>Le play in a division with trash so 4 free wins a season against shit defenses to statpad for casuals

colts should have stayed in the afc east

>people forgot how competitive the east was when drew bledsoe was the pats qb

>Already made a top 10 what-should-have-been story by ruining Cutler
>want to take credit for #1 too

why, they went to a shittier division