I cut the back of my index finger pretty deep. I can see what looks like some sort of fatty tissue...

I cut the back of my index finger pretty deep. I can see what looks like some sort of fatty tissue. White and a little random looking. I'm wondering if I could have damaged a tendon. Thoughts?

Any Ideas here, Medfags?

a doctor will give you the answer - GTFO

Go to the doctor you fuckwit. Get it sutured and itll heal in a few weeks

I'm not a doctor but put ur hand flat and get to a doctor before u lose use of ur hand

Blast it with piss

If you can extend your index finger all the way the damage can't be that bad. But you should go to the ER right now. Not to a doctor. To the fucking emergency room.

If you can move your finger without pain, then no.

Well I've decided that what I'm looking at is just some sort of tissue, as it stays in place with the skin when I move my finger, but there is a hole. If I squeeze the sides of my finger together, I can see down into my finger. The tissue is right at the top of the cut just underneath the skin. I have full range of motion and it feels a little odd, but I think that may just be placebo effect. That or the fact that there is a hole on the top of my finger.

Well yes, you might be looking at some sub-dermal fatty tissue. That doesn't matter. What matters is that if you don't get that shit stitched up, and if you don't get some antibiotics(and probably a tetanus shot) you're going to lose the finger even if you didn't damage the tendon.

Post a picture idiot so we can see

I've had a tetanus shot in the past handful of years I think, and the knife was relatively clean.

I cut the back of my hand a while back. The white thing you see is most likely a tendon. I had full range of motion still but nearly severed 2 of them. Get to the er and get it stiched up asap. If the tendon breaks it is hell fishing it back out and reattaching them as the surgeon said.

Pics or you are a roleplaying child

Happened to me a few months back, I could see some kind of white tissue as well. I cleaned the wound, used some sterile pads and now everything is alright. If you can still move the finger, it's just a wound, no reason to freak out really.

Good for you. Did you know that in the civil war, there wasn't an 100% fatality rate for people with wounds? Good times.

Go to the fucking emergency room.

I don't think it's bad enough for an ER visit.



What headphones do you have on fam, and what are you listening to

Corsair Voids. Ben Beal - Smile

you'll be fine, keep it wrapped tight with a band-aid. Also keep it clean. I hit that same finger in almost the same spot looked like that too lol. dont use that finger either.

Looks fine to me OP, and you seem to have full function so no tendon damage.

If you went to the ER they would probably put some stitches in it, but if you cover it and keep it clean it should be fine.

Medfag here.
Yeah, tissue behind your skin is actually fat.
As far as damaging a tendon, one way to see if you did is if you're unable to perform a complete extensión or retraction of your finger, but I think the more important question is, what the fuck are you gonna when you lose the whole finger and maybe hand due to gangrene secondary to infection.
Yoy may think you sanitized it, but you didn't, seek medical attn.

Only reason it's such a big deal in the first place is because I'm a climber and work at a climbing wall, so if there is tendon damage, I wanna get it taken care of. That being said, the doc isn't cheap and I'd like to stay away from him if I can.

It's a bad bet. If and when it becomes inflamed, and painful, or hot, or the wound sags open, or the blood turns dark, you can't dick around anymore.

So watch out for those things, and at the first sign, get to the doc. Sounds reasonable.

Pics or gtfo faggot

What a pussy, dude, plaster it up, leave it to heal, man the fuck up.

Faggot go to the hospital to get that shit checked! Your finger might get damaged for life if you dont get it fixed!
>pic related its my finger a few months ago and a tendon was 75% severed
I too didnt think much of the wound but thank god i just went to the hospital.

What did your bill look like afterward?

go to the doctor. do you really think Sup Forums will have the answer for you? There's a reason we used to be called Sup Forumstards