Soft rekt thread

soft rekt thread

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Alpha as fuck



Ha. That's how you rekt a chick.

shit's cash af

"I've made a huge mistake"







"Just end my life already~"







I hate it when that happens







>soft rekt
>she fell in to the abyss and died

She's dead

it's from the mexican version of the wwe

he graped her

>soft rekt
>she fell in to the abyss and died

he graped her in the mouth
that's what he does... he's the grapist


she was begging for it, look what she's wearing. it's purple



Behind on the left one got caught under the fence. Seen this 100 times, never noticed.

poor guy



did he break that bone in his leg?


It's a remastered scene from "Jaws" without the special effects.

>Trump/Pence sign covered in nerve gas


got me
I am quite pissed

sexual assault

Did she actually die?

It ain't very deep and there's water at the bottom.


Best in this thread!

I wish this kid had died.

Nah, It's not a cliff
It's just one of those underground caves where there's water inside. You can tell for their suit that they are divers. She probably had a strong fall in the water but nothing that can kill her

From the looks of the people crumbling together it must have been nerve gas on that stage
Probably in the middle east

This is so perfectly Chaotic it's beautiful

animals are so stupid
read a book, look up, what the fuck, it's such an obvious trap

dang, out the womb and already used to a cage.


fuck you, wrong thread edgelord



fuck you


he probably weighs a lot less comparative to his strength with the lack of an arm and a leg tbh

there was a pond underneath them. She just swam it off

that ones edited. Actually feel into a natural pool at the bottom and was grabbed by some kayakers.


~85% of the weight with 50% of the power and tools available, he's still doing more work

Oh Christ I can't stop laughing thanks user

Technically it could still kill you, just unlikely to. Falling down carpeted stairs can kill you

You fucking monster!


kill me


he doesn't deserve her. i'd treat her right, look how loving she is


She was crushed to death. Stop trying to be edgy and ruin a finally nice thread

impressively quick thinking.




Jesus christ, Who the fuck lets a kid dress like that?

>nerve gas


Was für eine dumme Sau.


read about that some months ago, its somewhere in asia and pretty much all people on the stage died

certainly not soft rekt

you have never had a bag of flaming hot cheetos then.

lol, stupid fucking jew



