Since this board is jam packed full of Trump supporters, ironic or not...

Since this board is jam packed full of Trump supporters, ironic or not, I was wondering how you all justify your dear leader doing this?

Now that he's signed a bill that over 80% of the American population oppose do you finally see that Trump doesn't give a fuck about you?

All he cares about is lining his and his rich friend's pockets, just like Shilary

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake news. Trump didn't do that.
Go away cuckface.

He just resigned, it's all over the news

>Being such a bad judge of character that you voted for Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton


I've been bamboozled

People actually think like this. If it was up to me, you'd all be sterilized to prevent procreation and avoid you passing on your stupid to future generations

Vaccines cause autism and the world is flat too, huh?

It's just a repeal of Obamacare era policy that was never implemented. Seriously, look it up.

The Cuckening continues America. And you just take it like the cucks you are.


I know you're probably trolling, but just in case you actually have gone full retard, here is a source you might actually believe:

And a whole new industry and of ad-blockers and data blocking was born.


Who needs consumer protection right?

USE TOR (not here for whatever stupid fucking reason)

The law already existed, new law wont take effect

>The Cuckening
is that what we are calling this presidency?

That's the worst part. People born in poverty tend to lack an education and are unintelligent, as such they breed like fucking rabbits creating more retards. All these retards then vote conservative because they know absolutely nothing about the world around them. This leads to more poor people, these poor never get an education and are dumb as fuck, they have more dumb kids, these dumb kids grow up to be Trumpos, etc etc the movie Idiocracy becomes reality.


I see this more as a failing on the behalf of the American political structure. If America's poluitics wasn't completely fucked, then we wouldn't have ended up in a situation where an egomaniacal billionaire that will sign away internet privacy is the lesser of two evils.


There is no explanation for racism.

Easy, it points out that by relying upon your government for protection from corporate interests is foolish and the shit can change as soon as the next assclown gets into office. I support him killing internet pricacy, it's just one more reason customers need to organize themselves, put aside their differences, and protect themselves from mega-doushe-bag companies.

Tell me this, do you really think relying upon the government for protection from corpoeations 100% of the time is a good idea?

There is no justification for racism.

I almost feel bad for the way racists have been made cucks for the wealthy few

There are avid trump supporters. But to be fair to most trump voters. They don't like him or think he's a good president any more than democrats do. They just hated hillary more.

Trump had 60% disapproval on election day. His approval rating right now is around 37%.

This, but you forgot 'being in the pockets of Russia'

The Cuckening continues.

Nothing says "cuck" like voting to give your country to Russia


Racists hated the black man in the White House so much, they voted to get rid of democracy

>Let’s set the record straight: First, despite hyperventilating headlines, Internet service providers have never planned to sell your individual browsing history to third parties. That’s simply not how online advertising works. And doing so would violate ISPs’ privacy promises.

Look at this nigger go

The Cuckening

It's nothing new. Google and the other search engines have already been doing this for years. All that this (not yet implemented) rule would have done is keep ISP's from selling data and since others can already sell it legally, what's the fucking point?

ITT: we trigger some racists

Shouldn't have done it
But we can't pretend that internet browsers and other ompanies like Facebook and others were selling private information already it's just another shovel of shit on a manure pile

this thread is the most autistic thing I have read in a while

And to be clear, my comment (and I don't think yours meant this either) wasn't suggesting that conservative/Republican is bad by default. Nor is liberal/Democrat. It's the blind allegiance to one point of view, even when it directly conflicts with your own interests or those of your friends/family. That's the con, not just getting support from the masses including the fake news idiot I responded to above, it's getting their support even when it directly affects said voters in negative ways. Even better if you can convince them to attack the other side who is ostensibly comprised of would be allies

Racists think if black and brown people have internet privacy, then internet privacy must be a bad thing.


Anyone else think the usage of that word is a little telling? Also, still wanna know if people think 100% relying upon the gov for protection from corporate interests is a good idea.

>this shit is why democrats are evil.

Relying on the government to do that would be perfectly fine if the American government wasn't entirely corrupt to it's core

The government is supposed to be funded and owned by the people in order to serve the peoples best interests, in theory of course

the point is that your ISP has ALL your information, whereas google, facebook, yahoo, or whoever the fuck has never had exclusive rights to every single thing you've ever done online.

An ISP has it ALL. Just because they've never intended on selling it before doesn't mean they aren't gonna sell it now. because if they CAN make money doing it, they WILL.

Tor is garbage. Slow as fuck and inconvenient as fuck.


Who said I'm a Democrat?

Because, on the internet, I don't have to go to google. I can't avoid using my ISP to get on the internet.

I really don't like these assclowns being on the same side as me in this, they really don't know how the internet works. Also, glad privacy rules are gone.



It is important to point out that people who are highly educated (conservative politicians) made a purposeful decision to use racism to help themselves get elected.

While it is sickening that ignorant people are racist, the fact that "our leader" who clearly know better made conscious decision to use racism to enrich themselves is beyond sickeing.




All you cucks use Google and Facebook which sells your data. It is not an illegal practice.

Let's make capitalism work for America and make the rules equal.




What a moron!
Google provides its sevice for free. With google you are not a customer you are a product. You can choose not to use Google and Google only has infomation through the use of its services. You pay your ISP, most of the times you can't choose an ISP and ISP has your name, SSN, your IP and all the DNS requests you have made ever.


>believing anything the (((MSM))) reports about this presidency




Sure there is. We need to gas all non whites.


Really hate posting in these threads, but you seem to be asking reasonably enough. Obviously it's not a good idea to rely on the government for protection from this type of shit 100%of the time. Yeah, of course this has already been going on with Google, Facebook, etc, and if we're being honest, it's probably also been going on with ISPs in one way or another. But it would just be nice if we had people in Washington who werent so willing to green light things like this as nothing more than a slavish gesture to the free market gods.




Well he can't be worse than Obama, NOBODY could be as bad as that inept buffoon.





>Being this brainwashed

You do know Obama just signed the bill to prevent this the last weeks of his term. And it wasn't actually enacted yet. Or in other words. This has been legal since the net was created and was going on and still is going on today. Where was the outrage the last 25+ years?

to be fair a log of shit would have been better than obama so it's not saying much


>just because this bill allows the ISPs to sell your private information doesn't mean they want to do that. I mean, it's not like they've given shitloads of money to hundreds of congressman or anything...




Thank God we survived that jerk and thank God for President Trump






That moron left America worse than bush did. Thank god we got a real President fixing all this shit now.

Yet it's "corrupt to its core", and "we" let it happen. There isn't much hope for us now other than taking back the last-mile of the Internet, at which point we'd be able to enter into negotiations with the corporate power houses that facilitate the Internet. Until then, we're basically the ISPs bitches. I only have 2 options of ISP, and both SUCK. I wish I was in an area where there's real meaningful competition, like where google fiber is, but I'd still be in a less powerful position than if we had the last-mile.









You never use a search engine? RIIIIIGHT. And you never go to sites with naughty pictures either, do you? Search engines are JUST ONE of the entities that are already selling your data. Do you use FB? Or any other social media/network? Congrats, your data has been sold in some manner, you even gave them permission to do so. Are you an Apple fag? Guess what they do with the data that they collect? It should be illegal for any/all online data to be collected and sold, but since it is not, all this whining about 1 segment of an industry is just a waste of time, since there are several other hands already in the pot.


Blame Congress for proposing and passing the law
