I have a stupid question that I'd like to ask. What the fuck is Anarcha-feminism? What the fuck do they even want...

I have a stupid question that I'd like to ask. What the fuck is Anarcha-feminism? What the fuck do they even want? What the fuck do they even do?

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They're authoritarian communists, just like ancoms, but they have cunts.


because capitalism is mysagonist. Reasons are never give except for muh wage gap.

isn't the whole point of capitalism that anyone can rise to the top

I would say that it's not so much a specific separate ideology, but more so just a subsection of Anarchism with a focus on gender equality.

Almost every AnCom can be labled as Queer Anarchist, Anarcho-Feminist, and Green Anarchist

While some may or may not fall into Primitivist Anarchism or Anarcho-Transhumanism

If I understand correctly, they believe that misogyny is built into all forms of government, and so it must be destroyed.

In theory, but in practice those at the top do all they can to keep others down.

so do they actually believe in pure anarchy

Well, what's your idea of pure "Anarchy"?

In theory yes. In practice those who's ancestors rose to the top tend to stay there.

It's a system designed to harness human greed constructively.

no government at all

I realy liked the idea of anarchy, but I came to the conclusion, that the resulting (desiered) power-vacuum will be filled by totalitarianism. Communism/Stalinism for AnComs. Musolinis fashism for an AnCap system.

Then Yea. They do. More of an AnCom, AnSyn or Possibly Mutualist type.

>mfw I'm a niger and the cop will shoot me even with singles.

I disagree there,

I feel that given proper education to the population, and AnCom system can be established and maintained

me too

We can all agree that ancap is the true anarchy

i can

We can agree that ancap is fucking retarded.

With a group of highly dedicated and educated people, a system based around fucking good boy points can work.

The idea is that it be a system that can survive even in the face of a large amount of people with conflicting values, including those who would like to see its downfall. Real life, that is.

>anyone can rise to the top
>as long as the ones on top allow it

What the fuck is this shit and why are you fags paying so much attention to it?

I don't even know...

No government
Government-enforced equality