How do i impress the Russian girl I'm talking to?

How do i impress the Russian girl I'm talking to?


russian girl here

Buy her blue jeans and Beatles tapes.

Chug a bottle of cheap vodka.


Hardbass and adidas tracksuit + slavsquat

ну не веришь и ладно

Canuck with russian gf here

Just don't be a cuck
Russians are very conservative usually, not politically correct at all. I'm always shocked at what my gf does and does not find racist

i like egs


Show up in a track suit, squat down in front of her and drink an entire bottle of low shelf vodka in front of her.




That would impress me

лель,что ты здесь забыла?


elada kipros enosis

мужа ищю епт




ты, что ебанутая?

They are the same as murrican ones. Stupid bicthes that love money. Тупые пезды, so to say/



Literally just offer to buy her and bring her to America.

It works EVERY time.

В интернете нету ТЯН, а уж тут-то тем более.

Vodka shots and fucking the monster in foto in front of her.

Кстати да, но еслиб и были они были бы в разы такими тупыыыыыми, чем обычно.

Асечку. Писечку.

Do not, listen, do not offer her money to make a visit to USA or wherever you are AT (lol). You will never see neither her nor your money. Well, you CAN see her if she needs more, and you will be told a heartbreaking story about, like, her having beaten up and stolen of the money you had sent.

Ну хз. Лол, у тебя русский не первый язык?

ask her out

У меня сосач головного мозга, очень трудно выражать свои мысли будучи аскетом 24/7

Ну, это норма, лол.

Дай асечку, поможешь язык учить.