What are some unethical/unhealthy/non-legal to lose weight fast...

What are some unethical/unhealthy/non-legal to lose weight fast? I'm not interested in healthy lifestyle and all that bullshit. I'm ready to die anyway so I don't give a damn about the side effects.
ib4 go to /fit/

losing weight but not interested in healthy lifestyle?

Why do you care?

take speed

why not? everyone wants to be thin but no one wants to work out

Walk around all Day
Only Drink prosecco

Step 1: Go to an online calorie calculator. Put in your weight, age, sex, height, activity level, etc. and it will tell you an estimate of the number of calories your body needs to maintain your current weight.

Do this with a few calculators, because they are all a bit different. Take an average or use the number that seems most legitimate to you.

Step 2: Now keep track of your caloric intake for a few days. Add up the calories from EVERYTHING you put into your mouth.

Now you know how many calories you need vs. how many you are actually eating.

Step 3: Reduce your calorie intake to BELOW the required amount.

Step 4: As long as you are eating fewer calories than you are burning, then YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. It's that simple.

Seems reasonable. Thank you

DNP. There is literally not faster way

Look up binge eating disorder
Memorize Symptoms
weave them into a Story
Hit up all the psychiatrists you can finden
Tell them the story
Dont take the ssris say they arent helping
Aquire amphetamine

When someone tell me they want to look healthy but they don't want to adopt an healthy lifestyle I fucking legit cry. I hope this is bait


How much do you need to lose OP?

If you don't want/can't get the black market substances, there's Phentermine, Ephedrine, Caffeine, Topiramate, and a whole lot more in the grey market.

You should g2/fit/ tbh

I want to lose around 20 kilos or so. Gonna look up some drugs

I swear those people are worst than Sup Forums

I used to do that but once I was happy and began eating normal again I easily gained the weight I lost already, so if you try that shit you have to starve a bit for it to be actually effective

You will gain the weight back as soon as you stop taking the drug. Don't even bother with it

How is your weight now? Did you gain back all of it?

Maybe crack? Everyone who takes that has a good time and looks skinny as fuck. You said you don't care about health so go for it.

If you don't care about being healthy, what should you care about what others think about their health or yours?

> but once I was happy and began eating normal again

There's your mistake. Short-term "dieting" is a meme. You're not supposed to reduce your calorie intake for a short time and then go back to being a glutton once you've lost the weight. You're supposed to figure out a sustainable LONG-TERM dietary plan that will keep you at your desired weight. It's a permanent lifestyle change.

Pretty much this
After all you can't be fat if you are dead

But how to find the motivation for that
I mean i dont know how people live without fat foods and lazy lifestyle

20 Kilos is doable even without drugs or exercise. A daily diet with 1000kCal caloric deficit will get you to that weight within a year.

But if you want to accelerate the process, then you'll need to up your metabolism too.

Came here to say this. On DNP, 2,4 Dinitrophenol you lose about a pound per day. If you take any more than it's probably safe-ish at 250mg per day. Go much higher than that and you could easily die.

I don't know. Personally I have the opposite problem (I chronically under-eat) and I have to force myself to eat every day. So I can't really relate to people when they say that it takes motivation or willpower to reduce their eating habits. . . I'm like nigga just stop eating as much.

And to further add to this, I eat fast food maybe twice per week and eat junk food sometimes. And I have no problem preventing myself from becoming overweight. So I don't see what the problem is for most people.

Wanna lose weight fast OP? Jump in front of a train. You cant lose weight fast. Think of it this way, did you become a fast ass real quick, or did your whole life of eating like shit make you as big as you are? So, be healthy and lose weight, or kill yourself. Theres no alternative.

I have a recommendation. What's your BMI currently? I ask because you are eligible (and insurance will cover) for bariatric surgery (like a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass) if your BMI is a certain threshold:

1. If your BMI is >=40
2. If your BMI is >=35 AND you have obesity-related disease such as obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

So basically, my advice for the most unethical and unhealthy way to lose weight FAST would be to gain so much weight that your insurance will have to pay for weight loss surgery. After surgery, you'll drop weight like a motherfucker.

i have like ten dnp pills left. not using them atm because i'm not cutting but yeah. just start lifting dude. good for your shitty body and shitty mind.

Yes. 2,4-DNP works fastest to up the metabolism. As mentioned earlier, you can also reduce intake via suppression of appetite using Phentermine, or Caffeine.

Or you can regulate your mood and cravings via 5-HTP or Topiramate. Deadly cocktail if not careful.

Just stop eating

Just do crack bro

Any short term shit you try will end up biting you in the ass later... if you plan on like, still living.

Every fucking person who tries "get lean in 6 fucking minutes" diets fails. They always fail. Do you know why? You're competing with 6 billion years of evolution that says to EVERY organism on this planet you must eat. Stop eating and you die.

You think you're going to reprogram your grey matter in 6 weeks or 6 months for that matter? You've got to respect your brain (our brains) a little more. They take time to reprogram which is why it takes a LONG fucking time to slim down.

Otherwise if you're just interested in leaning out with none of the effort get surgery, but speak with your doctor first about your options.

Like EVERYTHING IN LIFE, you get out only what you put in. Nobody rides for free. The only way to get a great body is to fucking earn it.

210 lbs down from 270 reporting

i just stopped eating for the most part, no change in lifestyle beyond that

you only eat crappy food once a week