Why is another countries Civil War so irrelevant, internationally?

Why is another countries Civil War so irrelevant, internationally?

When I was in school I was only taught about these civil wars:

And thats it. But I was taught about the fucking War of the Roses for some reason.

all you've listed are the only historically relevant civil wars in the field of basic school knowledge

Then was the English Civil War not relevant?

followup the war of roses happened too long ago to have any reason to learn about aside from background knowledge

Are you implying your Civil war was at all relevant outside of North America? Maybe Britain cared a bit, but no one else fucking did.

We didn't learn about any Civil wars except a tiny bit about yours but only because it directly tied to our history.

In the Netherlands all those civil wars are irrelevant.

Here we mostly get world history, as Dutch history is world history.

I think we might have dedicated a page to the American civil war. Some woman in the bus, then a civil war broke out and the woman was freed from the KKK. Or something. Very important.

The war of the roses is your history too.

no im not. if you look at the history, France and Britain basically say they don't give a shit during our civil war.

That's not even close.. hahah

I never listened when they taught it, i just liked the name

The Haitian revolution is the only relevant civil war

honestly, thats true in a way, It led to Monroe Doctrine, and Philippines/Guam, becoming U.S. no?

But that was more of a ""global"" conflict than it was civil war. Or at least it escalated to that level.

Maybe because they tell you only about the relevant ones, moron. We had many civil wars for example but the Revolution was the most important because it changed Europe.
American Civil War because it's your history. Mexican because CHI. Korea because it's recent and Vietnam honestly I don't know why

Also your education is shit

The Mexican Civil War is one of the main reasons we entered the first World War, dumbass. It's not because of Chicanos.

Russian civil war turned Russian Empire into USSR and created independent Finland and Poland.
Bretty relevant i think

Yeah, but it happened during the 1st World War, it just gets swept under the radar desu

You mean "Why American education is so full of shit?"

France Revolution is the only Civil War that matters internationally.

Not really

The Russian revolution and Turkish revolution were equally important due the fact that it changed a huge political climate accross a huge geographical region and mainly the Russian revolution determined a specific outcome of chain of events that would happen later in that century,

The Haitian/Cuban Revolution pretty much sparked the Spanish-American War, which in turn, basically ended European Colonialism of the Americas, as well as making the U.S. a true world power.


My dude your civil war does not even begin to be revelant unless it's in the dictionary

America had a civil war?
You learn something new every day

How the fuck do you people remember things they teach in school?

I remember almost everything I read or hear.

But my dad likes to talk a lot (of nonsense) so when he talks I just zone out. :^)

Russian Civil War seems pretty relevant but is caught up in the history of the first world war. China's is fairly important as well, but Japanese aggression in WW2 kind of takes the show. Spanish Civil War is sometimes taught as a pre-WW2 standoff. Other than that, I think most nations didn't fundamentally change following their civil wars, or didn't change their overall relations with the world enough to note historically. African nations have civil wars that no one discussed because it really only affects them.

The English civil war lead to loads of religious nutters moving to the American colonies so that is sort of relevant.