How do we help starving families?

How do we help starving families?

By growing more GMO crops and feeding it to the masses to mind control them

I know you're trolling but lets take a look at that word SNAP. It means "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program". Supplemental, not pay for your entire food budget you whore.

take them off welfare so they have to get a job

thats a lot of limes

What store did she go to? Whole Foods?

cannibalism of prisoners and homosexuals

29 dollars for some kind of veggie tacos? Is this some sort of "only mexican families need food stamps" meme? cause nigger families need them too.

you should promote homosexuality, they're not gonna procreate if they find someone to marry

You shouldn't be able to buy 7 limes a month on food stamps. That many limes is a luxury, and they're taking it out of MY neetbucks. Not acceptable.

Where the fuck is that bitch shopping? That's like 13 bucks here.

nigger families would have a big bag of frozen fried chicken, a couple two liters of orange/grape soda, and the rest would be kool aid packets


>food for a week
>7 limes and cilantro

How about not shopping like a fucking retard

If you're black that's not nearly enough food
If you're Mexican you can make that shit work
He'll, the eggs alone are enough to feed a family of six

HAHAHAHA. No. If OP's pic related is $29.00 they need to shop somewhere else. As a single male food stamp recipient I spend roughly $50.00 a week on groceries. I usually eat a frozen pizza day, eggs, waffles, donuts, ice scream. Those types of foods. Also found a store I can buy pic related with my EBT card

Stay jelly wage cucks.

Just give them eggs & oatmeal

I was off EBT by the time I found a place that actually let people buy booze with it. I still drink King Cobra once in a while, it's the cheapest

I live in cuckfornia. This bitch is likely exaggerating to get attention.
That can't be more than 15 bucks worth of food.

How much do you weigh

absolute bullshit liar

200 pounds even. It's a decent, average weight for a guy that is 6'0.

That looks like "safeway" brand beans and rice to me, that place is already expensive. Walmart (and i'm sure your local 'ethnic' whatever stores have deals, i don't like to deal with foreigners as much as possible) have cheap bulk rice and beans. If one week you make some big purchases of those, then several following weeks you can buy smaller, more perishable things to make with the rice and beans or potatoes. You won't have a huge variety unless you've got time on your hands to cook, but why are you on SNAP if you're jobless? Google recipes, youtube some examples.

Kill them.

Then there will be no starving families.

So you eat nothing but junk food plus a couple eggs? Do you have scurvy, anything like that?

Not yet. I've had dental problems in the past but I believe I've a lot of dental work done when I was in high school, I get frequent migraines, and my body aches in places frequently. I should eat greener,

I work at target and they get alot more money than that. It's irritating seeing people pay for. +$100 of junk food with EBT/SNAP

>why are you on SNAP if you're [not] jobless?
Maybe they're not qualified for any jobs that pay a living wage?


Education on spending efficiently by the looks of that 'shop'

If you're poor you don't need coriander or limes or fresh complements to a meal. You need to buy energy dense food for low price. Calories are more important than micro nutrition at this point. When you're making more money you can eat more variety.
>Learn to cook farmer/peasant style
>Buy grains/legumes/potatos and canned vegies in bulk
>The rest on staples. milk/eggs/bread
>Learn to cook big portions and eat the same meals for a while
>Meat is a luxury, buy it on special when you can afford it
>Drink water. tea/coffee/sodas are luxuries. Buying tea in bulk can be cost efficient

If poor people can do this it'll be easier to get to not poor.

I don't think most people deserve help because sometimes people have their options to get help but they don't take it.
But those such as Veterans do need it.

>an idiot who had nothing to offer than to get shot at
I'll never understand.

SNAP isn't food stamps. It's an extra component. Also, it doesn't include other welfare and child support payments. As well as WIC. As well as a modicum of other state and local support programs. Not to mention private charities which do a lot to raise money for food for people who need it.

People definitely aren't starving. It's why poor people are more likely to be obese than rich people. I'm pretty sure they aren't eating their greens, and they're finding the money for more expensive shit.

>stay jelly wagecucks
How's it feel to be so bad at life that you can't buy food on your own?

You have been making pipes out of your tin foil hats, haven't you?

Yes, that's correct, you will understand.
So tell me, what do you do for a living?
>inb4 NEET

Now that you've admitted not understanding that it is sweet and proper to die for your country, a government van is on its way to your house. They will pick you up (please don't struggle) and take you to the nearest CIA blacksite, where you will be repatriotized. Then you'll understand why a guy who tied up Coast Guard boats during the Vietnam Era deserves your love, respect, and tax dollars.

your mom

We live in a culture where these people no longer feel shame. It must be amazing to have this kind of freedom to not care about how others judge you. I suspect it's actually is much worse for them than they pretend. There's simply no way to engage in romantic relationships, or share many of the experiences that make up human life without being a productive person. I hate to quote that one guy... but #sad

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Bitch spent that 29 like an idiot. Gert a bag of potatoes a bag of white rice some cans of kidney beans a bag of onions and whatever meats you can afford after that. Make rice, mix in chopped onion and kidney beans meat if ya got it salt n pepper. Did that shit in college spent like 35 a week....shit was hard as bricks though because rice but hey when youre poor gotta sacrifice something

If a family is getting $119 a month for food stamps, it's because they make enough money. Hell, my family of 4 gets around $440 a month while my girl and I both work. Gwennith Paltro is a dumb cunt.

10 lbs rice: $8
10 lbs chicken quarters: $8
Dozen eggs: $4
$9 leftover.

Maybe realize that vegetarian diet isn't inexpensive because of how light the foods are when it comes to caloric density.

>There's simply no way to engage in romantic relationships
While it won't be your media-fueled idea of "walks on the beach" (free) or picnics (paid for by EBT), poor people do get together and do drugs and love each other and commit domestic violence and have kids and stick together.

10/10 post of the day. Genuinely made me lol.

I'm imagining the person proud of no income, on Sup Forums probably doesn't engage in healthy activities or relationships.

Okay dude first off,
1) A REAL Navy Seal wouldn't go around bragging about his accomplishments and possibly reveal his identity.
2) The United States isn't a totalitarian regime so if you were to attack citizens randomly, then you'd be going to jail
3) What is a Navy Seal doing on Sup Forums anyways?
You're probably a NEWFAG who cannot get fucking laid.

29$ of eggs and chicken gets you a lot more than that. Stop buying wasteful shit and you won't have problems.

Hell a sack of potatoes for a two weeks is 5 to 8$ max.

Spend wisely and you won't run into problems

Here is the average American breakfast. If you don't eat it, you won't have the energy to go to the shooting range or stay awake while driving drunk. Keep in mind this is a single serving. Some people are allergic to the fruits/vegetables so they give them to the dog.

Nice bait mate.

Why is a fucking poor family buying avacadoes and limes.

Seriously it's a waste

Nice bait but damn mushrooms for breakfast fuckin top notch


>Gwennith Paltro

I have a job I just prefer to buy whiskey and PC parts with my money I don't report to the food stamp office.

You mean, perhaps, "plethora" instead of "modicum". A modicum is a little tiny bit of something.


You jelly? Landwhale.


how is this one

>How do we help starving families?
Take them off assistance. Eventually, there will be less starving families, as they'll die off.
Mission accomplished, nobody left that needs help.

This level of attention seeking?

You're adopted as fuck, boi


Canadian Asking All Americans Here:
What is your average monthly food budget and what does it normally consist of? Ie: Veggies 50 dollars, Meat 50, bread 50, fruits 50, canned goods etc 50...

thats a europe u doop


fcuk you i hate adopted kids. it's immoral, it's against God's plan

Open up the market and stop socialism from fucking starving everyone


Nothing is against God's plan.
It's not possible to go against his plan.

1. Don't go to fucking sprouts- the fuck 30$? That's like NYC super farmer market hipster level...
2. Buy giant bags of rice- the fuck you doing with that puny ass bag? that'll last you 2 days at most
3. stuff beans down pants or purse

>american breakfast
>blood sausages?

not letting welfare faggots shop at Whole Foods for a start

Plot twist: you're actually adopted

*Parts of this joke may contain elements of an old episode of Friends I just watched on Netflix. Not a significant source of OC

enough protein for a week

>Plot twist

Family of three, usually spend about ehhh.... 150 a week? But i buy lots of unnecessary shit like frozen burritos ramen noodles ravioli and shit for quick lunches for my kid since me and the wife both work

Make it a requirement for receiving food stamps or SNAP that you take a day class on making that money go far while making foods that you want to eat.

SNAP gives me 190 a month.
I manage to not starve. Anyone can do it if they're not an absolute faggot.

That's actually not a bad idea

No one here wants to admit it, but you need goverment funding for food, specially for kids under 6 years olds.

You also need a serious nutrition program for that age, if you don't poor people end up giving the kids baby bottles with coke and that's how you end with a bunch of retards.

Most of the educational problems of the black population can be traced back to shitty nutrition during those 6 first years, this has been throughly studied and it's all sourceable.

Bad nutrition in kids means dumb population plain and simple.


>How do we help starving families?


Better idea: restrictions on what you can & can't buy.
But corps like Walmart would fight the fuck out of that... just like they fight any kind of SNAP benefit cutbacks.

The beans are a dead giveaway this isn't America. American breakfasts are desserts.

Remember during the Irish Potato Famine, how all those faggots starved? 'Twas a glarrrious time.


food banks

helps my brother a lot


When humanity stops being retarded as a whole it won't be an issues.
It's not likely but that's the actual answer to this issue.

kek; fun fact: the English actually turned away huge donations from other countries during the famine.

My moms on snap or whatever in Washington state she gets $250/month idk wtf this $29/week bullshit is. Also they all buy junk food and get way more quantity.

Oh, so now companies aren't allowed to make a profit? Then the poor Walton family will end up on SNAP, ever think of that??

>poor Walton family
kek; 10/10

My mothers aunt is on that and she gets 150 a week for herself, people just take that money and buy it on shit, as a matter of fact on small hood markets it's normal for people to buy food stuffs then sell those for cash. The whole welfare and food stamps system gets super abused by lazy fucks, drug addicts and whores who keep popping kids like if they where bunnies.

Being on SNAP makes you an absolute faggot.

Seems pretty fucking obvious not to wheelie food directly to a food addict.

You wouldn't wheelie a bin of meth by a meth addict and be like "what a surprise, the meth addict is buying meth"

Eat a beaver. Save a tree