Just got diagnosed with ADD Inattentive at 20 years old. Prescribed Adderall XR just came from my pharmacy...

Just got diagnosed with ADD Inattentive at 20 years old. Prescribed Adderall XR just came from my pharmacy. What should I expect from them?

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Boring flatline emotion bullshit if you want a high poor out the balls in the capsule and crush them up and parachute or snort them but be careful they are slippery/rolly little bastards but fuck adderall it's just not that great or fun high or taking it as prescribe

Eat less and be a lot more "productive"
basically just dont give a shit what you put your mental effort into

I've taken this shit to study for some of my harder exams. No real noticeable effects, but was able to study for hours on end without sleeping.

You'll feel really tired and hungry when it wears out

>Boring flatline emotion bullshit if you want a high poor out the balls in the capsule and crush them up and parachute or snort them but be careful they are slippery/rolly little bastards but fuck adderall it's just not that great or fun high or taking it as prescribe

It generally doesn't happen. It happens to some, but usually it's not that big of a deal.

OP, I recommend reading or watching Russell Barkley's materials. Things like this: youtube.com/watch?v=_tpB-B8BXk0

The drugs themselves should help you focus. Remember that the first week or two is going to be different than usual.

People will tell you that ADHD is either not real or not a big thing, but it definitely is. It's not something that will directly kill you or cause you harm, but it lowers your inhibitions towards risky behavior. So dealing with ADHD in the long run is important.

I was prescribed it when I was younger and in my honest opinion you should not take it unless you are REALLY in need of focusing on work or school.
Just don't take it for a long time. All those kinds of drugs are just bad news. ADD/ADHD isn't a bad thing. It's just over stimulation. A bunch of indigo children have it.

Great for taking with booze and going out, you have the loosened inhibitions and 'fuck it' of being drunk, but you can still be on top of your shit and quick witted. Great when trying to pick up bar sluts

However, it can give you mad dope-dick if you take too much and make it impossible to get off.

When I was in my early twenties and had a day off, I'd wake up, take 3 10xrs, smoke a bowl and drink a cup of coffee to wake up, take 2 more a couple hours later, smoke another bowl, then throw in a dip and beat my dick like it owed me money for the next 4 hours before ever leaving the house.. those were the days

>ADD/ADHD isn't a bad thing. It's just over stimulation. A bunch of indigo children have it.
Which is why scientific studies have shown that people with ADHD are significantly more likely to get into serious car crashes and engage in plethora of other risky behavior. Because it's not such a big deal.

>Drivers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are nearly 50 percent more likely to be in a serious car crash, a new study suggests.

OP, seriously, ADHD is an important thing to deal with. You won't notice the effects of it easily, because the disorder itself makes you less likely to accurately judge how risky some things are.

if you take them daily for like 9 months and stop youre gonna wanna kill yourself for a week.

I'm not sure, I took riddelin when I was about 7 to 9 yo. Apparently i was a zombie with no energy, I hardly ate anything. I was on 2 doses a day. I hated it. At age 9 they took me off it and I was hyper but I eventually grew out of it. Idk if I still have it or not but I'm 28 now, I have no issues paying bills, paying attention to detailed instructions, I have no issues driving distracted. I function completely normal, no one would ever guess I was diagnosed with ADHD as a small child. I feel like doctors are quick to dianose and prescribe drugs these days, it's nuts.

I would expect to make around $15 a pill around your college campus through out the semester and more durring finals.

Everyone has ADD you aren't special.

but how does one find people to buy from. I'd be too afraid to get caught and kicked out.

its meth so expect to feel like youre on meth

I couldn't sleep for 6 days after I began taking them, I'm emotionally numb and I eat a lot less.

You just gotta get to know people man. Or (if you have insurance) get diagnosed and prescribed, then you have nothing to worry about because you have a prescription. Either way it can be useful for finals, that's how I would use it anyways.

I doubt you will get $15 unless you are in the void zone. NYC maybe $5.

If you do decide to buy it from people make sure you know what it looks like and what the numbers should be on a real pill. I would be very careful buying them from strangers, you have no idea what they are selling you.

yeah true but just look up the numbers on google and youll instantly know the real easy thing to get ripped on is if you buy xr pills its easy for the seller to take out a portion of the beads and you would be none the wiser

in my experience I get dope dick on literally every dose so yeah be careful on that for sure otherwise i completely agree also adderall makes it so there is no hangover in my experience

reddelin kek

I have add but I don't want to go to a doctor because I'm from Europe and where I'm from they treat it through therapy and not with drugs.
It makes me wanna kill myself because I know I fucked up my life because of that.
I can't do three things during the day while my friend from the US who's on Adderall outperforms Asian kids.

I don't have ADHD though. I've just looked into it a bit more than "it doesn't exist" or "it's not that big of a deal".

I have hypertension, which essentially just means that my blood pressure is higher. It's a genetic issue. I don't feel physically any worse because of it and it doesn't stop me from essentially anything. So why would I get this medicated or treated? Because statistically people with untreated hypertension are much more likely to have heart problems much earlier in life. It's similar to ADHD - it's a problem you don't feel is a problem, but down the line the likelihood of it causing large issues is high.

heart attack

fuck me fuck all of my shitty psychiatrist fuck my gay life what a bunch of fucking assholes
no one wants to prescribe me pills, they are all fucking hippies when it comes to adhd meds, I bet my fucking psychiatrist doesnt think adhd is a fucking thing because I cant understand why after all this time the only thing ive got is fucking atomoxetine, the fucking worst pill out there and in its lowest form avaible 20 mg
I cant fucking wrap my head around it, im starting college and I have adhd and im barely surviving
holy shit Im fucking pissed at my retarded pyschiatrists fuck my gay life

tl; dr
hey how do you convince your psychiatrist to give you adhd meds?
I have it, but my docs are literally retarded

I know a guy that got $15 a pill in college, that was 6 years ago. It was in a state University in California.

>hey how do you convince your psychiatrist to give you adhd meds?

You don't. You go find a new one.

There are so many people that are led to believe that ADHD is a lie. They clearly ignore the evidence and say that the meds are ruining things.

ive seen 3 different psychiatrists, I have an appoinntment next wednesday with the 4th
if this doesnt work out then im going to just look up the closest one to my home and go through all of them until I get adderall

and I was a racist, a gay racist

>risky behavior
Kek. Taking risks is a part of life. And so is ingesting harmful substances created by man.
Have fun in your mom's basement.
Adderoll is bad, mmmkay?

>Kek. Taking risks is a part of life. And so is ingesting harmful substances created by man.

The point is that you're more likely to engage in such behavior. It has been shown in actual studies that people with ADHD that are not medicated are much more likely to cause serious accidents. Why? Because they tend to take riskier actions.

Of course you have to take some risk in life, but this is a comparison of risk levels rather than "absolutely no risk" vs "some risk".