Crush said she wants to be raped, what to do >b? best pic i have of her

crush said she wants to be raped, what to do >b? best pic i have of her

sound like you should rape her, and cum on that airfield she refers to as a forehead

You have to be the one doing the raping

should i? would post pics of her lifeless body then

Common fantasy user. Just rape it

Rape the cunt.

cum on her six-head? yeah
rape her? also yeah

what should i do with her

>said she wants to be raped

I can see why. At first glance I thought this was a trap thread

more pics of her
shes way better in person
shes like a goddess

Thats not a crush, thats a crash, buddy.
Like one of those where a truck loaded with lambs smashes a lil petshop multivan filled with puppys at high speed creating such an unpleasant display of carnage that you feel sick to your soul just by looking at it. Goddammit dude kill that thing with loads of fire...


Rape her then you fucking pussy.

Looks like user is looking to be convinced that he needs to rape her when this whole idea was created in his head.

she rarely sends pictures
this is from some time ago when we used to talk

Random choke-fuck faggot.

It's a common fetish, because women are naturally built to be raped and to like it. Quit being a pussy and just do it.

but like we didnt really talk much and then she randomly messaged me 'please rape me'

It's a beta-bitch test. If you don't rape her then you failed.

ive seen better hair lines around a monkey's asshole

It's not rape if she wants you to. Only play.

You lost.

will rape her today in 8 hours
>b expect some pictures

Sounds like she wants to play pretend though.

Nah, you don't have the balls.

how do i do it
how do i approach her

Whoa, whoa, whoa, user. Hold up, there. Let's not turn this rape into a murder.

I dunno man, just grab her by the throat, slip your hand down her pants, and continue from there?

ill drug her

Drugging them is for pussies.

If you're too afraid to do the time, don't do the crime.

but i want her

Lol she just wants you to be agressive with her. Make some really bold advances and back off if she isn't into it tbh.

she has a bf i cant just get laid like that

Yes you can. Women will go from one guy to the next if the next guy is more desirable.

how can someome like her want me if im a fat cunt with a neckbeard, poor social skills, acne

You can still get laid I bet.

Just don't spill too much of your spaghetti.

dont! its a trap!


The word "Rape" should set off alarm bells in your head. If she wants to be dominated is one thing but rape is forced sex and with the current laws she could come back in a few years and accuse you of just that. She's a train wreck. Walk away before she takes you with her.

>ill drug her
I... You fucking what, user?
>this kills the female

>Thats not a crush, thats a crash, buddy.
My sides

Dude just dm her your dick