So that public freakout cunt is a hypocritical Snapchat whore. Does anyone have source?

So that public freakout cunt is a hypocritical Snapchat whore. Does anyone have source?

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This bitch is unbelievable. She was projecting her insecurities on those people in the restaurant so much. She needs to be destroyed.

dude was based as fuck, i would have lost my shit if she went off at my wife like that

Im totally astonished WTF is wrong with people in this era? i mean i remember about 30 years ago people like this where like unicorns maybe you find one of them in your entire life, at this time you can simply walk outside and find those illiterate fucks everywhere...

Anna is based. Fuck you guys.

this feels so shill
a woman was a bit of a cunt a week ago and you can't stop photoshopping her / stalking her / posting about her. get the fuck over it bud. it doesn't matter.

She used to be kinda cute, then she had her mental breakdown, which is what we see now


She is sexually liberated and called out rape culture

All men rape

Also check em

Her phone number is 5one0 4eight0 6eight49

Come on this doesnt make any sense.
She had a breakdown for playing 365h at Second life? i should have like 4-5 mental breakdowns for playing videogames my entire life... that chick is mad as a cow even before second life and she need attention.

also wtf is wrong with that site advertisement


I agree. She must have had a propensity for being nuts anyways.

I know, it's bizarre ad placement.

How is being a camgirl to consenting, private customers make her a hypocrite for getting mad at people kissing in public? Are we all pretending to be retarded in this thread?

Checked. Also you're a fucking waste of life ham-planet.

Witnessed and fucking cunt.

da fuq can you say that shit?

This chick RAPED a PILLOW. That pillow could not consent. She is a fucking lowlife, scum-sucking RAPIST.

#pillowrapeisnotok #pillowequality #noconsentmeansno #beiberisnotapillowyousickfuckingbitch

Another thread of the mentally ill pointing out the mentally ill.
Bravo newfriends.

Dubs of truth

women can't be fixed

this is a pic of me before I raped some smelly lady with my mouth.




There's a video of her dancing and popping her ass. When she does, you can see a piece of toilet paper stuck on her vagina or asshole

Excelsior, but pointing out irony to the dissociated is futile.

You faggots calling me mentally ill too? Why you