Why do you want to kill yourself Sup Forums?

Why do you want to kill yourself Sup Forums?

Because I'll never fuck get to fuck your mom again not that she has AIDS. :(

all u cum suckers

Why do you want to live?

don't like who i am, don't think i can change.

Can't kill self though, very tempting sometimes and the more you dwell on it the sweeter it sounds. Just have to force yourself to stay productive.

Usually when I feel suicidal, I've been keeping a poor sleeping schedule and socializing too little.
I tend to fix it by immediately calling a friend and setting up a hangout session and doing something about getting better sleep.

im tired of being a virgin

Go buy some sex if you can't get it for free user.
Heck there are even legal brothels in Nevada that will give it to you for free the first time, if you are a virgin.

I'm not suicidal but I hate life. Feel like I'm going nowhere in life since college leaves me with no free time and I have no real interests or passions or even any ideaofwhat I want to do with my life. Could always be worse though

Don't really want to kill myself but I do, however, want my life to end just to get it over with.

I used to work with the disabled, if they can fuck so can you. Also if you are under 40 calm down chicks hit on you if you have a job and a stable life as you get older

No sense of worth, little passion, disorders, etc.

Because its my birthday, and no one gives a shit.

im mostly just tired. Im exhausted all the time. I eat healthy, exercise, sleep a regular schedule. I'm just so tired though. Nothing makes me feel anything. I dont get happy, i dont get that tingle in my tummy. The only things i feel are anxiety and guilt at being this way. I feel so bad for my wife. We got along so well, since elementary school even. But now i cant even tell if i love her or not.Nothing bad happened in our marriage or anything, i just changed i guess. And i can tell she's sad, and im sad about that. Went to an amusement park and felt absolutely nothing on the rides. Its weird, but I can barely take it. And it just sucks more knowing i didnt use to be this way. I remember feeling rested and enjoying life. and I have tried so hard to get back to that point but nothing helps.
And as you can probably tell from this post, my mind is a disorganized mess. I'm struggling to relay my thoughts on a daily basis and its only getting worse. I used to love writing, not i can barely post on fucking Sup Forums. honestly im at the end of my rope here.

Every waking minute I'm in fucking agony.

Happy birthday user, how old are you now?

Go see your doctor about this, you might have chronic fatigue or something.

I went to one, she put me on lexapro. Didnt see much of a change (except thinking about ending my life more than usual) for 4 months then i started losing sense of time. Like i dont remember driving to work one day after i had apparently woken up like usual, dropped my wife off at work, then ??? and got to work 4 hours late. I dont remember anything on that day before being at work and speaking to my boss. He said i looked fucked up, thought i was on drugs. I guess i was, but not
the kind he was thinking.
Went to another doctor, got a full checkup and everything was fine, fit as a horse he said. Now im talking to another doctor and he thinks i've had adhd since childhood and that it has just gotten really bad. So i got put on...forgot the name, but its a dextoamphetamine. it cost like $300 w/ insurance because there is no generic. It works okay i guess, i can focus a bit more for 2-4 hours after i take it bu then i feel even more tired and foggier than usual after it wears out. Spoke to him on the phone and he just wants me to go through the different adhd drugs to see if anything helps. Have an appointment with him tomorrow at 11am. He is one of those guys that will talk to you for like an hour then give you drugs. nice guy i guess.
Someone told my i might have hookworms? they're supposed to make you tired all the time so i guess i'll go get checked for that.

It could also be a psychosomatic symptom of depression or anxiety.
Whenever I get stressed enough to go into anxiety mode, it feels like my higher brain functions shut down and I feel really tired as well.

thats what lexapro doc said, but the treatment only made it worse and she refused to pursue other options. why im now seeing adhd doc. How do you get back to functional levels after your stress gets high enough to put you in that mode?

Mindfullness meditation.
I've also gone through cognitive behavioral therapy.
It basically comes down to how you react to your thoughts and emotions. The way it was explained to me was this: think of your brain as a network of footpaths. The path you've used the most is the one your brain will use automatically because it is the easiest. If you want to change the way you think, you'll have to actively try to think in a different way for 21 days, to establish a base for a new automatic pathway. After that it is al about noticing when you're thinking in your old pattern, acknowledge that that is what is happening, forgive yourself for it and then try to go back to the new pathway.
Mindfulness meditation helps with this, because it is basically training in recognizing how you feel and think as an observer and not letting yourself be pulled along by these thoughts and emotions.
It's an ongoing practice, but it has helped me get from having to psych myself up for 8 hours to go grocery shopping, to just going if I need to.

this sounds like something that could help. I often stress about doing simple things and end up putting them off and causing trouble for myself in the long term. Do you have any info on how to get started with this? I dont really know where to look or who to talk to about this stuff. I've noticed that i'm way more negative about things than i used to be, and it bums me out when i catch myself thinking like that.

Why not?

Nothing left to live for

All I do is work. My wife is absolutely gorgeous and I never get to spend any time with her. We're in the top 2% income-wise, but the old addage is true- money does not buy happiness.

Now I've developed health issues from stress and am on the edge of pulling the trigger.

No point to it all

If that was me I'd sell a ton of my stuff, build a nice little green house and just live there in peace selling electricity back to the grid. Seems like you just need a change of pace and a calmer lifestyle. Dont work so much. You probably have a ton of money saved up so go travel for a while.

im a 30yo virgin whos never had a job, never driven a car or gotten a license. im in bad shape (tho not a bad looking guy). i have severe depression and have attempted suicide once before, nothing really makes me happy nor do i have the money to try anything. iv already wasted half of my life. no confidence or will power to do anything to help my self and no one to try and help me out of it.

Ask your doctor about the cognitive behavioral therapy, he/she should be able to give you a referral.
Mindfullness meditation is usually taken in classes, it could be as simple as doing a google search on your home town and mindfulness. If there isn't a class near you, you can also do it through youtube.
I recommend the class though, because meeting a bunch of people who feel similar to you is a relief and makes you feel less bad about it.
Instead of being hard on yourself for thinking negatively, try to think "oh it's that thought pattern again, that's not very useful" and try to find the bright side of whatever is bugging you.
Also remember, feeling bad about things that legitimately are bad isn't wrong. It's wallowing in those emotions and thoughts that is detrimental to you.

Turning the tables, very nice.

thanks. I'll look for classes and talk to my doctor abiut it tomorrow

You're welcome user, I hope it helps you.

You wouldnt happen to know of a good health insurance that would cover, even partly, stuff like this would you? I'm with the insurance they provide at the bank I work at but they dont really cover psych stuff.

Well, I don't think I can help you there.
I'm from Denmark and we have tax payed healthcare. Ask your doctor I guess, it could be considered a treatment for physical symptoms caused by psychological issues. But I really don't know, sorry user.

ah man Denmark sounds nice. Thanks for all the help though. its good to be able to talk to someone without feeling guilt at having changed or pressure to sound like you used to, you know? i dont know if that makes sense, but thank you.

I know exactly how that feels, there is a reason why I try to do it for others when I get the chance.
It makes me feel good and enables me to circumvent some of the self esteem issues I have, that are the base of why I ended up as a recovering stressed anxiety mess.
Once more, you're welcome, being able to give you a bit of comfort helps me too.

>There are brothels that give you a free trial at sexual intercourse with the prostitutes in Nevada.
More on things that don't exist.

Go watch the bunny ranch documentary, then come back and report your findings to me user.