Does anybody else on here see musical notes or chords as different colors? For example...

Does anybody else on here see musical notes or chords as different colors? For example, every chord I play on my guitar has its own color that's somehow assigned itself unconsciously.

Feel free to share some insight, personal experience, etc.

>inb4 autism

bump for interest

Well this one is more game related, I began playing real guitar after playing guitar hero for the first time, and while adapting myself for the guitar, I noticed that almost each note had a color

a G was normally green and yellow
an A was red
a C was blue
and E as Green

not really exciting just something I got from this experience.


No, but my mind does assign colors to periods of time for some reason. Like each month and each decade for example have their own colors in my head.


>romanticizing a random permanent synaptic misfire
not gonna lie if i had some i would too

jesus christ dude you dont have synthesia

I see how that could have an effect as your starting playing later on. I played GH too but the colors weren't the same with the real thing.

A = Red
B = Green (Bb is a lighter green/teal interestingly enough)
C = Yellow
D = Blue
E = Orange
F = Some sort of rustier orange
G = Red as well

how do I associate notes with colours?

we're reaching levels previously unheard of

its not synesthesia unless you experience it without knowing what the notes are through other means

I see minor chords as having darker hues of blue and purple, while major chords are more yellow and green, but honestly, I don't think I have it.

Still, does anyone else see it that way?

That's pretty neat. Reminds me of how you can look at the air in a photograph and just know if a place used to be in the Soviet Union.

No. Didn't Scriabin have it for real though. Like, not like people on Sup Forums who claim to have it, but honest to god synthenesia

what do you mean 4 ain't yellow bitch

Honestly, the pic was only for reference. It's the closest thing I could think of to describe it.

I'm not flaunting the shit, just asking questions.

Yes. Major and Minor are essentially opposite colors to me.

Dm is a dark purplish blue

He invented his own colors after reading Isaac Newton

>He invented his own colors
how is that even possible

Read about him

how to get into scriabin
what to hear first?

For me it was his Preludes, namely no.11 that got me into him. Also Sonata no.2

in my case i identify songs with colors: for example, floyd's 'any colour you like' is a green song, 'bizarre love triangle' is blue, bowie's 'lazarus' is dark purple, an so on.