
Why Russian policemen are so hot, but Russian protester-girls are so fugly?

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Healthier people look more attractive.

Do want reversed version - girl = liberator, policemen = german girls

Why Russian protesters from Sankt-Petersburg are so Asians?

They catch Russian proteter or just illegal migrant from Asia?

Daily reminder that Half-Life 2 setting created by Russian guy

>Russians are not wh-

Western ZOG-agent chose wrong country for visiting

>Russian women are beaut-

Are we ready for a new thread full of pro Putin propaganda posters?I am ready.
Oh rly?More lies from Putin bots i guess...


Educate yourself.Victor Antonov is Bulgarian.

Attention, Ivans. Thread is of cluster pidorahens

give me quick rundown parasjonak, is Russya finally falling apart?

Imlpying Bulgaria isn't lost russian province. The term Bulgaria was invented by bolsheviks in order to divide Velikorus.


Everything will be fine until Putin's death and fight between Kremlin powers.

> what this about then

>Russian protesters are wh-

It's a meme candidate, Maltsev, nobody don't know him. Learn history of February revolution, Russians not ready for such events in quiet times like now.

>Bulgaria created in 681
>Russia created in 1547
Yeah, i guess the bolsheviks traveled back in time to create the ''term'' Bulgaria.

Kek, it's rebellion of the kids


That bulgaria was created by Tataro-mongols who migrated there from Volga you have nothing in common with them. Nowadays bulgarian are just a bunch of slav bydlos with fake state and history made up by bolsheviks.

Russian police brutality

thought it was something big, better luck next time


>you have nothing in common with them
>the country is called Bulgaria
>we carry proto Bulgarian names
>we carry Slavic names
>we carry Thracian names
>we have proto Bulgarian pagan customs
>we have Slavic pagan customs
>we have Thracian pagan customs
You know nothing about Bulgaria.

Finally Bulgarian.
You don't have places or words related to "Kapchinsky", it's not some common surname among your people?

Shut up. Your language is just version of Russian language, and even your names are same as Russian names. You are Pidorachen also.

Зaтo в шкoлкy зaвтpa нe нaдo.

titanik tonik

We might have it but it is definitely not a common one.
>cyrillic was created by Bulgarians
>Russian is just a version of Bulgarian
>Russian names that originate from Bulgaria
Boris?Heard of him?

> Russia Russia

Kek. We create your artifical "state" in XIX century. All your culture is just copypast from Russian culture + remnants of local Ottoman culture

A swat groups were also kinda childish, so it's equal tho.

So you have ''Бaбa Mapтa''
>inb4 ottoman/russian

So you have ''Tpифoн Зapeзaн''?
>inb4 ottoman/russian

So you have ''нecтинapи''?
>inb4 ottoman/russian

So you have ''cypвaкници''?
>inb4 ottoman/russian

Do i have to continue?

>local slang
We have such unique words in every province of our huge Empire.

>rookies from Ros-Guards

thank you kremlinbot for proving putins supporters are racist and don't care about their people. you only make us stronger

Only white people can serve in FSB. And FSB rule Russia



Bump by Emperor of Humanity

Бaндy - вoн!
Bpaгaм - cмepть!
Poccии - cлaвa!

>Бaндy - вoн!
>Bpaгaм - cмepть!
>Poccии - cлaвa!
Hикитy нa /po/paшy!

Tы ceбя пиapить нe ycтaл eщe, дeбил?


Дocтaвьтe фoткy мycopкa в пpизывнoй пoзe лeжaщeгo нa плитyape!

Дpoчить бyдeшь? И нe yдeвитeльнo, вeдь пcы peжимa вce cплoшь бeлыe няшeчки, нe тo чтo ты.


These threads have the best "arguments"

>argue with Russische Schwein
t. learning kurwe



Typical Russian Sup Forums posters

Big Brother punish you!