So my mom caught on to my younger brother being gay and is most likely going to confront him tonight...

So my mom caught on to my younger brother being gay and is most likely going to confront him tonight. Our parents are very christian and anti-gay. Any advice on how I can potentially diffuse the situation? Perhaps I can come out and say I had an abortion to throw off their attention from my brother :^)

smack your whore of a mother and tell her at least hes not a woman likr her

Tell'em you're gay too

Tell your brother to stop being such a faggot

tits or gtfo

That would be really sweet of you

At what point do I pull my penis out

Tell your mom she doesn't need to worry cause she can zap the gay away.

I'm a dude ya fuck



Let him suck your cock in front of your parents to show them being gay is no big deal.

1.)Tell them you think it might've rubbed off on you as well in a gesture of solidarity between siblings, and to troll your retard parents who might actually believe such a concept
2.) start munching loads of box in an attempt to out-gay your brother, thus causing most of the fallout to land on you
3.)record all of this and post links to 4chin

Ur welcome

You hint at the idea of having abortions, people assume your gender

You dumb fuck

Help your parents stone him to death.

Okay, I had an abortion with my ex-girlfriend, there you schmuck

I think that'd probably just make your mom have a mental breakdown.
She sounds unstable enough.
It'd be better for your brother if you'd assault him infront of everyone with a knife, that way everyone would realize how much they love him.

Tell them you are both into incest. Thats how it happened. Then blame Dad.

No. Your ex had an abortion. You did not. Learn basic syntax, you retard.

It was a buttbaby, don't assume my gender

I like this idea. Just go apeshit on him. Make them defend him.

So you're a nigger?

Why diffuse it just tell them you caught him jerking off to gay porn
He gets exiled you get your parents shekels

Well I guess this could work. I'm more so afraid of them attacking him. When I tried to come out as an atheist when I was younger, they threatened to burn me with lighters to show me what hell would feel like

tell your parents he is OP now

kek, then my question is, why are you and your brother still have any contact with these people?

wtf your parents should be in fucking prison then holy shit


Ehh I mean they're good people, they just get a bit spooky when you have any nonchristian beliefs or feelings lol. Hmmm. Well this is gonna be an interesting night. If shit hits the fan I'll probably just have him stay at my grandma's. She's pretty liberal and accepting

Anyways, I'll keep you all posted. Probably gonna green text everything tonight

gl user, save the lil fag so he can post threads too

"As Christians, they are called to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and that in the eyes of God "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" and that while you may not agree with him being gay, you are called to love him regardless. That is the best thing a Christian can do, show God's love and acceptance of we poor sinners."
Tell them that OP, and maintain eye contact while talking with your hands. It will convey you mean what you are talking about. Sit next to your brother too, or stand if not sitting. It will show solidarity with him, maybe inspiring them to do the same.

Saved, thank you user. I think that'll do well

Force them to visit Sup Forums. They'll be gay within the day.

how old is he? when you ask young boys if they'd rather marry boys or girls they always say boys. it's not weird to them

don't forget to greentext OP, we anons need results. you'll do fine.

>Approach your parents first< remind them that Jesus doesn't make mistakes, and that every sin is equal under God's eyes, Jesus loves your brother, just not his sin.
