Europeans are the eternal enemy of Russia. We will nuke them

Europeans are the eternal enemy of Russia. We will nuke them.

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wtf i love russia now

Why are they burning 1/4 of the Betsy Ross flag?

rather, liberate them from EU.


t. will be posting under russian flag within 5 yeats

after war on ukraine I really doubt in russian military might desu

>100 years

Death to our libcucks!

Can't wait.

>Russia tries to nuke Europe
>Europe shoots the missiles down and proceeds to nuke Russia

>ah yes, there are certainly enough super high speed missiles and targetting system in close enough range to all the cities to shoot donw 1000s of russian MIRVs

>not having your political leaders do it


Its ok, either the Russian soldiers drank all the rocket fuel or pic related


The Netherlands is surrounded by powers with anti missile equipment, plus we have our own.

mate, if russia decides to nuke holland you boys are getting cooked

the anti missile equipment might protect you from pakistan or north korea but it won't from russia

We have the best radars around. We also equip the British and French navy. Then we ping a missile boat and woosh it's gone.

do you russians even like anyone?

Death to gayropean murderers and fascists!

yeah great, your radars pinpoint the exact location of the blast that extinguishes your country


I like anime traps

>Russian rulers are the eternal enemy of Russia.

You need external enemy to be kept unified or you would, rightfully so march on the streets and hang the mafia/political elite.

So you are being fed hatred of the gay europeans and lulled with false sense of unity, as your rulers do not give an actual flying fuck about you.

With the GPD comparable to Italy and 80% of it based on mineral and oil export, Russian government have effectively killed off russian business that is not part of the political system.

Thus your rulers actually need europe to sustain them with cash but pit the russians against it to keep them in check.

Tell me I am wrong.

so degenerate
you'd fit in western europe

Our systems are unironically better than the American system. They can detect missiles and space. And detect a bird or golfball from hundreds of kilometers away. Which of course get filtered out.

Delete this

*in space

>*Russians are the eternal enemy of everyone, even themselves
Russian genocide when?

you'd be happier if you embraced the faggotry in you
don't deny who you are, it's psychologically devastating

no, you won't. You're too pussy for that. Besides, all Russians who actually matter have their wealth here because someone would steal it from them at home.

I'm not a fag, desu

Which do russians hate more? The US or the EU?


The USA obviously. They have a much easier time manipulating the EU. Without the USA they would have actual allies in the EU.

Feels bad man. Wish everyone just got a long. But then again I realize that some nations just can't accept the world order as it stands.


Well, the Russians have quite valid reasons to fear the west.

Although Russians are obviously near impossible to have a constructive relation with.

detect as much as you want cupcake.

detect the piss and shit out of those russian MIRVs. have researches develop systems that even read the model number off the MIRV chasis and publicly display a live feed detailing their precise trajectories. that way you can even count down the milliseconds until the exact moment you get vaporised.

You have more confidence in Russian missiles than Putin has.

>Well, the Russians have quite valid reasons to fear the west
Because they fear the long over due western retaliation for their continued belligerence and military invasions of neighboring countries?
Can't really blame anyone except themselves for that.

Kuinkas monta ruplaa saat näistä viesteistä?

Russians are ameriboos.

no, actually it's a well established that ABM systems are basically irrelevant now MIRVs have been developed.

Putin disagrees.

I wish I could say the same about us being russophiles. The only folk who really like you guys here are conservatives.

>the anti missile equipment might protect you from pakistan or north korea but it won't from russia
Is this a meme? Pakistani missiles are as good as Israeli ones and only surpassed by Iranian missiles.

dindo nuffin

US of course, cold war and other shit like nato. But all russians, younger than 30yo don't hate US and consumes all your media content.

You actually hate Germany, Poland, England and thise around them. Can you really hate Spen, Italy or Greece?

So your going to nuke yourself? LoL

OP acting like a fucking tsundere, this is cute.

We aren't fucking euros, dude

Yeah. We hate Gayrope at all.
