Tell me about america, why does he need the wall?

Tell me about america, why does he need the wall?

Other urls found in this thread:–Tijuana)

to please his voters

Between european borders there are no millions of mudskins swarming across the borders.

hey wait a minute !?

Because you can't have a roof without walls

Belgium and the Netherlands used to be the same country man can't compare that stuff.

Because while NL and B are peer countries, USA and Mexico are not.

it's the same reason USSR built all those walls, to keep the people in.
it's standard procedure for evil superpowers to built walls

That chair standing on the border

where is the bottom photo?

Same as the territories sharing that border

Spani needs a wall too :(

You are talking about land taken by conquest, Flanders and the Netherlands are the same people same Germanic tribe same language...

All those nations in Francogermany or similar is in many cases artificial states existing to weaker Germany in case of World War 3.

Meanwhile AmericanMexican frontier is something built on wars, early 20th century opinion(Zimmermann Telegram!), and attempts at occupying most of middle America.

Its a very different border.

Because millions of uneducated and unskilled Belgians/Dutch families with 25 kids aren't streaming over the border by the millions?

portugal is a nice place don't hurt yourself


Belgium is a coutry?

If Mexico was a first world country with a competent government and wasn't infested with drugs and violence they wouldn't require such a heavily guarded border.

>intentional homicide rate per 100,000
>canada - 1.5
>usa - 3.9

>mexico - 15.7

Keeping in mind that most countries in the EU have a rate lower than Canada.

US should offer citizenship to every mexican since half of their country technically belongs to mexico.

Unfortunately it is

>don't enforce borders
>a gorillion economic migrants arrive to steal american jobs

>enforce borders
>corporations export a gorillion americans' jobs to economic opportunists

decisions, decisions

Give back Kashmir to pakistan

NAFTA must die, American industry must be seized and nationalised where necessary.

It didn't used to be this way.–Tijuana)

Dutch-Belgian border in Baarle-Nassau/Baarle-Hertog (a Belgium enclave inside The Netherlands, near the Belgian-Dutch border)

That village has enclaves in enclaves. I believe that bar has the toilet in Belgium. One inhabitant once moved country, by moving his front door two metres.

Because it's not a non-country.

Belgium and Holland are basically just two different states of the same country.