So tell me again how it was going to be Hillary that started WW3?

So tell me again how it was going to be Hillary that started WW3?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hillary was going to start WW3.

That was easy.














You told me to tell you that!

Assad used chemical weapons and killed all these children.

It's refreshing to have a president who actually has the balls do deal out a bit of punishment instead of doing nothing.
If Obama was still in, he'd make a nice little speech about condemning the attack and done nothing.














Well for one Putin hated that bitch and his people said there will be a war if she became president.
But you ignorant ass just closed your eyes to this....


Or try to get Congressional approval for a strike and get turned down. Meanwhile...










>implying I'm op







OP, Assad literally choked these children to death but your dislike for Trump continues to blame him for standing up. Whether he doing it for approval or not, at least he taking a stand against it. More than what your president would do.


Trump just resigned after what happened, are happy now, weird korean chicks guy, are you????







>shit would be different if things had gone the other way



She promised war on Iran, North Korea and Russia

War against Russia and China can be considered a world war.





Most retarded shit I saw today











anyone else noticing how all these threads are getting spammed with sexy women?
>don't think just fuck




You pussies love bringing up Trumps ideas from the past dont cha? That's all you got.
Sorry to inform you cupcake but your gods aka loser presidential nominees have changed their ideals over time as well.



It's pretty retarded



So it was a good thing Putin helped Trump into power, right?

Please never ever take the word 'democracy' in your mouth anymore











