Free masonry thread. The picture I post is degree 4. Can you give me information about other degree as a reward...

Free masonry thread. The picture I post is degree 4. Can you give me information about other degree as a reward? Thank you.

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Bump for dubs

my grandfather was invited to join the free masons but declined , he is still in contact with many of them apparently

Any actual practical benefit?
I'm seriously asking

The benefit is just to have new information.

And what does that give you?
Seriously why not just join rotary club, you'll make more money.

Well; freemasonry is just like an alumni system or a hobby club. Its a place where people of mutual interests meet and get to have a network.they used to be ( and still are) a mafia in some lines of work, but its tantamount to having friends in the right place, except you don't have to compromise your ideals and integrity by believing whatever shit free masonry asks you to believe in.

This is about security, not money.

how do you get into this stuff?

Where I live, brotherhoods and fraternities are either full of right wing nuts and/or people who are so talentless, they have to latch on to these kinds of groups for any self-worth/success.

How are the masons any different?
Also what kind of shit do they actually believe in? Seems like Aleister Crowley type occultism to me.

UK Freemason here! I'll do my best to answer questions.

That's surprising. Inviting people to join is very much frowned on.

Traditionally this is where those blackballed from the Freemasons end up.

Essentially it's a fraternity that looks out for each other. Adding to that, it's a fairly large social scene of formal functions, dinners and the occasional drinking event.

Answer me this then pls:

UK Freemason!

My local Lodge has politicians, doctors, military, civil service and business owners.

And why does one need to believe in a supreme being?

What is the reason?

Doesn't really answer my question.

Are there any political leanings?
How prevalent is the occultism and in what direction does it go? Graeco-Roman?


you fucking faggots have been reading dan brown novels too much

source : freemason

As to beliefs, that's essentially your own. All that is required is;

a belief in god (which ever one you follow).

a willingness to particiate in charities both local and national.

Is astral projection a part of anything in freemasonry?


So if I'm a Buddhist, I can go fuck myself?

No u

>as in paying your money for Israel
How much of Israel is integrated in the "morals" of freemasons?

Do you realise you are just Zionist lobbyists?

remember that Freemasonry reaches back into the past - my own lodge is nearly 300 years old and the tradtions are kept from those (much more religious times). As a fraternity you're swearing oaths to keep trusts and confidences which are obviously done on a bible or whatever your book is. A bit pointless if you're not a believer although there's likely plenty of atheists in freemasonry.

Interestingly in France they admit atheists into lodges no problem but that's likely according to their roots in the French Revolution.

But my religion doesn't have a book

Very little outside of a few bits and bobs of Old Testament stuff. How many Jews do you think were exterting power over the English and Scottish in the 1700's when this was created?

Buddhism is arguably a philosophy according to its own description. That said, if you believe in a Supreme Being (Buddha) that would be acceptable in my Lodge.

In such an instance what would you do if required to swear to tell the truth in a courtroom?

No. A bit too esoteric!

You can't join unless you believe in a single god.

I have no idea.

So that's a definite no?

A belief in a "Supreme Being" is the working term. If your religion or belief system is pantheistic then it's likely still got someone at the top (Ra, Zeus, Odin etc).

Don't get too hung up on this part. Remember that the two topics that are not allowed to be discussed in Lodge are Politics and Religion!

free masons are kiddie fuckers, just like the catholics

>That said, if you believe in a Supreme Being (Buddha) that would be acceptable in my Lodge.
I'm not really an atheist. I simply reject any conjecture into the will or nature of god and am highly suspicious of the term "god" itself. I find it misleading.

I did, however, have my confirmation as a Lutheran Christian. Does that help? If the explicit belief in god is only ever really needed in rituals and oaths, I could live with that.

A definite no!

Think morality teaching and charity rather than scrying and divination.

Free Masons are not free, and they are not Masons.
They are more clueless than the scientologists

All that is required is a declaration of belief in a Supreme Being, who ever that might be for you. You won't be asked further on this (or should not be).

how can this thread be filled with summerfags already?

you are a moron. delete system32 and go kill yourself faggot

no u

the term Freemason is derived from the expression "free and speculative" as opposed to an actual Stonemason from which the term is derived.

I'm unsure what you think we're laying claim to in order to be clueless.

Masons are a bunch of pretentious heretic fucks.

Heretical to what? They make no religious claims and you can follow what religion you like.

To any religion they call theirs.



The problem with organised religions is they are jealous of congregation members giving time and money to other organisations. This is it in a nutshell.

That said, in the UK most people only visit church three times, Christening, Marriage and Funeral. It's nowhere near as heated a thing as in the USA.

Explain the ritual with the pentagram and the goat sacrifice.
We know it's real, explain.

you sir may be a mason by membership, but certainly not in spirit. Humility and charity to the brotherhood of man should be your main motive.
Deriding members of other 'boys clubs' as declined masons and 'frowning upon' inviting members is dos not convey that.

WB of a Bristol lodge, UK reporting in. Beyond the few genuine brothers here All you'll get itt is 12 y/o ignorant faggots spouting whatever shit they've read elsewhere, and angry faggots who don't like other people having interesting private lives.

Do you accept Syrian refugees in your lodge?
If no/why?

By this line of logic the law Courts throughout the entire Western world are Jewish Temples.

The Ten Commandments are Jewish.

The first half of the Christian bible is Jewish.

Jesus Christ is/was Jew. He certainly can't be a Christian for obvious reasons.

Do you see a pattern?

freemasons also molest boys and girls at their club meetings. pics are taken in case. also they get senior enough in the club they are legally allowed to beat their women and even have sex with animals

That's not how it works. In the 12 years I've been a member of my lodge, (membership approx 40) we've contributed an average of £11k annually to Grand Lodge charitable causes, as well as approx £1.5-2k annually to local charities.
We do our bit.

Freemasons absolutely do not recruit members or knock on doors seeking members or dontations.

What if the refugee was a freemason himself?

I think you might be thinking of your local Churches and Mosques.

Yes they do you fucking idiot.. the amount of open days that lodges have here is ridiculous..

If the refugee was a freemason he would be allowed into any lodge worldwide. DOT uk/contact-us/interested-in-becoming-a-freemason/view/form
wat's that then?

Are you by chance in the USA? Different rules, different governing body.

In the UK directly recruiting is forbidden but we do have "open door" days which are a local town thing - the Fire Station, Bowling Club, Councils and Courts all do it as well on the same day.

But if he is not a free mason when arriving in UK, you would not allow him to become a member.

If he had appropriate proof of membership he would be invited to attend an informal meeting with a couple of senior lodge officers. If his bona fides check out, and we had space for new members he would be presented for ballot as a member of the lodge. It would then be down to the brothers to decide.

So you have to contact them, they didn't contact you?

All they'll do if you express an interest is give you a contact address to your local lodge or send you an application form. Not exactly a drill sargeant talking you into joining up!


Of course he would be able to ask to join! His refugee status has no bearing on this.

You need to be well and Worthily recommended by a brother who has known you for some years, but hypothetically yes he could join.

Swear to Kek in the name of his prophet Pepe and repeating digits

We have actively sought to raise interest in masonry by attending festivals, fairs etc in and around Bristol. Primarily to raise our profile but also to seek prospective members. No one is directly invited to join, however suitable potential members are encouraged to visit the temple to raise their interest.

Master Mason here. God is just an abstraction that there can be a design and harmony in humanity. Prerequisite to believe in God to join masons is just a decent enough sieve to find out if a person has understanding of such concepts. You don't have to be believing in Jesus, Moses or Mohammed.

Masons study religions and humanity extensively. Some of us keep in mind that religion is just a compilation of rules that directs its followers to build a society that they can live in harmony.

It is the ideas of society and design that we look for in faith; not biggotary.

samefag cont.

freemasonary is spearated into four in practice.
First is the brethren activities which are raising money for charity, social events and all the fraternal activities you can imagine.

Second is the connection to the Grand Lodge of the country, this is also somewhat fraternal but is intervened by Masons choices.

Third is the Lodge's own written and unwritten rules. These tend to be very old and usually not even open to discussion.

Fourth and the most benefiting is to train yourself to have an open mind. Basing critical thinking as the foundation of all your actions. Commiting and working towards making yourself truly free from anything and everything while having love towards humanity. We follow a practice to accomplish these. Practices are not secret but can only be achieved through people that share the same ideals.

oh and all the secrecy is just to protect the masonary practice from getting tainted by people who have no clue what it is.

If masonary was an open belief and was shared with everyone you would have many different interpretations and that would make understanding what masonary stands for to an apprentice mason

Best advantage of being a mason is you get back handers on contacts and jobs(worthwhile if you own your own business or are self employed, if you are a wage cuck it's pretty pointless).
Most judges and high up policemen are masons, always useful to have a friend.
