Buy this record because I used to like listening to Justice back in the day

>Buy this record because I used to like listening to Justice back in the day
>get to the second song
>it's this faggy shit about using your imagination instead of going out and fucking a chick
>turn off the record immediately and put on some blues to feel a bit better

I'm considering breaking this record, any reason I shouldn't? So far the only thing keeping me from doing it is the fact that I spent $20 on it.

it has some nice songs but you made a mistake buying it on vinyl.

turns out the vinyl came with a digital copy anyway, so fuck it I'm gonna smash it.

Serves you right for listening to EDM

literally the only edm group I've ever listened to

Listen to some future instead, probably more up your alley desu

can u ship it to me instead, tia

>du fuck dis booshit
>muh dik muhfugga

Does this piss you off?

lol, it's your money

Should have done video and posted as webm

janis can clean thread now

it pisses me off because you couldn't even snap it down the middle you fucking weakling

>implying imagination isn't the most important feature all humans have
>implying you can even go out a fuck a girl without imagining it first in a world that is fabricated entirely by your imagination
But then again the album is terrible so yeah I partly agree with you.

>instead of going out and fucking a chick
...people do this?
Go out literally where? Fuck one how? Just like grab her and drag her back to your cave?

You could have at least been creative with destroying it, this is just pathetic.

how do you go from making a dance masterpiece to just below average daft punk albums



I hope you asked for your parents' permission first, those edges look sharp!

>appealing to authority
Pssh, whatever kid

What would you suggest?

It's a decent album. Not as good as their others, but still decent. Pretty stupid of you to smash it...

it's a bit mean, you could've given it to an user that wanted it instead.

Listen to the whole album. The first two tracks are the worst.