Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
after some advice
im too much of a fucking pushover need to be more aggressive.
if someone says anything i dont do anything because i get a horrible feeling in my stomach and go numb
and then later looking back wish that i did but I just simply cant.

got any advice
i want to be able to punch someone in the face or tell them to shut the fuck up etc

every time the feeling comes in my stomach i freeze its like i cant physically do anything and im sick of being a little pussy all the time

Just punch them in the face. Even if you get your ass kicked, they won't mess with you bc they still don't want to get their face punched. I think that's worth. (I would know I've done it.)

id love to Sup Forumsro but its like my brain wont physically let me do it
its like my brain just locks down and i just stand there looking at them

Just do it.
Don't think about it.
Thinking is what beta cucks do.
Listen, these people around you mean nothing.
Unless they are paying your way through life they have nothing to offer you.
When the time comes you will be pushed against the wall.
Try to remind yourself of how much of a pussy you have been. You may start to think about consequences for your actions, that is only the estrogen beginning to flood your body. React quickly and with confidence or you will fail.

Finally, if you do ever decide to punch someone in the face, make sure you don't stop punching them or you're likely to get your ass whooped.



brilliant response

What's an example of something someone has said?

off the top of my head i was looking after my parents house and dogs
they started barking the neigbour came around and screamed at me on my own doorstep instead of talking to me like a person.

my dad found out and the guy moved out after but at the time i just stood there saying ok

Dont be an aggressive prick. Nobody stands those.
Learn to express your actual feelings. Start slow; tell your parents how you really feel the next time you can. Tell your dad that you're afraid that you might be a pushover. Its a start.

shoudl metion the neigbour moved because my dad knocked his door and in his words he "had a chat"

oh hey dick figures

go lift some weights you girly man

growing up i learned how to kill someone with my bare hands so i dont think that's an issue.

Well just because someone is shouting at you doesn't mean you have to reflect that energy back at them to come out on top. If you kept calm and said some sort of snarky comment or maybe just nodded at him insanely with a stupid look on your face that would have told him his shouting doesn't intimidate you. Unless you're in physical danger it's probably unwise to escalate to punching a guy in the face, depends on your temperament I suppose, but witty insults are much more powerful than just beating a guy.

True. When I was in high school as a freshman I was really small for a guy. We're talking 5 feet tall 100 lbs but I didn't let anyone say anything without a clever comeback. One time I said something and he tried to kick my ass but I had some big friends that just kinda formed a wall.

theres a good chance it also stems from my severe social anxiety and the fact i was constantly bullied in school and didnt actually even the nassert myself i just let them do whatever they wanted like insulting me robbing me or attacking me in the corridors.

i did once by accident when someone jumped me from behind throw him off and he smashed some glass with his head and bled though which admittidley felt good till i got kicked out of school for it

to even be able to do that would be a great accomplishment i litterally just stand there and cant even speak
it really gets to me

Learn to not care. This may sound like a joke answer or something, but I'm serious. Practice turning that part of you off. If something starts to give you that feeling you mentioned just say "fuck it" and force yourself to think about something else. Eventually it'll become second nature. I don't mean become a unfeeling robot, but it's useful to stop caring at certain points. If someone's being a dick you just gotta realize that some random stranger's words have no direct affect on your life. Whatever they have to say doesn't matter.

It's a situational skill, but it does work when applicable.

You are failing at doing something because you are yet to do it for the first time.
Perhaps you've been in a fight or two before, but you never MENT to do it.

Get in a fight and MEAN IT. That's the difference.