Just found out my neighbor is a sex offender. What do I do. He possessed child porn

Just found out my neighbor is a sex offender. What do I do. He possessed child porn.

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Beat him up whenever he leaves his house

He's 6 foot 3 205 lbs

How do you know he Has CP you sick fuck?

The only thing you can do... Get a mob together and Lynch him. But you don't need us to tell you that.

Ask him for some pics of the cp

gasoline is your only option

His record is online

torture him

Ask him if it was real CP or just lolishit.

It says lifetime offender but we were never notified


Can I have his address? I'd like to find the good stash.

You know doxing him is still a felony right?

>old Sup Forums - pedos posting child model threads
>neo Sup Forums - Just found out my neighbor is a sex offender. What do I do. He possessed child porn.
obviously ask him to share

Does looking someone up in a publicly available register count as doxing ? I'm sitting half way around the world and can still see the record

If someone finds your telephone number in a phonebook and posts it on Sup Forums with your photo, does it count as doxing?

I wish we wouldn't get banned for reporting posts like yours faggot

Hello fellow redditor. How's reddit treating you? The bacon narwhals at midnight XD

I'd say no .. public availability etc .. do you guys still have actual phonebooks ?? We stopped wasting resources on that shit years back

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Have a good day and enjoy Sup Forums.

Bravo, but we weren't discussing site rules as the word 'felony' was used and technically no personal information was posted as OP (I assume) posted a link

Found the neighbor.


Fuck his daughter. That'd teach em.
