Dubs decide how I make contact with my crush

Dubs decide how I make contact with my crush.

grab her by the pussy

Send her a dick pic in the mail and a love letter.

Walk up to her.
Say Hi.
Then say 'A-user I've liked you for a while now. Will you go on a date with me?
Step 3:????
Step 4 : Profit

Do the thing

ask her if she wants to live with you forever in ur moms basement

Don't fuck it up.

Do it in person. Wear nice clothes, not your fucking tracksuits or shorts. Jeans are usually nice, but try for straights.

Pair that shit up with either some decent runners or steel-cap boots. Don't wear canvases or high-tops.

If you have messy hair, neaten it up a little.

Smell nice. No girl is going to want to smell you before they see you. Wear deodorant and cologne. Remember that cologne will go best on the front of your torso. Four or five sprays. It lingers.

If you have a nice watch, wear it. Brush you teeth and clean your tongue. Make sure it's as clean as possible.

Of course, because of all I've mentioned, I suggest meeting her in person. Girls like confidence.

Say something like "So I've liked you for a while, and took some time to think about it, and was wondering if you'd consider going out with me."

Try not to stutter.

C'mon dubs fucking work out for me.


email her the exact text of the post above me

write her a love poem and mail it to her snail mail. sign it "your secret admirer"

wait a week then confess it was you by text

walk right up to her then punch her in the nose

invite her to dinner or some shit.

winner winner chicken dinner



Rolling for actual advice.

say winner like a normal person faggot


rolling this

Thanks m80 at least I can blame you now

hit her with a car. If I get trips I overrule dubs

thank god you didn't

kiss her in the neck

>one off

With a full swing of a cricket back

Bat obv

Trips do over rule dubsi

one away from glory