I'm tripping really hard on acid and start my job in 6 hours. pls help

I'm tripping really hard on acid and start my job in 6 hours. pls help

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Water. Rest, if you can manage.

You know that scene from BTTF 3 with the wake up juice? Make it, you'll be surprised that it really works

Not even God can help you now.


I have orientation for my new job lmao I'm just hoping this trip will kinda go away

i'm really high and drinking red wine, hope that helps

If you do not remember if you flipped the burgers, flip the burgers.

maybe you should KILL YOURSELF

Why did you trip the night before a new job? That just seems like a silly decision.

That's rude :*(

Water xanax hit a bowl and lay down with the lights out you wont get sleep but your body can rest I have done this a few times in my life... Coffee may kick it back in again I would also get some gatorade on the way to work... force yourself to rest and set an alarm.

It's not even the job, its just the fucking orientation for stocking fruits lmao

The only fruit they'll be stocking is you

this is true

How will you know if.what they're saying is real?

Lol your eyes are gonna look so fucked, you aint gettin that job user

Haha. But seriously why did you do it?

I got your back, mang.






I immediately lost interest in this thread when you didn't get trips while tripping.

More pls





what's the name of the woman in your pic?






call in


You've exhibited poor decision making skills. Regardless of whether or not you can't control your inhibitions, we have decided that you aren't fit for the position.

You can go home now, user. Thank you for applying to aCompany.

xanax or some kind of benzo but barely take any
if you take enough you'll be fucked
but if you take a little it'll help you chill and sober up and almost stop the trip


Its like a creep / fluffy mix




>using drugs right before job


just look at this image



Are you proud that this is how you spent your night? Spamming a thread with nonsense?



Do this op. Benzos, eat a bunch of food, then lay down and don't stay on b



This is what you wanna do OP, if you don't have any just chill. They won't know you're tripping unless you fucking tell them or act like a weirdo.



An ex friend spiked my drink with crank one night and I went 30 hours without sleep. The bastard couldn't understand why I was pissed. There was one upside though, when I got off work his girlfriend picked me up so I could help her fix her car. she ended up dumping him and banging me because it pissed her off too.




Love this shit

Risperidone and some antidepressants will kill an acid trip very quickly. Get one of your autistic friends to give you one of their risperisode tablets.

Otherwise, take some anti-anxiety meds and hope that the acid wears off enough by the time you have to go to work and it leaves you in that clear headed after glow state and you actually do incredibly well tomorrow.


Call in sick.

you will be high for at least another 9 and will be super tired. claim car accident, stomach flu or family death.


water will help like buddy said. just go for it dude, work in 6 hours youll be coming down. all good





Try and elevate your heart rate. A recent study came out about why LSD lasts so long, if you do a wall sit or squat or anything it will help.



What the fuck is this comic...











Could you post a link to the whole story or something

Your isp is now legally allowed to do whatever it wants with your internet browsing data and your government can now see all your browsing history simply by requesting your isp to hand it over. This is the only way to stop them deleteip.com

you're good dude.

just remember when you took it.

an hour from that time you'll start to peak. the peak only lasts 1-2 hours.

so in 6 hours. you'll be fine.

probably energetic in time for work cause you had a insane night.

don't worry.

More come on,

What part of END is ambiguous to you?

Nigger wtf, you cant just stop there


Why would you take drugs knowing you have work?

Where the fuck does it say end?

oh man

Right here - bottom right frame, you dumb fuck:

Theres a drug used for vipolar disorder and something else thats used to stop LSD trips. I forgot what its called, either way u cant get it without RX
