Muslim here. AMA

Muslim here. AMA.

I want to know why you feel you don't deserve the attacks by our soldiers of Allah. Surely you didn't think that you were going to get away with bombing us and killing our families without retatliation.

Western nations need to stop their aggression against Islam and Muslims. Then only will our Jihad seize.

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fuck you you stupid sand nigger.

eat pork and shit.

allah is gay, mohammad raped his 9 year old child bride, and islam sucks donkey dicks.

Also fuck you derka derka

>eat pork and shit.
I don't eat western foods, sorry.

Highly unlikely since we are commanded to kill gays. Why do you think we kill so many westerners?

nice b8 m8, i r8 8/8

this is not reddit, fuck off with your AMA shit

also i know you're not real because muslims don't actually exist, they are just a psyop perpetuated by the main stream media to control the sheeple

fuck islam

What aggressions?
Didn't do any of that shit. I don't even have time in the day to worry about Muslim bullshit.

>Didn't do any of that shit. I don't even have time in the day to worry about Muslim bullshit.
Here we go again with the PC liberal excuse... #notallwesterners #westernersarepeaceful "just because a few million of their soldiers bomb and kill Muslims does not make them all violent"...

Sure, whatever. I'm not buying it.

Islam needs to fucking stop violating itself first, then maybe when you get your shit together; the west wont have to fucking intervene.

i know you are a troll but im gonna put the truth out there for everyone who is interested.

The east was violent before the west came along. before the USA even existed. open a history book.

For a people who constantly yell and shout about how they want nothing to do with us, you sure love to "intervene" in our affairs.

>PS "intervene" is a nice euphemism for "murder, loot and control"

>Then only will our Jihad seize.

Fuck you, it will end when everyone agrees that we have to kill EVEN MORE muslim men because of reasons.

Why are you the SHIT of earth? You could be so much but you choose to be shit, why?

You deserve to die, all of you. I'm doing my part to make sure it happens, too.

What's the difference between an Arab Muslim and a Jew? They look the same to me.

This b8 is really weak.


Pc libs?
>More like politically incorrect republicunt
I just want to live my tiny life without worrying about being run over by a truck or being blowed up because Allah told them to do it.
Boo hoo our soldiers... I'm pretty sure they started it, I don't recall any 'muricans crashing planes into their fucking buildings.

>The east was violent before the west came along. before the USA even existed. open a history book.
Anglo-Franco war, American civil war, WWI, WWII, Vietnam ring a bell? You pigs are the biggest warmongers around.

We simply retaliate western aggression. Nice spin there fuckface.

>silly jidf
Seriously can you be any more obvious?

Secularism, you should try it. The rest of the world are enjoying pretty good stuff because of it.

Islam is a religion of modesty and humility. There is nothing in the sunna or koran by way of approval for the the way that daesh treats other human beings. If a true holy war was needed it would be against those that try and corrupt the will of Allah and the words of his prophet, peace be upon him. They will be held to account one day for the evil they have done.

>I just want to live my tiny life without worrying about being run over by a truck or being blowed up because Allah told them to do it.
And we Muslims want to live our lives without the fear of American/Western invasion and carpet bombs killing our families.

You didn't care, so we brought the same punishment to you. Your tears are delicious, forever? At what point in history were you not trying to cut eacothers throats over who could interpret the koran in the shittiest way possible ?

Fuck your sunnah and your pretense sympathy.

In reality the sunnah are the most sectarian and disgusting of all sects.

I sincerely hope the Shiites, druzis, and alawites crush you like bugs

every islamic country is a result of violent occupation.

>Secularism, you should try it.
So you hate Islam for apparently forcing shit onto you but you want to force shit onto us... fucking westerners are scum.

>The rest of the world are enjoying pretty good stuff because of it.
No, you are enjoying a good life because money and conquest.

secularism isnt forcing anything. learn the meaning of secularism...


You read sympathy there? You are blind and doomed.

It sucks, right? Having been humiliated by these degenerate Westerners for centuries. But hey, why should you learn to deal with it if you can also blow yourself up?

Just making sure the sunnah faggot knows his taqiyah isn't working

Fuck your sunnah, and Sharia and hadith
You are parasites.

You are brainwashed dogs
I repeat, i sincerely hope all the other sects turn on you and rip you to shreds

Couldn't care less about terrorists, even if I get killed a thousand more of you are killed

At want point in history will whites stop killing people to steal from and abuse them?

If you were so advanced, you would have stopped warmongering and killing.

>over who could interpret the koran in the shittiest way possible ?
LOL, strawman argument. No Muslim wars were fought over this.

Muslims practice Jihad in defence of Islam. Muslim rulers also had wars to expand their empires, much like the British did... but we're not allowed to demonize whites for doing that. It hurts their feelings and makes us terrorists for stating facts. lol

>secularism isnt forcing anything.
You want to force it on us. We don't want it. We've seen the greed, warmongering and rape culture it breeds.

Keep that shit to yourselves.

Yes blame it on the whites, like you guys cant fucking get your shit together on your own.

>Ive seen the result of birth. it breeds greed warmongering and rape culture.
nice causality faggot.

You guys are blaming Mexico for "stealing your jobs", blacks for "stealing your women" and Muslims for "destroying your culture"...

Everyone else is not the problem, mate. You are.

just a reminder, that muha(HAHA)mad was a filthy pig, "allah" means "pigshit" in arabic and thatfor pigs are holly in pislam. Thats why muhamadaniacs are not allowed to eat pork.

you need to read more and write less. anti-intellect is the biggest problem of you people,,,

You seem triggered brother. Are you ok? Go and say d'ua from the sunnah:

Astagh firol lahal-lathi la ilaha illa howal hayyal qayyoma w'atooba ilayh

Allah is merciful.

>anti-intellect is the biggest problem of you people,,,
We didn't elect the leader who speaks at a 4th grade level, you did. Nice projection.

your leaders arent elected lol. also they studied in the west.. you keep proving my point. you dont know shit.

mexican here, actually in many things they, and specially Trump are right about Mexico

Because killing innocent people based in the actions of their government if wrong. You complain about the generalisaction of all Muslims and yet generalise all westerners as imperialists.

Muslims are destroying our culture.

Which means that sometimes others ARE responsible for a country's problems.

My point exactly. See

In what way? Give some examples.

I think you'll find that the average IQ in the western world is significantly higher than in the middle east.

10 years ago you could mock muhhama the same way you mock Jesus, now it's racist to mock muhamma

All Muslims believe in Jihad and are against the West. This is fact.
And all westerners believe in killing Muslims and oppressing others. This is also fact.

There is not generalisation. Western soldiers kill Muslims. Western civilians want their soldiers to kill Muslims.

Can someone tell me what this sandnigger means by AMA

And how is that working out for them? Happy? No crime, massive use of anti-depressants, cultural isolation etc?

Fuck you shii,druzii, and alawii. I make shii druzii and alawaii girls lose their virginity and make sure niggerd fuck em on later. I am a doomed sunni(not so kosjer) but taking the virginity of alawii and shii is my target in life. I fuck so many iranian,kurd,iraq,syrian girls here in europe i make em believe we get married and will live happily ever after... but the moment their vageygey bleeds i get happy. Go play your games with israel, they need muslims like shii alawii.

Keep running your mouth, Sand Nigger.

All religion is cancer, especially islam.
Dear CRISPR, please modify away the religion gene, thank you.

If thst is all then western culture is not threatened. Besides, Mohammed is mocked on boards like this and many other places.

Go fuck your atheistic mother. Religion is part of your daily fucking life you miserable autistic faggot.

Don't see the world for what it is, dare to see it for what it could be...

False equivalency. Mocking Jesus and Muhammad was offensive and still is.

You are allowed to do it, it's just not encouraged or polite. It's like saying Jews are stingy.

When will we nuke islam?

wrong. jews have self-relativation. they can make fun of themselves for being stingy. muslims do not. they take their religion to serious as if its all they have...

Get your facts straight fat fuck. Muslims dont dislike westerners. But they do like them on certain political view.

US helps Syrian people from assad. Because assad happend to be alawii muslim and has been forced as president.(agenda) sponsered by iran. Since then he keeps bombing and killing sunnis. And saudia arabia is sunni. So on that view we like US. But then the retardsness is that iraq war. Meddling and leaks of the Us that confirm US playing multiple games. Aka backstabbers

mudslime dune coon camel jockey curry nigger
something something

US used to be christian. But it seems autistic as fuck these days. Christians are no christians any more.... SHAME ON YOU!

Various countries like Sweden and Germany have let large amounts of Muslim migrants across their boarders with little to no background checks and are now struggling to control the amount of crime that they commit. In Germany they have called the attempted integration of muslim migrants "cultural inruchnemt". It failed miserably because islam simply isn't compatible with western democracy.

I said "racist" not "offensive".

this is just an example of how muslims are being privileged for no fucking good reason

btw, hate seeing a fucking hijab as a sign of freedom and women powaa and shit.

I have no problem being isolated from your barbaric culture.

Wrong. Muslims can mock themsleves (eg, making jokes about being terrorists), but not their God or prohhet. Same with Christians. They can make fun of Catholic preists but not Jesus. So called Christians who mock Jesus are more agnostic than Christian.


What the fuck is AMA?

If you do, islam will nuke you. And the end lf the world will be close. PROMISED

If it was not for Christianity Islam wouldn't fucking exist. And if it was not for Jews Christianity wouldn't exist.
Fuck all religions.

and you just admitted to the problem. your faith is weak if you are so easily offended. If i believed in an almighty being words wouldnt bother me.

>I said "racist" not "offensive".
Yeah, racism is offensive.

Technically, you're right. People use the wrong word "racism" instead of "offensive", but Islamophobia has become somewhat of a buzzword of late and there's no equivalent to anti-semitism for other religions.

It could be a perfect place if respect to ea. Other was well high. But unfortunate respect is far fetched. IE. Thank the politics of today and the Zionist movement.

If we stop our aggression towards you, will you stop killing each other? Rhetorical question, we know the answer is no because you're just blood thirsty barbarians. The world economy is based on oil and you have lots of it, we can't leave it in the hands of retards who can't stop infighting. But rejoice, once it runs out we will leave you alone to starve in the desert.

Not all muslims agree with the way women are treated in our culture. I also sometimes think that the desire for modesty is something that women in the west identify with. It was not always just a muslim 'thing' to cover one's hair. It was common in Judaic, Roman and Greek culture and in more modern terms it can also be found in African and Asian cultures. It is not as widespread admittedly. My point is that the requirement for modesty is not inherently muslim and as I said, many muslims do not agree with the stereotypical submissive wife image.

>and you just admitted to the problem. your faith is weak if you are so easily offended. If i believed in an almighty being words wouldnt bother me.

Sure. Words shouldn't bother people. Why not get the New York Times to start using the word "cracker" in their articles...
How about getting them to publish a drawing of a gay Jesus.
Doesn't happen. Because whites are allowed to be offended. Every one else must suck it up.

Ask Me Anything you cock juggling cum goblin. FUCKING USE GOOGLE you autistic uncle fucking syphilitic shit stain.

I did you fuck head. The fucking result is American Fucking Medical Association.

>If we stop our aggression towards you, will you stop killing each other? Rhetorical question, we know the answer is no because you're just blood thirsty barbarians.
Says the people who caused WW1 and WW2 and countless other violent genocides.

Stop pretending you are concerned with us fighting each other. You are the reason we are fighting. We are fighting those who support the western devils.

But wr don't kill people for insulting our faiths unlike a little of muslim countries seem to do regularly.

Ok. Fair enough then. Please carry on as you were.

Thank you my kind sir.

>like 90% of terrorist deaths are Muslim on Muslim
Wipe your own ass before you tell me it stinks in here

The USA existed more than 250 years?

Are you German?

It's time to sterilize all muslim countries.

>But wr don't kill people for insulting our faiths unlike a little of muslim countries seem to do regularly.
Because you are not controlled by a monarchy propped up on oil money from westerners.

They kill people for even speaking out against monarchy, even though Islam forbids monarchies.

Westerners stopped killing each other 70 years ago. Every single one of us that cause the events you're mentioning is long dead, and we learned the lesson. And no, we don't care if you die. But we do need that oil, and right now it's in the hands of a bunch of inbreds who can't live peacefully unless some brutal dictator is in power. And i really don't want to pay too much for my gas just cause you can't stop murdering your neighbour.

gas attack people you get 3k degree rockets up your appendix area
behave or else your giblets are cooked

US didn't cause WW1 or WW2. History education in the middle east must be shit.

Based on sharia law.

I just want us to get along.


>Westerners stopped killing each other 70 years ago
Wow so superior!! Ahead of your time! Amazing! a whole 70 years?! Because no one in the history of the world has seen a 70 long period of peace amongst their people...

The question was of fighting with each other, not who caused what.

Critical thinking must be shit in the West.

yeah, like 1% of them don't agree

That would be impossible as long as Christianity and Islam exist.


Keep believing that people are somehow responsible for the sins of their ancestors like you retarded religion tells you. Excluding people who are over 70 years old, no westerner ALIVE TODAY has been to war with another westerner. That makes pretty much all of us 70 years better than you sandniggers. You don't get to brag about how peaceful you were centuries ago, no one of them is alive today.

Which they tailor to suit themselves. Like I said, that same Sharia forbids monarchy.