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No, it's fine. Providing courtesy sage.

Give him the Heimlich and a scotch




Tensions have been too high for the last decades, Ruskies, Chings, Sandniggers, everybody got armed and ready to show off, they just need to let it all off, nuke each other, at leaast afterwads there's gonna be peace and second wave of hippies and new music.































I don't think it is a coincidence, that every time a Trum Post appears some fag post japanese girls.
But could you at least post more nude japanese girls?

BTW. Nice Dubs

>I don't think it is a coincidence, that every time a Trum Post appears some fag post japanese girls.

What other incredible observations have you made recently?

I'm amazed to discover recently that water is wet.

>I'm amazed to discover recently that water is wet
>I can breath air
>OP is a fag

so basicly the obvious things in life

I think you meant to post this picture of Hilldebeast coughing. Let me correct it for you.

>reckless hyperbole
*cough cough*