Bout to go my first party tonight

bout to go my first party tonight.
wat do?

Drink weed, smoke beer, fuck the dog

Don't drink 2 much, and get som pussy

Try not to suck everyones dick

have fun....

Leave Sup Forums cause you're clearly underage.

Get drunk before you go, don't drink at the party, and don't do drugs with random strangers

Take it up the ass from your friends dad in the back room.

Have fun but try not to get drunk so there isn't any issues or embarrassments.

Play it kool and mingle, make new friends

Don't let protagonist syndrome get you down.

Don't think, "Oh God every's looking at me, fuck fuck fuck I look so weird."
People are paying as much attention to you as they are anyone else.


don't drink too fast

dubs dont lie

Follow your oneitis around

Say yes to everything.

Drink, smoke and chat it up. You're gonna say shit you're gonna regret, it's inevitable so you might as well be drunk and stoned when you say it.

There are going to be bad and awkward experiences in life, just remember that they're going to happen eventually, don't worry and just enjoy yourself.

If you think you're going to like it, give it a try.

Make sure you know the words to "Happy Birthday To You."

i just came home its 2:20 am
if drank since 9pm and smoked some weed
but molly keep to fuck my stomach had like 800 mg yesterday

update try everything except needles + dont snort more than 2 lines
+ dont be too wasted just drink 1-3 beers

lol how old r u

Be a Boss

Dont get too drunk, and just go and have a good time. The more good time you try to have the better everything will work out. Also, at the end if you can; steal shit

1-3? AHHAHAHHAHAA whaaaaat

>1-3 beers
>skinny faggot spotted

Don't drink too much too fast. Parties always seem to take forever to get 'party-ish', and when that time comes, you will enjoy it a lot more overdoing it too early.