Kennedy Assassination thread

Kennedy Assassination thread

>Grassy knoll shooter?

I doubt it and here is why: Big conspiracy thing is the blood and shit on the Secret service guys. Must be a shooter from in front. Not so fast. I believe it got there because of the wind and car moving. If you take a spray bottle and squirt it out of a moving car it will go in the opposite direction. So Kennedy's head is blown up and it sprays forward for a second, then starts heading back and hitting secret service.

>But his head goes back and slightly left, explain that

At first I thought that that points to a knoll shooter, but that's only thinking about the third shot. If you remember, second shot, the magic bullet, had just gone through his neck. He grasps his neck and tightens his muscles in reactionary pain. If you get hit from the back with a relaxed neck 100% of the time it's a forward motion. But if you tighten your muscles and get hit, you jeck back. That instant jerk is what sends him back and to the left.

Lemme know your thoughts you Sup Forumsastards

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Here's my theory. He died


>But like low key fuck that boring ass, no effort answer

We'll find out this October when they release it all
>they won't

Castro got tired of thwarting Kennedy's assassination attempts and decided to send an assassin of his own.

Was that Oswald? Or are you a two shooter kind of guy

Sup Forums

know anything about E. howard hunt
I heard he confessed his involvement on his death bed

There were so many different groups - mafia, CIA, Cubans, US military - on the grassy knoll that fights broke out, and they ended up having to stand shoulder to shoulder. After the barrage of gunfire, only JKF's legs were left.

I thought he said he shot LHO to silence him. I'm leaning towards a mob arraignment

>>Grassy knoll shooter?
Bullet would have went through the side of his head, not the back, and might have even hit Jackie
>>But his head goes back and slightly left, explain that

>the magic bullet
Nothing magic about it. It moved in a straight line from the schoolbook depository to Kennedy and into Connelly

You are wrong and the scientists and historians who have studied the event can prove you are wrong

>If you take a spray bottle and squirt it out of a moving car it will go in the opposite direction.
No it doesn't.

What do they prove?

Yes it does you headass, because the water is no longer accelerating

This era had someone really high up, that was desperately trying to prevent this future from happening.

I'd say he died or lost power in the mid 80s, no assassinations have even been attempted since.

>spray bottle
>blood, skull fragments, gray matter, and general viscera propelled by a supersonic piece of lead
>behaving the same way in slow moving car

1/10 got me to reply stopped reading after

That the shot came from the office building


I think most sane people agree it was Oswald in the schoolbook building and not some guy on the grassy knoll.

So they mafia/CIA/cubans hire Oswald to shoot the president.

What happens after? Oswald is hopping on buses, taking a cab, and finally walking to flee.

If it had been an organized group, there would have been a car waiting on Oswald to take him to his death. They couldn't afford to have him getting picked up by the police and maybe talking.