If i kill myself no one will care and no one will notice

if i kill myself no one will care and no one will notice.

Convince me to not kms Sup Forums please b4 i do

You dumb fuck life is finite death is endless. Once you do it your ride is over enjoy it while you can in any small way you can. There are homeless fuck living on the streets scrapping by just to prolong there short miserable existence. Because its the only one they got. If they can get through it YOU CAN. I have to brother both fucking junkies one od and was brought back the others going to prison for 2 years hes barely 18 and yet both of them have sense not to end it you do tp other wise you wouldnt be asking for help. Dont end it faggot get some help and be a better you

You'll burn in hell, If you do.

i was going to say 'do it' but like
please dont

Good for you, user. Killing yourself is the most selfless thing anyone can do.

everything gets better in the end and if it's not getting better, it's not the end!
please don't make a rash decision, you have to wait for good things


i know it's *in* to be edgy and all, but, you really are not funny.

At least kill yourself by working towards something you care for most, like financial freedom or true love.

God damn I made a shit ton of spelling mistakes
but yeah your going to be ok OP dont kill your self

Your life is extremely important. Think about all of the different decisions you can make. All of the possibilities. Once you're dead, all of that is gone.
All of it. You'd truncate infinity into merely nothing.

Please don't.

If you're aiming towards a goal, like freedom or love or justice, it's sacrifice. Not suicide.

That's a really good point, though.

Hate to break it to you, op but this is bullshit. Life is always going to suck. I understand if you wanna off yourself, but don't. Go fuck a bunch of dirty whores and do a shit ton of drugs before ya go if you really want to.

How about you tell us your struggles, op.

I'm not much of a talker, but I can offer my shoulder if you need somewhere to cry.

That's not true.
Life is extremely meaningful, especially with consciousness involved.

You are refuting what I said with no proof or argument. Everything I said had consistent basis.

With infinite possibilities, infinite potential, one must conclude that life is extremely important. You could be the person to change tho world in thousands and thousands of ways. You can't just write that off as bullshit, not reasonably anyways.


Infinite possibilities, including one where I disagree with you and also including one where you're wrong and I am wrong.

Here's a thread full of strangers telling you different

Just because the possibilities are infinite doesn't mean it engulfs times where truth isn't true.

Free will means that the possibilities are infinite, but the nature and laws of the universe means that none of these possibilities break through truth or physics.

I don't mean *all* possibilities are available, just an infinite number of them.


People will definitely notice, but you're right that they won't care. Sure, they'll care about how they feel over you being gone, but they won't care how you felt that led you up to this.

Sure that might sound morbid and depressing, but it can actually be quite liberating. You're free to live dangerously and make lots of stupid mistakes, because nobody cares for real. People "worry" about you getting hurt because they don't want to feel bad, not because they don't want YOU to feel bad.

so fuck them. drive your car like a maniac. get in fights just to let off steam. try whatever drugs you want.
become the ultimate asshole because you hold the sacred knowledge that nobody will care.

life is your oyster
but I actually don't care you have my permission to kill yourself

Is it edgy if it's in?

You can only die once, at least do it for something, not in vain

We can't tell you what to do but the fact that you're asking us to means there must be some small part of you that wants to stay.

OP 99% of the time never kills himself

you'll just cry for attention and go about your life for a few months until a crisis point that gets u sent to a loony bin.

Go for a hike faggot

think about it op if you dont kill yourself you are just gonna wait for a natural death. why would you wait? the only reason why anyone would wait on this planet instead of ending their life would be that they have someone or something they care about enough to make the time here worth it.if you do not have that then the only reason you are staying is because you are afraid of death even though you want it.

TLDR: op is being a pussy and should end his life

think of all the great tv and movies and video games that are yet to come out


think about how if you wait 10 years, literally only like 10 years, you'll get to experience the first and possibly greatest 3D VR porn boom humanity will go through

Biggest lie on the internet

Life's a bitch and then you die
thats why we get high
cus you never know
when you're gonna go

thinking about this,

if I ever got too suicidal, I'd just literally sit and wait for better porn to be invented. It's going to happen

I'll juzz in one robot before I die

he is right though about that if you want to kill yourself you should wait atleast a day to see if things get better. if you still feel the same then you should have no hesitation about what to do next

I don't get this don't do it because life is short and death is endless argument. A lot of people use it but it seems like a fallacy. If you suffer why suffer any longer, even if life is short? Isn't the fact that life is short and it makes no difference in the long run if we kill ourselves rather a reason to do it if we suffer?

My friend killed himself last Monday thinking the same way. A lot of people cared and a lot of people noticed. He could have called me but he didn't.

Call a good friend and get drunk with him. Don't waste your friends, they care more than you think.


People don't go for suicide because they have a bad day though.

well still many suicides are just impulsive most people i am saying that if he waits he will know for sure if this is the thing for him


they don't think they are in, but they are.

Grow a pair and stop being a faggot

>well still many suicides are just impulsive
If we exclude edgy teenagers I don't believe that.
>i am saying that if he waits he will know for sure if this is the thing for him
I think OP should talk to someone about it. It is hard to make good decisions while being depressed.

well since he aperantly all alone it might be hard to find someone to talk to about it. besides is not that what he is doing right now

do it

Go to Peru. Go into the jungle alone. You'll probably die there. But, if you make it back out to the other side, you won't want to kill yourself anymore. Live until you die.

>well since he apparently all alone it might be hard to find someone to talk to about it
There are numbers you can call to talk about stuff like that.
>besides is not that what he is doing right now
It's Sup Forums...
I don't think this is the appropriate environment for serious discussion.

see if you cared you wouldn't have waited for him to call you. you knew he was hurting, but taking initiative and putting aside your time for his sake would have been too inconvenient. you only started caring after the fact, because of how it made YOU feel.

He did the right thing, it's obvious nobody actually wanted to help him. they just wanna milk this event for sympathy now that the part they could have actually done anything about is out of the way.

>Convince me to not kms Sup Forums please b4 i do
I dare you to do it.

>I don't think this is the appropriate environment for serious discussion
say that to OP he is the one that came here and started this. and btw this entire thread is obviously fake since op tries to make /b convince him to not kill himself

I think it's a human right to decide what to do with your own life. If you don't like living then you have every right to end your own life but if you're just depressed or upset about your situation in life then you have to reflect on the possibility that there are actions you could choose to take that would make your situation indefinitely more livable. It's purely your decision to make either way

>this entire thread is obviously fake
No reason not to discuss the replies though.
If I see replies like 'everything gets better' I just need to call that bs out. For some people it is true for some people it is not.

don't do it man

>For some people it is true for some people it is not.
probably the best way to summarize this subject
