Why is this giving out an unexpected end of input error?

Why is this giving out an unexpected end of input error?

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Delete system 32

nice meme XD

What script you writing on? By console?

you put tab A into slot B

should none be string?

Post a plunker

No i'm typing this code in notepad and running it in chrome. The console is giving this error, it's the only one, and the script does not work without it.

There's nothing wrong with your javascript OP. The error must be somewhere else. Maybe the line that calls the function.

Well none isn't a variable, but I need the quotes if that's what your asking.


Try putting the bracket above the 'hideall' function.

u need a closing bracket for the outer function

ps. indent ur shit

Is either that or you need either a some plugin or you need to play the game in order for the script to work.


I realized that, but the code still doesn't work

the punche function is not closed.
you need another "}" at the end

if it doesnt work sill, show more code.

learn to develop your shit in a development environment you fucking dipshit

do you actually think someone codes like that for real

The unexpected input error is gone.
Now I have an unexpected token error.
Fucking chrome kill me now

I'm going to try it in other browsers

chrome has nothing to do with it.
just post full file

Yeah stupid my I should just pull thousands of dollars out of my ass and go to computer school

Hey Op, welcome to JavaScript development! Instead of messing with everything in notepad, download an IDE (integrated development environment). It aids development and should flag you on easy snags, like missing braces. IMO Atom is the best JavaScript one

>Yeah stupid my I should just pull thousands of dollars out of my ass and go to computer school
He wasn't talking about going to "computer school" he's saying use a proper ide. Vs code, atom. Both are free and great for web dev

also IntelliJ

don't need a school.


also just install sublime text 3 and read some tutorials on how to use it, it'll be enough

>computer school

you don't deserve help

Love intellij. I use it at work. Best Java ide, but a legit download will set you back 400/year

java is boring corporate shit

Not if you have a student email or access to one

that or free trial

>Not if you have a student email or access to one
True. It's how they hooked me in the first place. Offered it for free at first, now I can't go back to eclipse.

>Op goes silent

yea.. i really wanna know where the error is now

It's not the most exciting work. But with spring boot, it's stable, efficient, and easy to maintain. So I won't argue with you, but there is a reason