What exactly is so wrong about being Jewish?

What exactly is so wrong about being Jewish?

op's pic obviously related

the jewish part

the part about op being a faggot

well most religions rely on indoctrinating children via brainwashing rather than convincing adults once they are capable of critical thought. judaism is slightly different, some consider being jewish based on your family tree rather than your belief.

judaism itself is based around the belief that god is infallible and therefore any loopholes or ways around obeying gods word is put there on purpose for them to use. rabbis or whatever theyerfore devote their time to reading the good book not necessarily to appreciate the parables and lessons to better themselves but to find loopholes in gods word that they can abuse to make their lives easier. this us probably where the sneaky and underhanded stereotypes come from and why there are many jewish lawyers and accountants, because they are used to pouring through and abusing rules and procedures. this comes across as dishonest

i guess a part of it has to do with the belief that they are chosen people and anyone else is scum. kind of not very nice combined with the heritage thing from before

mutilating childrens genitals is also a kind of shitty thing to do, sucking the blood from a babys freshly circumcised dick and chewing the foreskin is out of this world fucked up.

religion is typically protected under the same rules as racism, you will often be called racist for expressing views about jews but that isn't correct, religion is a choice (or should be!) how can we judge others if not by choices they make?

lots of european countries have laws against holocaust denial. whether or not you think holocaust deniers are disgusting can you justify criminalising free expression? even then there is the argument that these things should be brought out to wither in the light rather than swept under the carpet to fester and grow if you follow my meaning.

lots of this isn't just judaism but thats what you asked for

This is pretty good

Can confirm mostly all of this. Was raised jewish

the religious part

Wrong board, you should ask the question on

Sup Forums is for political discussion you retarded faggot

You have never been to Sup Forums have you

enlighten me with your superior knowledge of Sup Forums, user senpai

They blame the jews for everything.

>some consider being jewish based on your family tree rather than your belief.
I was raised Jewish and I can confirm this

BUT you guys need to understand there's like 3 different types of Jews and most of them don't consider themselves to be "God's chosen people" or that "everybody else is scum"

There are orthodox Jews (the really hardcore Jews) and conservative Jews (less hardcore but still pretty fundamentalist) and then there are the reform Jews.

The reform Jews are pretty much the only kind you guys will encounter in your life because they don't just stick with their own kind. They are everyday people and they respect everybody else and everybody's beliefs. They accept new scientific discoveries and evolution. The only bias I see in reform Jews is that they are pro Israel and anti Muslim. Which is perfectly reasonable if you ask me but that's another subject.

It means anons would have to leave their mommy's basement and go outside into the real world, OP.

Y'all niggas aren't fireproof is one

Pic related

Nice write-up. It is logical and forthright, and thus has no place on Sup Forums.

Fuck off, nigger.

this is interesting thank you

i find the idea of reform jews interesting in the same way as christianity was reformed and right now we are in a situation in europe at least where we perhaps identify as christian however don't practice any faith whatsoever, going to church if done at all is only social rather than religious duty.

i find the muslim - jewish fighting absolutely fascinating because they ar eboth essentially the same religion, same book. the argument of christianity is that jews/muslims can't pray in a church becaus eof the heavy jesus imagery but muslim mosques don't have imagery of muhammed so i am led to believe so muslims and jews can share templ/mosque to pray? is that right?

seems the issue stems from you are too similar and therefore are arguing over holy lands and who it is more holy to! but you are essentially the same. very strange the amount of bloodshed that goes on over something so tedious.

i always laugh at americans paying recompence to slaves and felling sorry for being descended from slave owners but as a european i do feel guilty for the creation of israel and the fighting and nonsense that has gone on since.
I am quite ignorant of the history about who did what who is bad and yadda yadda but as far as i know both sides are guilty of being jerks.

Yeah, being anti the people who want to murder you and every other jew in existence is very understandable.

The scheming has to go, though.

Feeling guilty about something that you had no personal hand in is both unhealthy and illogical. You cannot go back and change what happened. You can only live your life to the best of your ability.

Don't guilt yourself for what your ancestors did - and, more importantly, don't let _others_ guilt you for the actions of others!

Being religious.