How important of a role did your high school grades play in your life?

How important of a role did your high school grades play in your life?

I've always herd that my grades will determine my life but is it really such a big deal? I want to hear from some normal people instead of the brainwashing teachers

Depends on what you do. If your life goal is to be a doctor and you make all C's then yeah it matters and it's probably gonna ruin your chances.

Zero. Grades from high school are probably among the least determining factors in my life.


Mostly don't remember what kind of grades i made (in college now) but i know they weren't anything special. I just didn't fail any classes

all d's and a few e's.
i hope fuckers wont ask for my transcripts

Grades are important for continuing to the next level of grades. What's important for getting the job is having the diploma/degree.

Well said

so long as you have above the minimum for what youd like to do after it doesnt matter much. I had mid 70's and got into uni, once you have even 1 university or college class no one gives a fuck about school that came before

To all the underage b&s:

PAY ATTENTION IN YOU MATHEMATICS CLASSES. If there is one subject that you are going to take seriously, make sure it is math. That is the one thing I regret as a kid: I would always daydream during class.

For those of you for whom you think it is already too late, that you're doomed to flipping burgers because you did the same as me, do not lose hope. All it took was a summer of Khan Academy and i was caught up. I'm now about to graduate with dual majors in math and statistics with a CS minor.

not at all. get decent grades graduate and go to community college. Community college is like starting all over or you could go to a trade school. Either way doesnt really matter unless youre trying to get into a good university straight out of HS


I don't think grades determine our life, but rather are a good indicator of where we're headed.

For example: I did well in high school and college, B+ student. I am moderately successful

I had a friend in high school who got straight Cs and Ds, even Fs on occasion. Now he's a drug addict who is depressed.

Not saying it is always like this but intellegince and judgement in school and class carries over to other parts of our lives


I would like to add if you're grades aren't very good coning out if high school and / or you aren't sure what you want to do yet, do not go college. You can always come back once you've matured. You will almost certainly waste time cans money should you not heed these words.

You can lie about finishing high school. Nobody's going to check. It's just assumed that you finished. I laugh when adults make a big deal about getting their GED. Go to a community college and take a computer course ffs. Nobody gives a shit if you can conjugate a verb or name all the state capitals.

Barely graduated high school, barely graduated college, making 50k currently. Your work ethic, relationships and personality are more important than grades.

Helped me get a grant in college so it saved me like 10 Gs. Was worth keeping good grades imo

while this is a good option if possible, i can only imagine what shit school doesn't do background checks.

There is hope for me yet?!

high school is a good way to get grants. i wish they would emphasize that more. all the things they tell you about your future are bullshit, but the things they don't tell you are important. you want all the grants.

Great, it's always fucking math. Its all good with all A' s and B's until you get to math and you get a borderline D fuck math man

Grades matter if you want to get into a good college. If you get into a good college (ivy league, ect.) dream jobs and jobs from famous companies become a reality for you.

>wants to hear from normal people
>asks /b

I dont know, I shit out games on a meme childrens website and do better than my parents.
Literally only thing good thats happened as a result of being an aspy antisocial retard

>shit school
Jobs only. It's anecdotal but a buddy of mine snagged a great paying tech job doing this. He had the comp skills, tho.

I barely graduated highschool Ds all around (didnt want to be there) and now i make 76k a year with step increases through 102k down the line.

Federal employment, started from data entry.

I'm 22 and no one has ever asked for my high school gpa or transcripts. If you're not going to college, just work hard, be polite, and build up a good work history. Make sure you impress your manager or someone above you thst you work with. Use them as solid references. I'm no success story or anything. I work in shipping and recieving jobs. They're easy to get into, and there's always room to move up because a lot of people can't handle the stress of managing that kind of shit. I actually love it. It's like a big logic puzzle when you're juggling incoming, outgoing, intercompany, and intracompany shit. I make decent money, get commission, and have money in my retirement plan. I get the added privilege of not having to take work home with me. Just depends what your goals are. Working with high security stuff, they'll check your records and see if you were a degenerate trouble maker or not. Just find your thing and make it work. But I'm just a dumbass that smoked weed all through high school instead of doing shit, so whatever.