Post aesthetic pics of your cunt

Post aesthetic pics of your cunt



This will be the year (fingers crossed)



I'm an amateur urban photographer

My city




We sucks, no aesthetically pleasing scenery here :((













post your hometown

Is this cape cod or something?










Is that raised bit a man-made dyke or something?
Explain this picture to me
It's beautiful


this shit looks like they tried to build the star island 3 fucking times before they got it right

>Is that raised bit a man-made dyke or something?
They're surprisingly strong for being made of dirt

I have so many questions
How do they get that tall? Do they take the dirt from where the river is now then make it?
Is there a special machine that makes it so uniformly round?
What does it protect against?

Just extra bastions, it's common part of star forts


Similar and yours is so beautiful!!!!


That is pretty damn gorgeous i'm jelly

what's with the brightly coloured fields?

>How do they get that tall? Do they take the dirt from where the river is now then make it?
>Is there a special machine that makes it so uniformly round?
They use a certain type of clay the holds it's shape well

>What does it protect against?
Flooding, most dykes are built along side rivers.
Some to stop the sea.

>you will never live in Massachusetts, or anywhere in New England for that matter


Is this what it looks like all over your country that's not in a big city?


>Is this what it looks like all over your country
No, tulip fields are wound mostly on North-Holland.

The rest is just normal farms


Not so much the tulips but the huge swathes of flat, green land relatively close to sea level?

>but the huge swathes of flat, green land relatively close to sea level?
Pretty much everything that isn't a city is green flat farmland.

When we ran out of land to farm we just made some more land.

That's amazing
My shithole country is just bushy hills, mountains or huge, flat, red clay-ish deserts

Nothing beautiful or soft grows
Even the grass hurts

We also made an island.
A 970 km2 (370 sq mi) island.


This thread needs more polder.


Kind of boring from the ground though

It's a flat kind of feel


Imagine how easy it would be to go hunting though
Build a deer stand and suddenly you can see every animal within kilometers

I don't know why, but seeing large flat expanses of land just weirds me out. It looks unnatural. How can you live there?
Hills are the comfiest landscape.

That's all private land, you'd need permission from the farmer, and a hunting permit, of course.

Take the flat-pill


You really want to? Wow

I'd prefer not to have to worry about my land disappearing every time it rains a bit.

Kek, you have more floods than we do.






We get more rain.
And then it all runs downhill to where the idiots decided to build their flat ugly cities.
I never flood.

fck capitalism
