French people are waking up soon

>french people are waking up soon

good morning france


I like your determination

truly excellent post

idk why i took this picture

¡Bienvenidos, Francia! 'Spero k tengas buena racha buey.

Goodnight everyone (especially France)

Furries out

Good morning France

Vous pouvez arrêter ? Vous me foutez les jetons.

France? More like Does a Dance haha

Bunny Ears != furry

Good morning, America

Une pute.

the clones are pure

will they wake up, tho


What do you mean? The french are gonna roll out of bed in a few more hours when it's like 1-2pm. Just in time for a quick aftertoon hon hon, and to not go to work because of strike

Let's hope they actually start waking up to their situation, too

this is no time for banter

NIENAWIDZE, ludzi-szopów

Shit tier french korean cartoon rip-off

Bounjour la France