How to promote facial hair growth

How to promote facial hair growth

Stop being a pussy

Jack off

Cum on a small platter and add some salt and heavy cream on it. Then leave on face for 30 mins. Rinse with warm water and follow up with ice cold water.

Tried that but I'll never be cooler than my girlfriends ex so
Doesn't that slow it down???

You could hold a sign outside your local town hall in support of it...People might join in.

Do this for every other day for 30 days.

Nah there's more ways

Works better if you use someone else Cum

There's some chemical, originally designed as a medication for a coronary problem(heart attack or stroke I think), that causes hair growth. I've seen threads here about faggots like you slathering it on their faces and swearing it works. Google it faggot.

I dunno. I didnt grow facial hair till I was 25. Just woke up one week and it was there.


Make a shitty weed movie based around it starring Seth Rogan and friends.

it grows by parts dude, first your moustache, then your neck, then your chin, and after your cheeks...

that was me, some guys get it in a different order, but moustaches always come first...

depending on your genetics it will grow faster or slower, if your small moustache started to grow at 15 you are probabably having a "decent" beard at 20, if your stache started at 18 then you are going to grow a beard at your 25s....
if you are young and your facial hair is straight like if it were capilar hair, then you are an indian and you are never going to get a beard because you are a huge weak-genetics faggot

you can promote it using minoxidil, but that shit is for pussys...
nutritionists say that if you drink a lot of water, have a healthy diet and do sports you also estimulate its growth but they talk a lot of bullshit

I'm 19 I get hair on my sideburns, kinda heading toward my cheeks, neck, hair on chin and lip are blonde as fuck but pretty thick, aside from that I've noticed every time I've shaved it comes in more and more I really think it's patience tbh
I've been working out lately too so it's been pretty ok

Mine started on my neck/jaw then side burns then moustache then cheeks

Cheeks seem to be last usually...
Interesting, I'm also lacking in chest hair so that'll Come soon too right? Water and working out And I'll be happy

if you are blond then it's different in a way that it will look like you don't have much beard until you have a nice one, in my case my hair is brownish black and it contrasted more with my skin so it was more striking..
also if you are at your 19 i think you are fine, i remember when i was that age i only had hair in my chin and moustache, like a goatee, and i had to shave it like 2 times each week
now i'm 22 and i dont have a viking beard but looks decent, (i dont like huge beards i just like having short hair like guy in first post)
i have more facial hair than him, dont compare

stop shaving
Works 100% of the time for me

So just shave?

mine went moustache, chin, then cheeks/sideburns. There's still a small gap between cheeks and moustache/chin that won't grow in yet, but I'm a yung boi still

ye dude i mean shaving your beard is the same, it is not going to make it weaker or thicker
the point is that if you can't grow a decent beard you need to shave cuz if you don't you will look like a faggot.

splitting wood in a red flannel and beanie seems to work good too

with encouragement

I'm almost 30 and still can't grow a decent beard. I stop shaving and end up with a neck beard and some stubble on my cheeks

no stache xd?

Stop being a beta
Shave more often
Go out and do normal things a guy would do
Spend time with the girl you like

Give it up. Genetics is not in your favor.

Yeah a Stache too.
Looks like shit when I dont shave desu.
>But I stopped shaving because zero fucks are given on the road to Wizarding status

Suck a lot of cock