Did ethnic Germans create the Cowboy culture in the U.S.?


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they created bbc cuckold culture

Clint Eastwood is ethnically German for example.

No he isn't.

I hate to tell you cowboys and generally the old west lived among mexicans and were very influenced by them
I think even cowboy hat a came from them

Cowboys, or more specifically Vaqueros are originally from the Iberic penninsula, but they were introduced into the US by Mexican Vaqueros or "Buckaroos" as the muricans would mispronounce it.

No, the cowboy hat came from Mongols

No, Canadians invented Cowboy culture

Mexicans can claim the Bolo tie though, I'll give them that

germans settlement was most prominent in the midwestern/plains areas and not the west

the mormons are really the only white people in the west with a cohesive ethnic idenity (they were WASPs)

also white sub-ethnic identity in the US hasn't really been all that relevant in at least half a century and gets less so each year

Nope, it's mainly southern european cattle culture, specially Iberian one, plus the Mestizo/Castizos Mexicans (charrua I think they are called) own, than devoloped during a few hundred of years before Texas existed, and influenced Cowboys a lot.

The Dragon de Cuera it's a good example, tough mostly made up of Peninsulares, lots of Criollos or Mestizos ended serving there, you can see in they gear from where Cowboys look originated.

The cow leather armor was enough to stop the Native arrows,the most dangerous were the comanches, probably the best native cavalry North of Mexico City. They raided mercilesly, and the Dragons de Cuera were to few to defend a frontier so big, but when they caught them it tended to be one sided victory for them (even when they guns were more or less useless).

I'm going to take a guess and assume that vaquero means the same thing as văcar here.

Vaquero=One than works with cattle. Vaca=Cow, -ero=Profession (Panadero=Some one than works/Make bread).
Probably a Vacar comes from the same tradition of guarding cattle, like the Buttero or Camarga Gardians.

And the camarga ones. Each one has his own history, but it's easy to see they share some origin (most probably Roman, perhaps even Greek, all mixed with local knowladge after thousands of years).

Frontiersmen were Anglos, Scots and Irish who picked up some of the cowboy stuff from Mexicans. All the cultural Icons of the old west were Anglos though. Bill Hicok, Samuel Colt, Anne Oakly, Doc Holiday etc.

Vaca means cow yes, and suffix -ar (female form) and -or (male form) denotes profession.

So a vacar took care of cows. We didn't have a big tradition of guarding cows, though. Cattle was associated with the nobility cause only they could afford owning large herds of them, while everyone else owned sheep, so shepherding is the tradition that was ingrained in our national consciousness.


Whom is this and how do I get her to be my gf

Some germanised West Slav.
Aka the only good-looking german women


Why is it always germanised Slav and not slaved German. You only hear about male german/female slav couples here.

It is some sort of german fantasy?

Entire Eastern Germany and some Northern and Southern parts were populated by Western Slavs.
It's not about Slavic women getting fucked by germans, but rather "cultural" conversion of both males and females.

It was actually the opposite, Proto-Slavs fucked Germanic women on the Polish territory.

Poles and Germans are the same fucking thing outside of culture stop roleplaying like you're different

do you have any cute cow breed? we have this tiny cows

>stop roleplaying like you're different
hey it's not us who are calling themselves superior.

But it's all about the culture.
Poland acquired territories and expanded peacefully - Germans genocided their way through.

Also, west Germans and South Germans are different than Poles. Only Eastern and Northern ones are similiar because the native population was mainly West Slavic.

True I guess. Can you guys wipe out the real scourge already, (((Ukrainians))).

I'm not talking about culture though. You stand a west German and a pole next to me and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Both your tiny ass countries could find inside my province alone.


d I wouldn't be able to tell the difference
you would tho, just google "polish man" and "german man"

No, we did.


>make a thread somehow related to Germany
>instantly fills with Poles sperging out about ancient history and their Germany-complex
wew lad

>sperging out

have a (you) Hans


No... it is from Spain mainly in 1800 traditions..


That's where buckaroo comes from? Huh, that's really interesting, thanks beanerbro.


But they got the guns and armed militia culture from us.

We were major gun suppliers at that time.

german is a nationality
there are african/arab and Asian germans as well
this whole cowboy thing is from the Spaniards

no, it was a combination of Mexicans and predominately Scots-Irish Confederate veterans from the South who influenced the old West.

Cattle breeders tend to be related to nobility, in They origin they were raiders looting both christians and muslos,and enroled as light cavalry in times of war,socially they were hidalgos or petty nobility.