Best way to kill a dog quickly and humanely...

Best way to kill a dog quickly and humanely? Someone owes me some money and isn't paying up and the corpse of his dog on his step should be proper motivation.

set it on fire

You're an ass if you actually want to kill someone's best friend for some money. I hope you die

The idea was to make it quick and painless for the dog, who gives a shit he will get over it

Op if u killed my dog I'd be sure to never pay u.

The best way to do it is to kill yourself you worthless faggot.

Step one- be an autust
Step two- kill self
Step three- profit

Either snap it's neck or shoot it in the head

Oh YOU'RE just charming.

That's a sure way to have something worse happen to you, which is the point

Make the dog into a pot of chili, leave on his doorstep with a note that says "[insert dog name] says hi"

shoot it smartass

id fucking kill you if you killed my dog. dogs dont do shit wrong so leave them alone.

If you think I shouldn't kill the dog to get paid then what else should I do to get his ass to pay up

OP how about you skip the dog and go straight for the person who owes you money you dumb fuck

>dogs dont do shit wrong
except shit everywhere
except bark all night long
except piss everywhere
except bite kids/other animals
shoot the fucker

>implying humans dont do shit wrong

shoot the fuckers

Sell the debt to someone capable of collecting it.
Leave the dog alone.

How about you tell me where you live so I can come peel your fucking face off and feed it to you?

Sounds like a good way to get yourself killed or beat to shit op. If I owed you 500 bucks, and you killed my dog, I would pretend to meet you to pay, then break all your limbs with a baseball bat.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC

If you kill my dog I'll kill you. If anyone kills my dog they're dead. Do you really want to be killed over money? Don't fuck with a man's dog.

A quick shot to the head works. That's how I kill children.

Just know if you do some shit like this, I think it would be plenty justified for that guy to not pay you back. Take it to court unless you're doing some shady shit. If you're doing shady shit then you deserve to be screwed over.

Getting in my car now. See you soon fucking piece of shit.

You got some serious issues, dude.


Or he'll just call the police

1) You're an asshole for killing an innocent animal

2) Carbon monoxide poisoning

I just won't leave any evidence who it was

That's the problem with kids these days In my day if a guy didn't pay us we'd just play baseball with his knees or take a toe. But you faggots have to bring Fido into this shit.


A question they'll probably ask is do you have any enemies and if he gives you up then you'd better have an alibi

John wick plz

How much are we talking about?


I bought him a McDonald's sandwich and he still hasn't paid me back

How much money exactly if it's $20 you're just being a faggot if it's $1,000 go ahead and kill his dog.

Fuck you nigger. Someone should kill you inhumanely you drug dealing faggot.


I take it that this is something to do with drugs, or something equally degenerate. If I owed someone money and they murdered my dog, my sole focus would be not to pay my debt, but to either kill you or have you put in prison. If you are a drug dealer, this person probably has enough info to at least get the cops to pay you a visit, and since you're a drug dealer you're also a cucked loser and an idiot, so you'll probably incriminate yourself. I hope you get raped in prison OP. Money doesn't mean shit, do you realize how much of a NIGGER you're being?

110 bucks, but I think it's a false alarm now so it won't be necessary

Drugs, high dosage. Shoot him. Rat poison. Dark Chocolate.Garlic. Cut his head off. Stab his brain through his eyes. If you hit the brain first, he wont be feeling pain and will be dead directly. Leave his head and eat the Rest.

>own someone money
>they kill my doggo
>call the cops and tell them i was threatened and my doggo is kill
>murderer of my doggo gets send to jail and has to pay me reparations

Buy new better doggo.

Have you thought about killing your self? That would really show him! May I suggest rat poison?

Get rope, tie one end around your neck, and the other to the bumper of a truck.
Toss brick on gas

Why don't you just man the fuck up and beat his ass?

And I got dubs. So you Must obey

Use scissors to cut just behind the eyes.
>This kills the dog

Why dont go with the "worse" option right away then? Or maybe you're just a big pussy who talks a lot.





I'd stab you six times. I'd spend 3 weeks following your every move and when you least expect it there would be cold steel in your ribs user.

Have you never seen John Wick??!?! Fucking asshole

Just steal the dog and take it to the vet to be put down. Fake name and shit and you're golden.

Send him on a tour of China

Have you asked him yet? Punch him in the face. Why you giving money out to lowlifes anyways user

a great way to send a message with the dog is to suck its asshole and send them pics. that will help

hit him. duh

the dog wont. thats the problem dick. no one cares about the human.

Another option is seducing his girlfriend and fucking her and sending him a picture of us in the act. I'm not sure if the dog method or this would be more effective.

Kill yourself not the dog, faggot

A question they'll probably ask is do you have any enemies and if he gives you up then you'd better have an alibi

and you better have nothing else they could slam you for. your a idiot.


Bullet to the head, just use a .22 and it will be over quick/painless. Don't use anything bigger than a .22 either, otherwise you'll have a huge fucking mess to clean up.

Hey man, you've seen the movie John Wick right? Might not be the best idea to take out his dog.


Mix lots and lots of powder from sleeping pills into some ground meat.

John Wick didn't owe anybody shit cause he ain't a punk bitch.

This "someone" isn't John Wick.

How stupid do you need to be to think, that this is going to make him pay? Lol

Lol you're a fucking idiot. If this was a legit deal do you think he'd be trying to kill this guy's dog?

have you not seen John wick? I mean I'm no badass, but if someone I knew I owed money to left my dog dead on my porch I would wait outside of their house with a bat and bash their fucking kneecaps in.

>prove to cops that je did it
>but je said so
OP: NOPE.mp3
>He had a reason
OP: I had a reason to break your legs as well, yet you're standing

Case closed.

If someone killed my dog and i owed them something, i'd just call the police and get their ass arrested. Fucking dumbass, OP

this doesn't even work as a satirical posts. just go away with this shit.

Doesn't mean he still can't go put a bullet in your fucking head for killing is dog, dumb ass.

You don't have to be a genius to work a gun and people have killed over smaller things than that.

Dogs HAVE NO OWNER. Dogs are part of a family or an independent creature.

You should be a fucking man, grow a pair of balls and beat the guy who owns you money.

Be a man, motherfucker, don't kill animals, they are totally inocents. People in the other hand is SHIT.

If you are a fucking sissy, here's a better tip. Pour brake liquid all over his car. In a couple of sun hours the paint job will be totally ruined, and would need a 1000 USD work to repaint (at least). Pouring the liquid would take you few seconds. Here you got an option, you sissy motherfucker.

You're really not fucking smart, are you?

>Animals are innocent
>Humans are shit

Enjoy sociopathy

Some people will retaliate by hunting you down and killing you for something like that.