What do you think about Sean Spicer?

What do you think about Sean Spicer?

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she was great in gilmore girls


He's spicier than Josh Earnest

idiot fagnigger who's never sucked a log of shit

In college he was a student senator. In April 1993, he wrote a letter to the student paper, The College Voice, urging that new campus anti-smoking rules not alter existing accommodations for smoking during examinations, then submitted an angry complaint after they rendered his byline as "Sean Sphincter", for which he received further ribbing from the campus satirical publication Blats.

>Sean Sphincter

I don't give a shit about the politics, I like how he doesn't put up with shit from slug-tier reporters. They needed to be knocked down a peg

He's an amateur and a dickhead

"Doesn't take shit"
He sits there babbling non-responses to genuine questions never saying anything more than exactly what he's told. Dude is so desperate for a promotion he'd suck Trump off while taking bannon in the ass

Look where he is now.


Cool guy

>"genuine questions"
>nigger rants

Part of the administration that has already and will continue to go down as the worst in US History? Plus he just shits out the exact information Banon tells him to without thinking for himself so the nickname applies now more than ever

>He sits there babbling non-responses to genuine questions
The Washington Press Corps hasn't asked a genuine question in years.

Closet homosexual.

Stay ass-blasted.

she should loose some weight

Hey gurl. Why you gotta be racisit? You arent anything special, you autistic cunt.

i don't think about him

It is a hard to work for an idiot.
Even for a lot of money.

Ah yes, those who disagree with me are niggers. Your intellect is astounding. I guess the retarded bullies have to end up somewhere when they get older. You mine coal or work construction, all the while pretending it's blacks you hate and not your shitty self. All the while, everyone you've insulted and bullied for being intellectual are making six plus figures and shaping this world for generations to come. How does it feel knowing your retarded self only exists because human decency has rendered Darwinism obsolete

Can't, I'm not sean

>never saying anything more than exactly what he's told
Oh you mean doing his job?

Willful traitor

I like him. He's a good guy.

I watched the first couple weeks of press conferences and heard a lot of genuine and important questions asked.

He's a cryptofaggot.

Enjoy your cuckservative bubble. I can tell you've literally never watched one of Sean Spicer's press conferences start to finish.

His job is to answer questions. He's a corporate robot hell bent on serving an administration that cares solely about self gain and not the good of the nation they supposedly serve

Sean Spicer is an angry idiot who gives non-sensical answers. Even Kelly Anne Conway is better at giving cagey non-answers than him.

He constantly makes himself look like a fool, but I have to admit he has a REALLY tough job, trying to spin gold from Trump's turd sandwiches.


Creative, fuck. Did you think of that yourself? I'm curious how would you come to this assumption other than that it's convenient for your closet beliefs to not have to acknowledge that someone with a differing opinion could be well informed?

I meant to say creative, cuck. My B Bro

And he's not very good at it. Trevor Noah nailed it -- he behaves like a kindergarten teacher.

What's funny is that your man Trump is a time tested con-man, and you supporters are so proudly guzzling down his cum absolutely convinced that he cares about you and that your going to get something out of this. How can you be so oblivious to the fact that your this man's cum dump and he's just getting himself off, blowing one last massive load all over you retards stupid enough to fall for it. How can you be so proud that this fuckstain in straight up robbing this nation when you're getting fucked just as hard as anyone else?

Sorry for the grammar you're** is** and whatnot. Autocorrect blows but sentiment still stands

he's basically this guy

much more masculine looking than goebbels though. that dude was effeminite as fuck.


>nigger rant

>are you legitimately this stupid?

Goebbels was intelligent. Unlike everything in the Drumpft administration.

This is insulting to Goebbels, who had a large role in generating much of the classic Nazi propaganda. Spicer is basically just shouting a handful of official pronouncements and trying to make reporters cry.

This is a classic logical fallacy. You take one example (usually the worst) and pretend it represents a collective. First, nice source, looks legit. Second, just because one retarded person asks a dumb question, doesn't mean all people asking questions are dumb. By that logic, all news sources are unreliable and opinionated just because Breitbart exists. Go back to the first couple weeks when Spicer's relationship with the press was defined and watch this logicless ape attempt to answer reasonable questions about Trump's idiocy by throwing a temper tantrum at the podium

Now if you want to see real idiocy, look at how all you fucks fell for Trump's wiretapping claim. No coincidence it came just as sessions was being investigated about Russia. Banon knows Trump is immune to recompense for spewing bullshit, so anytime one of Trump's item is in risk of being exposed, Banon feeds Trump new bullshit to spew in order to distract everyone from real concerns regarding his administration

Trump's team**

It's hard to have an opinion of him.

He's put in a very difficult situation of having to explain trumps ridiculous behavior.... He doesn't seem to do a very good job of it even still though... Id say trump should replace him but I'd wager most people would be unwilling to take that bullet

How much is Hillary paying you, shill?

I don't need to be paid to express my logical superiority. I take pleasure in informing the ignorant


Argumentative tone but there's no argument here


You better be nicer to the Spicer

or what, he'll write nasty letters to you?

you fuck with the Sean, you gon be gone, son

He's a fuckin asshole buts it's funny, the way he talks to the press and interacts. Can't make that stuff up

He seems to be mimicking Fearless Leader's behaviors but can only parody.