Humiliate me taking orders mache alles

humiliate me taking orders mache alles

alright you son of a bitch, write ''gavra gay''

You again? Haven't you got anything better to do? Get fucking laid man

write 'Get on outta here with my eye holes' on a piece of paper and have a good cry in the bath

fagot y u repost?

I command you!
Write "Dobrou Lucko"

i don't think op will deliver



Go to your neighbours house, knock on the door and take a picture of her/his face

oops. ok.. naked ?

Ohne dich ist Sup Forums nicht Sup Forums. Wie hast du es nur zur Meme geschafft?


danke. puh keine ahnung, ich hoffe nicht dass ich das bin

Write "hola Ivan :)"

Write ''Nigel heeft kanker''


write, hey justin h. !!

small dick

>humiliate me taking orders mache alles
Bitte" simon J. Hatt autismus"



make a sign that says "I payed $40 for this, did I get ripped off?"


Write ''Hey Pepijn vb.''


Write "Youssef Hannah is a huge faggot."

Write ''andres has a big cock


Kill yourself, it will make you cum, we will have one less stain in our society, and all the kids you raped ( lets not forget the time you were molested, now ) will feel a bit better. :)

please write for lukas a.

Write "i eat ass"

Can you write,

Vitluki, I love you and love your songs

Write "Hi Linda this Bill and my little friend, I am the friend you've been told about"




Please write: ''Felix,b is a faggot''

Did you forget my request? DO IT!

Please Write "Nicole Weiss"

Would very much appreciate it if you were to write,

" Dakota And Ryan Forever "


wow havent seen this meme in over a year, thx op

Write "Maastricht University"

write "Alon is a fag"

Neffets mach Stückzahl

Write "if you dont reply to this your mother will die in her sleep"

Du bist ein Warmer Bruder

