Atheism is SO 2000s

Atheism is SO 2000s

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Suck on this clit faggot


Athiesm < (There's probably a diety figure but it doesn't give a fuck about humans)-ism

Not a half bad tattoo

if your god exists, he sure doesn't give a shit about humanity


Jesus whie wuold yuo spell it like this

your taste is shit

God lets kids die all the time

if he exists, he's an all powerful psychopathic asshole

The coloring is preety good.
As well as the facial features being completly on model to the refrence.

>allowing bad things to happen
>causing bad things to happen
Same thing?

If there is a god it would have to be in the inner machinations of our minds. are an enigma. Also god would only exist to those not living in 3rd world countries. also . yea

I don't like the motive but the artist seems to be quite competent

when you have the power to say a word and make it so that no child ever has to die in a school shooting again, and you decide not to, yes that is just as morally wrong as going in there and shooting each one yourself

God made killing a sin.
That guy who shot those kids commited a sin by his own free will.
Are you saying god shouldn't have invented guns?
Man invented guns.
Men use guns to kill.
This isnt the first goddamn time kids at school have been shot. It wont be the last.
Until god apparently makes kid proof bullets am i right?

Yeah, Agnosticism is where its at

everything happens according to god's plan
if something happened, it's because god willed it
god is happy to respond to prayers to help find car keys, but turns a blind eye to all the unnecessary suffering in the world
or, more likely, he doesn't exist

>God makes machinegun toting killer blow a tire on the way to the school
>Gunman careens into a tree
>Cops and ambulance show up and discover his armament
>gunman gets treated in hospital and then charged

I'm just a man and I saved the school, God could have certainly done it better than me.

> god would only exist to those not living in 3rd world countries
makes no sense

So you know whats gonna happen to us after we die just like those kids did?
An athiest will say that those kids consciousness will fade away into oblivion of neverending darkness. As thier body rots away into the dirt. The parents will grieve for them for all time. Damning the man responsible for eternity until they die and fade away.

A person who believes in god will say those kids will go to heaven. Thier consciousness living eternally in bliss and happiness never knowing suffering again.

Which would you prefer?
Because athiests are just so bleak about death to be honest with you, althought i get thier point.
God isnt a superman

Atheism > *

"Spirituality" is just an avenue by which other people will seek to trick you out of time and money. Faith is for suckers and every single religious leader becomes the king of their own little hill by using it like the bullshit it is and bringing in more money than the other contenders. Also that progressive liberals think they can "tithe" through virtue signaling is hilarious and there's already cottage industries set up to farm that money. Charity is also for suckers, I guarantee you at least two-thirds of your donation goes directly into the bank account of some fat bitch with no real job skills so she can buy more bon-bons, all charities are tax-exempt business models.

Not only have you never had a spiritual experience of any kind you have also never helped a stranger in need. In each and every case you have been grifted by a low-life who has no constructive skills of any kind.

I can't claim to know for certain what happens after we die, nor can anyone. However, all the evidence we have points to consciousness fading away to nothing after death. Sure, it might be nice if we all got to play bingo with Jesus instead, but wanting something doesn't make it true.

So then the gunman will not have to suffer in hell and gets away scot free in a bleak nothingness.
Damn if only there was someway to prevent people from commiting such acts in the first place.
I wonder if the gunman didnt believe god would punish him for his actions because lol god doesnt exist and hasnt done no good for nonebody. Lemme go shoot up these kids with a clear conscious. Thank god i wasnt pulled over by any coos and my tire didnt blow!
Wow my guns didnt jam ether thanks a lot no god!

nice full house

but what if there is no God, what if the planet is sort of alive and we are its greatest invention or it's "children", with hopes of developing a method of immortality and exploring space to spread ourselves.

What if the planet is alive. It is though.
The entire universe is alive.
And its a fucking miracle i can even be here talking to you about it. And possible reasons for us to even guess at what it means to be human on this earth.

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here. If the gunman believed he would suffer in hell for all eternity if he shot up a school, maybe he would have stayed home instead. That fact has no bearing on whether or not god exists. If someone needs to believe in god/heaven/hell in order for them to behave morally, then by all means i want their ass in church every Sunday.

Sorry I mean actually conscious, like a sentient earth that doesn't communicate to us with language but with weather or through our subconscious. We are it's shared life force and it's desire is to spread out and terraform and colonize other planets which is sort of like itself breeding with the universe.

Got any evidence to back up this theory? Why is this any more likely than all the other myths throughout history?

That's my point though. It's just as plausable, maybe even moreso, than a Golden GrandDaddy in the sky. Especially if you consider evolution and the autogenesis of the universe.

What makes this theory, I just came up with now, awesome is that it helps drive people to excell. It would make a better religion especially these days.

Maybe so. Maybe humanity just isn't ready to accept reality and still needs fairy tales to keep people from killing each other. On the other hand, the wrong fairy tale can do a lot of damage to society.

See but someone doesnt actually have to believe in a god at all to be a good person.
People have to have a stable family upbringing to remain a good natured person. For all we know the gunmans parents neglected him his entire life. Just wait till we get his backstory it's gonna be an interesting one.
I see what you're on to. But its definitely the signs of change you notice more and more frequently.
A good example is the divine wind back when the mongols invaded japan twice. Both times a storm fucked up thier ships. The earth clearly didnt want the mongols to conquer japan if they could have. For what purpose though? I want to know if in a alternative timeline what would happen if they succeded.

Yeah if there really is an infinite amount of energy and a bunch of running alt realities, it would be fun to tour through them and see how things might be different. I mean if there are alt realities, who's to say ours is the best version?

Humanity doesnt need harry potter or star wars or the avengers ether.
Those are just fairy tales that keep people from accepting reality.

There's a big difference between enjoying a fairy tale for entertainment and accepting one unconditionally as fact.

Its clearly not. We got the timeline where we assassinated two presidents who were making big changes and one of the same presidents little brother.
All we can do is try to change the things we dont like ourselves and some magic man wont do it all for us. God i wish some magic man gave us interdimensional travel already.
Guess ill just have to wait for science to figure it out.

Ahahahahahha yeah yeah jesus christ you couldnt be more wrong my man.

I agree, it's all about nihilism now, not that it really matters

Atheism always has been one of the more annoying religions. Atheists think they are so clever, when really they base their beliefs on faith, like other forms of religion. But the other real problem is that Atheists don't understand morality, and that why Atheism has been the cause of the most horrible genocides in history. God or no God, we should not allow such ideas in our society.

look mom, i'm trolling on Sup Forums again

Belief goes a long way. If you believe something will happen tomorrow and it doesnt happen would you stop believing that it would still be possible?

I think you're right, except, religion was really only necessary in the past. People didn't really understand morality until religion came along and taught it to them. Maybe we still need it now, I mean, there's lots of places in the world that commit immoral acts and violate human rights every day. They have religion too but theirs is grossely more immoral than Jesus lovers.

Just say islam if youre gonna say islam already.
Or were you gonna day buddisim or something?


You know in china if they catch you worshiping christ they send you to jail and harvest you organs?

You are mostly right, but you have to realise there are no real Atheists, these are mostly rebelious teenagers and people who had something bad happen to them in the past. In the end, deep down, they all know God is real and they will have to face judgement eventually.

I did not know that.

Its because christians are free thinkers. That the goverment has a strick athisim enforced doctrine. Its hard to keep people down if thier god and his boy jesus tell them to love everybody.

and deep down, all christians know that thor is real and they will have to face his hammer eventually

>Tfw most vikings were converted to christanity

In an alt reality they conquered england and paris and eventually colonized north america.