Hey Sup Forums just recently (3 days ago) stopped smoking weed. mainly to piss clean for a decent job after college...

Hey Sup Forums just recently (3 days ago) stopped smoking weed. mainly to piss clean for a decent job after college. I've been smoking regularly for about 4 years now as well. Anything I should expect with this new sober life?

Hard to sleep, crazy dreams, way more energy

The dreams get wild for sure

boringness, clearheadedness, uncreativity, conformity, an unsubstantiated sense of self-righteousness

Yea probably the intense weird dreams for me...and mostly it just sucks..become alcoholic


It's best to try and keep yourself busy for the first couple of weeks.

After a couple days you'll notice that you're life is way better and you'll be more motivated to do other things. Im 11 days sober from 7 years of being a chronic user

Ive already had some fucking dreams that I couldent think of on shrooms man. I havent dreamed in like 3 years. I forgot how it gave me something to think about after I woke up.

Pic related me at south of the border before I became a useless fucking stoner.

You're going to notice that your friends aren't anywhere near as funny as you thought they were; they aren't.

You were high.

You would have laughed your ass off at anything.

you looked like a useless stoner before you actually became a useless stoner

life becomes so much more duller and it feels like there is waaaay too much time in the day

its also impossible to watch any anime anymore

I was more stoner looking before I stared smoking then I do now.

Pic related me with the fucking cheese wheel who got me into pot.

you question what youre still doing on Sup Forums and if you somehow choose to stay, you spend most of the time insulting others and bitching about all the god damn newfaggotry

lots and lots of boredom

stop posting photos of yourself youre making me gag


Also I use to fucking love Mystery Science Theater 3000 and being sober makes it sorta corny.

That it's gonna take like 2 weeks till your piss will be able to pass a urine test

I remember quitting after 6 years of smoking private reserve everyday by the ounces. The first month I kept asking myself over and over again - am I sober? Am I still high? Once you get past the first month it feels awesome to be able to think again. Its been 4 months since I gave it up and I feel like Im firing on all cylinders and even took up biking to drop the immense amount of weight I put on and fill the gap. It sucks that I cant stand any of the things I used to like but if you have a goal in mind, you'll be fine.

Don't give it up completely. Buy CBD products online to help you get all the weed benefits without getting high. Completely legal and undetectable in drug tests.

you may be cranky because you're not high, but just don't be a bitch about it. You'll be fine.

hard to sleep might get a little irritable and cranky. Other than that not too bad try Kratom to get by while you cant smoke worked wonders for a lot of my friends

Youll soon remember that food you used to eat all the time when you were high, actually tastes like shit. Also remember life can be boring and it will be. Youre not depressed, but things that are funny/interesting when youre high wont be all the time. Try and replace the time you smoked with something else, workout or go for a walk.

expect to not laugh at shit you previously found funny.
expect to lose friends you thought we're cool before but have become unbearable now.
expect to look down on people who waste their lives smoking pot to "get by" and not to have fun recreationally.
expect to become less tolerable of stupidity
expect to look back on your personality and cringe at the asshole you once were.

Do psydelics or drugs that get out of your system in 3 days..

Intense, vivid, sometimes terrifying dreams for about 2 weeks (this is my favorite part).

Maybe a bit more energy.

Not a whole lot else.

None of this is true. This guy is just a faggot.

huh, I've never had any noticeable differences in clarity or anything after quitting. I guess I wasn't the heaviest smoker in the past, just once a day and it was always before I slept, I wasn't one of those guys that would go the entire day baked.

Decreased appetite.

basically just intense vivid dreams for the first few weeks, decreased appetite and a lot of insomnia. That's basically it.

Had alcohol withdrawls and i couldn't smoke for around 45 days as it would give me increased heart rate, tremors, pale skin/dehydration, and warming and numbing in my face. I grow my own, never had better sleep off cannabis. The withdraws from alcohol gave me terrible nightmares, insomnia, and severe depression that lingered for months. I have insomnia and hadit since i was a kid so quiting both just made it worst. My dreams have always been clear on cannabis so i can't say i feel you their. And I've had major fatigue that cannabis helps for some odd reason?
The way i see it, different folks. Hope you find a good time being sober, i wish i could do that sometimes but im forced to smoke at night or take physically addictive medication that

You'll realize not having weed in your car all the time is a big relief. Also it's nice not being so damn high all the time.

Would mess me up in the long run

Same here, had to stop so I could find a job. Moved to a shit tier state and the mexicans have all the jobs, so I got clean to expand my options. No luck though. Tempted to break open this eighth I've had stored away.

Or maybe your a stuck up stereotypical faggot user.


I have been a chronic user for about 6 years and have quit twice for a couple months. I notice a lot of the symptoms above but the worst for me is not being able to shit right for the first month. Kind of like when I quit cigs, not quite as bad but still pretty bad.

As for the dreams...i honestly had a wet dream at the age of 25. It was so fucking vivid I was actually slightly depressed that it wasn't real life for a few minutes after I woke up. Been smoking daily again though, pretty hard not to when you live 3 blocks from a recreational dispensary.

More energy and more emotions, some things become more important that you gave a shit for in the past

I'm on a tolerance break for now, and I haven't smoked since yesterday.

I've actually been thinking more and more lately though, that since I'm about to graduate college I should stop for a while since I've been smoking multiple times daily for the past 4 years. Even after only about ~30 hours without smoking I do feel more clear headed. I fucking love being baked all day, but at the same time I can tell my tolerance is getting sky high..I'm not sure what I want to do though, I do have a vape that I've been using to keep me off cigars, but what are some good alternatives to weed?